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Hot Pictures from Del Mar County Fair Concert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Anonymous said...

Sexy! Sexy! Sexy!

Magiclady said...

Holy Shit!

Anonymous said...

tongue and chestgate.

tea said...

At first glance I thought he had a bird on his head in that last pic.

Anonymous said...

I only like photo 4.

Anonymous said...

Love them all, HOT!!

Anonymous said...

And I was there! Yes, he was sexy...Thud. His pants were sooo tight (which I didn't mind at all). His VOICE was incredible, I could not take my eyes off him the entire what else is new?


Anonymous said...

I was there too! And 'ditto' to everything you said CT! My daughter has been with me for 4 of his concerts and said his voice sounded better than all the other times - I agree. Also, that 1st pic is not from the Del Mar San Diego concert. L

Anonymous said...

Yes, he does look sexy, but if he got rid of the mustache, he would look sooo much sexxxier. It just does not suit his face. JMO sorry.

funbunn40 said...

Adam oozes sensuality and these pics capture it, but I also am missing that clean, shaven face, hoping he'll soon get bored with it and stray from the pack that is embracing the hairy look. It's pretty popular, but Adam usually bucks the trend. He still is the best looking man out there!

Anonymous said...

Adam usually bucks the trend... Buck Moon waning...

Anonymous said...

Adam is sexy with/without mustache!!:)

He is very appealing and full of charisma indeed!!


Anonymous said...

Much, much sexier without the mustache.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks unbelievably gorgeous in these pics! He should be on every cover of magazines throughout the world! Maybe once he is on Glee, we will see him on covers! I know Lea is a big fan of Adam's so I hope he gets a lot of time on Glee as a regular! That's my wish - I'm sure the money paid to Adam would be great! More exposure for him could translate to more respect for his music and being signed! I hope this happens in Adam's future soon! Hopefully, something is in the works and we don't know about it yet. nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I was at the Del Mar concert and drank it all in! I sat closer than I ever have before. Loved every single second. Hope Adam get lots of time on Glee. The world needs to see ALL his incredible talents.


HK fan said...

I adore pic 3, its my favourite picture for quite a while...despite the beard!!!! He just looks so joyful and carefree.....not to mention gorgeous:)

Anonymous said...

@ CT........JAK here......the voice was incredible because of the tight pants.....the tighter the pants the higher the notes!

Coincidentally, BB looks great in photo #3.....about the time of Noah and the great flood when I was modeling.....that pose was referred to as a BB shot (bathing beauty). If a photographer called for a BFF shot you knew he wanted a back full figure pose....peeking over your shoulder, they also referred to it as a "tease". I don't recall any LOL or WTF poses!

Anonymous said...

JAK you modeled? That is awesome. thanks for a great bit of info.

Anonymous said...

@JAK - You are too funny, yet full of fun facts! Luv all the personal info and luv the life you've lived! Us oldsters have L I V E D! You go grlllll!...nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Misty water colored memories.....

Anonymous said...

I loved that "model" pose when Adam did it onstage. He KNOWS what he does to us, doesn't he? He's got it, and he uses it!


Anonymous said...

@ nancdruuu2.......JAK here.....I intend to pack in as many adventures as I can before I exit for my eternal reward or punishment . I leave Saturday for my week at an archaeological dig on a plantation site on east coast near Cape Kennedy......traveling on a bus with university students and husband and son in law will come pick me up the next weekend and if I have survived they'll throw me in the back of the SUV with lots of pillows for the ride home. So excited I'm wishing the hours would go faster.

Adamluv said...

@Magiclady - LOL at "holy shit" and an amen sista! The last one is a keeper, just Adam and the mic stand. Thrilled to have seen all these poses in person - nothing compares to seeing/hearing Mr. Hotness in all his glory. Another "amen" is warranted! @JAK - sounds like a fun filled week. U definitely go gurl and come back with stories. PLEASE! . . . Adamluv