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Legendary Darren Hayes (Savage Garden): "Totally support and admire Adam Lambert"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, July 12, 2013

Posted at : Friday, July 12, 2013


Anonymous said...

Amen brothas......
Adam is a beast in business acumen.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam made a difficult but beneficial in the long term, move. Yea a little sad but if a deal does not augur well then it's not very inspiring to his work in furthering his own brand of creativity in song and music. An all-covers album is not lucrative because after paying all the royalties and a big cut to RCA, he'll probably be left with less than half of the profits and that is really not worth it when Adam always gives off more than 100% of his work. On top of that he will have to serve the whims and fancies of RCA as to how and what covers are to be done. But it's good Adam acknowledged what RCA had helped him achieve so far. Looking forward to his 3rd album, will be excellent...have no fear. :)


Anonymous said...

Adam... Climb every mountain...Cross every stream...Follow every rainbow...Till you find your dream... (Sound of Music).


Anonymous said...

He absolutely did the right thing, have thought for awhile they just were not the right label for him, at this point in his life. He got many friends, Queen ect. He hugely talented he will find a new liable that will help him grow to the star he deserves to be. glee will help get him so much, so happy for that. He hugely talented will find a new label,being on TV with Glee will certainly help and having lots of connections in music business will help. He may have been in talks already. Sure some nasties will say this that and the other, I believe Adam made the choice and it happened just as he said.Adam is a world star, I believe trespassing sold well abroad, but RCA messed up single selection everything else. Trespassing was a wonderful album still is. KC had lots if trouble with them before, guess she still with them but in early part if her career she had lots if struggles. kA, DC totally different were not world wide sold way less overall that Adam, do not believe they had any choice. I only care about Adam and I think this is what he needed to do, I to can rest easy. I think Glee will do a lot for Adam, in many directions do not think be long before he gets new record comp. with all his talent and connections in music business. I totally proud of you Adam and I felt if the story was true you would walk away and I think it was a blessing in disguise. I totally back you 100 percent, now u rest easy, in this decision. Love Adam Sue, cannot wait for Glee and others things to come, I feel good things are really on the horizon now! I will rest easy too, sorry for mistakes quite tired! Sue

Anonymous said...

I not saying anything that bad about RCA, but just is not the right for Adam right now that obvious. Everything be ok. I think some people said on another post they were right this that and other. Shouting gloom and Doom was not the right way to handle anything. Should have trusted Adam to handle the situation correctly and he did. Everything will turn out ok. With the friends and connections he has he will find another record L. glee and other good things coming, it gonna be fine. I going to bed good night Sue!

Anonymous said...

You seem to have got back quite a lot of your health/strength; good to know that. Yes sleep is good for recovery; all the best. :)


Anonymous said...

Sue, is it necessary to bring up other entertainers names in all your comments? And how do you know how Adam did world wide in record sales?

Anonymous said...

Right on, Darren!
Thank you for supporting Adam, a true to himself artist all the way!

Anonymous said...

Sue, if you are talking about my comment I said Adam had been very classy about what he said about leaving RCA. I don't care what you say about RCA here but I think it looks bad on the THR site and other sites like that to trash RCA. Adam is always classy and nice. Too bad his fans can't be that way in public forums as well. They are trashing RCA and anybody who disagrees with them.

Anonymous said...

Darren Hayes hails from my home town, Brisbane (Australia). Not a fan but he's a big supporter of Adam. He's a singer/songwriter, married to his partner and they live in London.

lorraine said...

I just read Nile Roger's tweet to Adam--"Adam, you are one of the most amazing singers I've ever worked with." Then he wrote a quote from Forrest Gump "and that's all I have to say about that."

I have a feeling that Nile isn't the only one in the music world who will be having Adam's back during this transitional time for him. So wonderful to know how loved and admired Adam is by so many . My blanket will feel extra warm and cuddly thinking of Adam tonight-and I hope his feels that way, too!

Anonymous said...

Nile Rodgers ‏@nilerodgers 1h
@adamlambert Yo Adam, you're one of the most amazing singers I've ever worked with! "And that's all I have to say about that"~Forrest Gump

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 58m
@nilerodgers RUN FORREST RUN

Nile Rodgers ‏@nilerodgers 57m
RT @adamlambert: @nilerodgers RUN FORREST RUN < Ha. See you soon my friend. You are KickA$$ & awesome. Hitting high Eb's without a wince >

Anonymous said...

Darren Hayes is "INSATIABLE" (love that track) Adam is addicting. Two great guys.

Anonymous said...

Did you guys see Dr Brian May's tweet!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam has been a master networker the past four years. He's has met LOTS of music industry people, singers, producers, writers. The all seem to like and respect him a great deal. He's made it his business to get to know them. This should pay off for him at times like this. Love Nile's tweet. He is a big Adam fan. Adam is jumping from a major label, but I think opportunities will present themselves. I think if Adam did NOT leave RCA, he would regret it. He has integrity. He'll find a label that will support him strongly and finally get his own music out there. He's looking toward the future.


Anonymous said...

The best news is that Adam IS working on new music with good people. We've been worrying that he hasn't even been working on music, but he has.

Anonymous said...

Think this was the only decision he could of made.....I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't already have an idea where he's going ...Adam usually has more up his sleeve then some kickass tats..... can't wait to see where this ride will take us....this maybe a wild straight to the top ride I think I'll go ahead and fasten my seatbelt and find something solid to hold on to .....rose petal

How r u doing ... I've been underneath off and on lately but doing ok now .... do excited for Glee.... Peace to u .....rose petal

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam takes care of the $700 sunglasses, getting signed by another label quickly is not a sure thing. He may miss the perks of being under the wing of RCA. I'm sure he weighed the consequences of what he is giving up to the frustration of being under the thumb of RCA. However all the pats on the back he's getting don't mean a cash inflow.
Now I'm really hoping his contract with Glee is for many appearances. Another tour may be distant.

Anonymous said...

I brought up those other names because on that THR and inane other places there has been just awful remarks on a continuing bases about Adam from What the people who post there call KA or DC fans about Adam.let this be made very clear I did not comment one time on that site. Any remarks about RCA being made on these various news site have not been made by me. I never comment on them I only one time ages ago did I ever comment on any other site other than this. I made no comments about RCA or anyone or anything on any site other than this one. The upper two comments are only ones about that. I have read quite a few comments on here last few days In reference to what those former idol fans have said about Adam never heard anyone care then. I wish all of them the good luck but maybe there fans should watch what they comment about Adam on as well. Adam did the right thing, it all gonna come out ok. Cannot wait to see him on glee. Thanks Lam-my I better but not better enough to argue with people. I proud of Adam I feel this will all work out for the best,real opportunities are coming for Adam, I so feel that. glee is one if them. Sue

Anonymous said...

I think Adam does have something in his sites, nothing ever easy. I think he known for a while and perhaps has been in talks with others before leaving RCA. rose Pedal I hope your feeling better i had many struggles doing a bit better. I always miss you, when not here. Sue

Anonymous said...

There is absolutely no need for nasty sunglasses references and other gloomy comments. glee is not only thing but its a good one,pretty sure will see some queen also. I think his stint on glee will help his career quite a bit. There is a concert this week, I believe may be last of the summer may not, he will have to start taping glee, end of the month. He did what he had to.

Anonymous said...

We have no idea what Adam has planned but I'm sure all will turn out fine for him.

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of Adam for doing what is right for him. Glad to know his good friends have his back! Adam is not one to act hastily so I'm pretty sure there are many exciting things coming that we don't know about. Glee was something that was under the radar and I think it's just the beginning for Adam. Good for him to keep things under his hat. Sometimes you don't need everyone to know what you're up to. Good Luck Adam! We're all behind you!
Love You! - nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...


Adam is one person who acts impulsively when his adrenaline is working on high gear just like that regrettable AMA.
But hopefully not on major decisions like leaving a label and I trust him on this because he is a strategist.

Anonymous said...

Will the AMAs ever die for some of you? I forget it until someone here brings it up again. Do you dredge up the past to all your friends and relatives all the time too? It's done. Move on.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.......A few years before Adam entered my life, Darren Hayes was my guy for all seasons. Love his voice and was so pleased that when Adam came along Darren praised his voice and style. My playlist on iPad is filled with their them both To The Moon And Back ( a plug for Darren!)

Anonymous said...

Adam has stated in that letter, about the success if both FYI and trespassing. He has also stated from time to time that it trespassing did well abroad. He also done several large award shows in Asia. Some singles went to no. 1 such as CC in Finland. It pretty obvious it sold better abroad than here. Mostly do to Better promotion there than here. I never comment in any site but this one but I read them, and those ex idol fans have been nasty has heck. Lots if untrue things about but no one allow to say stuff about them. Adam been with RCA 14 months after trespassing release he chose not to do this cover album rightly so. Those other idols parted ways 5 ,6 months after album those fans trying act like it the same thing it is not. I have a right to take up for Adam when those fans of other idol or slandering the hell out if Adam., some are quite obsessed with Adam. They know where he lives and everything he does. I could care less about there idols and what they do. 12.39 I do not bring up those idol names in all my comments, not true at all. Would have drop it there , but for your comments. Maybe these x idol fans need to show more respect for Adam if they want it back. You seem to just read what you want, Adam fans trashing RCA but skipping over the many parts if X Idol fans harshly and wrongly trashing Adam. I heard many complaints about it and read comments on it this week. Maybe if you paid more attention to his career if you are a fan, you see by the concerts award shows ect. That Adam album did pretty darn good quite few countries. But, I DONOT have to prove zero to you! By the way if your gonna constantly call out same person, please sign your name and show a little character. Like I said before you cannot stay very long at a time, my health is more important, than arguing with non fans.Adam did what he had to do, and I am behind him all the way always will be I am a fan. Sue

Anonymous said...

OMG Darren Hayes too was my music of choice. It is very sexy music. I am not suprised that he is a supporter of Adam.

Jadam NZ said...

Yup, me to love Darren Hayes, my latest song of his I love is Bloodstained Heart, really great.
I am happy he is aware and loves Adam to.
Exciting times on this rollercaoster ride that is Adam Lambert fandom.

Anonymous said...

Takes pure guts to do what Adam did!
Hope he heared the YES!!!! from our home because we knew he'd never stand for that cover stuff in a million years.

Anonymous said...

Fans have been more concerned about the 'GB' than his music of late. Time to rally around the Glambert.

Anonymous said...

Only trolls and ignorant non-fans call Adam 'the Glambert'... Put at least a capital T in 'the'... :(