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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, July 13, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, July 13, 2013


Anonymous said...

Check this caption out from ChunkeyMonkey on Adam leaving RCA, OMG.. sooooo funny! P.S. If you don't like the F word, don't look at it.

Did Adam tweet "Bow Down"? I have a hard time telling who said what on


Anonymous said...

awwwww, Queen so amazing!

Anonymous said...

Help me out, guys!
Brian May's tweet / quote Adam saying "no covers album" (the tweet not visible here) - how do you interprete that and Adam's tweet above (bow down)?!
Does this mean that they won't collaborate any more or quite the opposite?!
I'm confused...

Anonymous said...

it means that he reveres Queen..and that they are probably working on something together..Adam, if not already, will have a new label soon. My thought is they are starting filming Glee later this month and the Idol job won't be announced until Sept..if Adam is only on Glee for 1 or 2 episodes it will leave him plenty of time to do Idol..and continue to write on the next album..time will only tell..but there are definitely excting things coming...

Anonymous said...

Onward and upward. The man has balls of steel.

Anonymous said...

Ryan S. is doing three shows at one time. Idol, a new game show and E. Adam can do two.

Anonymous said...

Either Adam is sending us secret messages or he was just remembering playing with Queen in London exactly one year ago.

Anonymous said...

The rest of the exchange with Nile should be here too:
Nile Rodgers ‏@nilerodgers
RT @adamlambert: @nilerodgers RUN FORREST RUN < Ha. See you soon my friend. You are KickA$$ & awesome. Hitting high Eb's without a wince >

Anonymous said...

that's right it has been one year since Adam did Queen, time flys.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, but I meant Dr Bri's tweet, please see his Twitter (can't post it from my phone right now). :)

Anonymous said...

IMO these tweets mean Adam is getting total support from his friends/icons Queen and Nile Rodgers. Sure sounds like a collab with Nile and possibly Sam Sparro again from other recent tweets. I think we've also heard from Brian May and Adam there's definitely something in the works with Queen "on the horizon" to quote Adam....maybe TV said Brian. Hopefully, these legends (Queen and NR) are giving Adam some great advice and support in this transitional time.


Anonymous said...

Hidden meanings in Adam and Niles tweet..Forrest, and run...hmmm....maybe means something to do with poem/lyric Adam sent out with trees in it?

Anonymous said...

9:52 I think it means run Adam run from the label.No hidden lyrics or anything.

Anonymous said...

I think it's approval of him running away from RCA.

Advice and support is great, how about some money or new label?

Anonymous said...

Nile doesn't have anything to do with a new label or money. Support and good advice priceless.

Anonymous said...

hey y'all give Adam and Angie duet some views, so close to one million now.

Adamluv said...

@NKLovesAdam - I always check daily the home planet. And yes, chunkymonkey is hysterical. Will go to the site after finishing here at 24/7. Thanks for the heads up. Love reading the tweets from mega talented artists who support Adam. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

This show us that adam is not doing this for money!

Anonymous said...

Great story from Backlot and they made a cute pic for the story :)

Adam Lambert Dumps RCA, Prepares Glitter Rocket For Relaunch

Anonymous said...

8:06 AM: It's the 40th anniversary of Queens debut album today. Sure that's what Adam is referring to.

Anonymous said...

9:13, do you mean this tweet?
BrianMayCom ‏@brianmaycom 15h
"My heart is simply not in doing a covers album." @AdamLambert Walks Away from RCA (Exclusive) via @THR

If this is the one you mean it is just a quote from the article and a link to the article. This twitter account is for Brian's website and the account is managed by an editor. I don't think it means much more than information and maybe support for the decision.

Anonymous said...

11:12, I bet you are right. I thought Adam was referring to the show in London one year ago but the 40th anniversary makes more sense.

Anonymous said...

I have had quite a chuckle over the descriptions of Adams (balls) from hairy, steel, large, etc.
I tell you he has no privacy! LOL

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....That does it, I simply must quit taking off for a day or so, here and there, too much happening in the world of Glambert! : )

Anonymous said...

I immediately thought of the Frank Ocean song he did on that awards show (re Run Forrest Run -it was really odd)

Anonymous said...

On twitter they are saying more news coming Monday about Adam.

Anonymous said...

ChunkeyMonkey always cracks me up! She's written some great articles. So nice to read tweets from Brian and Nile. Hope those relationships last a very long time. Adam's plate is full of good things. He has respect for himself and others have respect for him.


Anonymous said...

More coming Monday about Adam??? How can my heart stand it??? LOL. Hope it's more good news.


Anonymous said...

Now Billboard will announce more news about Adam on Monday. Yay!

Anonymous said...

@12:01 PM but he has BALLS!

Anonymous said...

Check all the reports about Adam leaving RCA:

Anonymous said...

Ryan S and a lot of others are doing more shows but Adam is a singer song writer that takes a lot of time plus hoping for a big tour.That is the difference between Adam & Ryan which really no comparison.

Anonymous said...

@11:12 and @11:15
Thank you both so very much (was at work, could not stay on line, lol)

Adam's the Ultimate Gentleman & Bad Ass, all in the same beautifully wrapped package! :)))

Anonymous said...

Sorry, exhausted...
Above was me, 8:06 and 9:13

PS. If all this grazy train hula-baloo continues I'll be whisked from Adamville to

Urethra_Franklin said...

Oh what's this? Industry professionals with a long ass track record of brilliance and respect who love working with Adam. OIC. FU RCA!

Anonymous said...

oh dear we have to wait for 'more news' on Monday??? the suspense, the suspense...

Leilani Aloha said...

"Bow Down" to Queen!!!
Adam has great respect & admiration for Queen!!!:)
We love Queen 2, first heard "We will rock You" Queen's albulm on my way to London from my boyfriend then way back in the 80s!!! now my darling hubby of 32yrs!!! alive, rocking & kicking , we both simply love Adam's music & everything about ADAM!!!

leilani Aloha said...

Great sense of humor! double meaning
"Run Forrest Run" Ha! ha!
Adam's strong, bold & Smart to run away from RCA!!!

Adam believe in yourself, u r not a robot. It's not about making lots of $$$ & being misearable!
Great respect to Adam!!! Always true to himself!!!
Will support you wherever your path leads you to:)

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I'm glad we're not getting anything more thrown at us until Monday. I need the rest.

Jadam NZ said...

You guys crack me up. We are all so excited. Its great to read all the upbeat and funny comments.
With the GLEE thing the way it was worded in the tweet from Ryan Murphy I immediately thought he was joining the fulltime cast.Obviously it maynot be but I hope so, just an appearance is good every episode will be beyond my wildest hopes for him.
Its all happening people.

Anonymous said...

thank you Adam for being the most fascinating man on earth.....cannot wait for what is next

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert deserves to do anything he wants. I aodre him and hope that all of his dreams come true!

Anonymous said...

Care to read details of what went down this past week, read this recap:

Anonymous said...

Nos. of hits on Google as of now is:

76,400,000 hits

Anonymous said...

Why am I just finding out that Adam's mouth gif of "eggs, listerine" etc. was his hint of being signed on to Glee?

I guess I missed a few threads!

Anonymous said...

The Real Paula Abdul ‏@paulaabdul
.@adamlambert fans I see you! I'm not surprised at all that Adam will be on @gleeonfox! As always I'm MOST proud! xoP

Anonymous said...

IshineWenIwanaShine ‏@iluvadamrokgod 2m
Thnx Have2have! RT @quietretreat Anyone worried about Adam Lambert's future has never seen him STRUT!

Anonymous said...

SmithDavid @smithdavid787
Using my @adamlambert fan, from the San Diego concert, to cool down while working out. Wooo-wee! #Glambert

Anonymous said...

What happens to The Official Adam Lambert Site?

Anonymous said...

I keep thinking of the Mamas and the Papas song, "Monday, Monday." Can't wait for the news on Monday, whatever it is! All this buzz is killing me.


Anonymous said...

Could be he gave an interview to billboard same time as he wrote the letter to Shirley and just answered some questions for them about his future plans. That seems more likely to me than any big announcement.

Anonymous said...

6:07 my thinking exactly.

Anonymous said...

6:01, I expect Adam's management to take over the responsibility for it.

Anonymous said...

Read more:

Adam Lambert - July 19th Tickets Moved to Will Call

Hello Everyone,

This is a one-time informational email for the upcoming Adam Lambert event taking place on July 19th in Paso Robles, CA at The California Mid State Fair - to inform you that your concert tickets have been moved to WILL CALL.

Your concert tickets will be left under the name:

Please remember to bring a valid form of photo ID to claim these tickets.

If this is not the person that will be attending the event, please contact our Customer Support no later than 5:00 PST on Wednesday, July 17th by submitting a request at or by calling 877-GND-CTRL (Monday-Friday, 7am-6pm PST).

Be safe and have a great time at the show!

tea said...

Anonymous said...

5:45 were they selling fans at the S.D. concert?

Anonymous said...

O.k., now I will admit I have had a few drinks, ( family pool/grill out) today.

I am trying to follow this thread, why are you guys saying that something may come out Monday about Adam?

Please help me!


glitzylady said...

A group of fans had the "Adam" heart shaped fans made, via contributions from other fans, and handed them out at the Del Mar Hilton ("Glambert Central :)) ) and at the Fair venue right before the concert. They were to show Adam support and love.

Adamluv said...

@Glitzlady - I have mine and now have to decide where to display it. Very kind gesture on the part of those that made the fans and those that passed them out. Got mine from the super enthusiastic fan that was on The Talk and played the song game with Adam. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

tea, please tell us what you post the link to so we know if we are interested in going to see what it is.

glitzylady said...

Yes, I know who you are speaking of.. Tanisha .. very sweet person...

tea said...

@7:28 PM Don't waste your time.
Trust me, you're not interested in it. I thought it was about Queen. I would like to know how to delete my posts that I goof up. How do some people do it?

Anonymous said...

tea if you find out let me know I wrote a few comments here when I first woke up and wished I could have deleted them lol

glitzylady said...

Sign up for a google acct. I have one (which is what the weird red stylized "g" stands for in front of my name...). You can then delete your comment. Comes in handy once in awhile when I flub up something. :))))

Go to to sign up. Easy :))

daydreamin said...

Tanisha is very sweet:)
I love blogger. They have a good code of conduct too.

Anonymous said...

Nile is one hell of an awesome guy and I love Adam to the max. So darn proud of him! Adam, AS ALWAYS,
stands true to himself! Hell of a guy I say!

tea said...

Ahhh, mystery solved. ;) Thank you for the delete information. I'll look into it but don't know what I'll do yet. You'll know by my upcoming posts which way I decided.

Anonymous said...

Greatness coming Adams way.
We just have to wait.

Anonymous said...

Nile Rodgers is a beautiful guy.
AND not forgetting the might of Brian May too. Both incredible mentors who are legends within the industry. Adam has some mighty strength backing him.

Anonymous said...

Adam is bloody fearless. Love him so much.

Anonymous said...

'Bow Down'!!!