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"Never Close Our Eyes" Nearing 16 Million Views With No Promos

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, July 21, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, July 21, 2013


Anonymous said...

Wow, good show! These are two of my favourite songs/videos...Never Close Our Eyes (16 million views), Better Than I Know Myself (13 million)! Both these videos show depth and great artistic symbolic significances.


Anonymous said...

I was at the store yesterday and heard BTIKM.... My friend just stared at me with amusement indeed!:)


Anonymous said...

I love both these songs a great deal and the Better Than I Know Myself video clip reveals what a wonderful actor Adam is - I adore it - and I'd love to see Adam act in a dramatic movie role. <3

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam can act, but I don't care at all. If he wants to do a musical Julius Caesar, it's fine with me.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if Adam is confident of his acting ability because he always wants to play himself and has said he would need acting lessons. It could be because he would be "picky" about his part as he should be. I know Adam does not want to play a gratuitous role. After seeing Adam in his music videos, I feel he could play any character just fine. I can't wait to see what happens in Glee!

Anonymous said...

Adam can't' act? You got to be kidding. Adam was in theater. He is great at it. As he is great at singing.

Anonymous said...

Just think what the view numbers would be if these songs had really been promoted!!! It's truly amazing how well Adam has done overall without major promotion. He manages to stay righy in there. I pray that a new label will give him the support he needs to get his songs (and videos) to the top.


Anonymous said...

I think Adam could be a pretty good actor with some professional lessons that who knows he may be in the process now.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam could be a pretty good actor with some professional lessons that who knows he may be in the process now.

Anonymous said...

Adam was in musical theater, no one can deny that voice, but acting, not so much. The bad split personality on BTIKM showed no acting talent nor have any of his mv performances. The singing is super, the looks are divine but acting..he will need lots of coaching before he should play anything but himself.

Anonymous said...

Adam had to have a screen test somewhere along the line for Glee so I think they know exactly what they are working with and it must not be hopeless. lol

Anonymous said...

And still no radio play on this awesome song. Someone should investigate this disgraceful situation. I turn on the radio and all I fear are Almaty Perry's old songs. Is payola alive and thriving? It's all BS. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

Adam needs acting lessons immediately as he was totally unbelievable as himself in PLL. I only want him to suceed in everything he does and acting is not his strong point.

Anonymous said...

totally unbelievable saying hardly anything dressed as a vampire?

Cheril said...

I loved Adam in PLL. Adam, as he describes himself, has an exaggerated persona of himself on stage. Many say he is a really, "sweet", nice guy. I absolutely believe he was being himself on PLL.I absolutely believe he would pick a cute girl out that is by herself and try to make her feel part of the party. He can ask me to come to his show anyday...Loved his part in Wicked. It takes a lot of guts to get in front of the world and be judged at anything you do. Adam's talented and I believe in whatever he wants he will accomplish it. There are enough people trying to hold him down. Really hate to come on here and here judgemental statements about his acting. Can't wait for Glee. I hope Adam will be on PLL again this Halloween.

Cheril said...

Guess I saw a different BTIKM video because for me it was great. I loved the concept of the good/bad in all of us fighting it out. Each part had to be exaggerated to emphasize the conflict. He did a great acting job. Also,loved the Time for Miracles video. NCOE Great video. Great song.

Anonymous said...

Shall we agree to disagree? I don't think he's
an actor, but I think he's a spectacular performer!!! <3

Anonymous said...

of course he is not an actor yet, give him time.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so blessed with so much talents and he is a consummate showman.
But in acting, it has to be restrained and that's one thing Adam has to learn because he has such a bubbling exuberant persona.
On stage, that's just fine but not on screen, he will have to stop being himself this time.
I wish him success in all endeavour and I know Adam can do anything, just give him time.