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New Adam Lambert Interview with The Advocate

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, July 12, 2013

Posted at : Friday, July 12, 2013



glitzylady said...

Interesting tweet from Brad Bessey, Executive Producer of "OMG! Insider" (and Adam fan...he's a Glambert)

When asked today by a good friend of mine, Glenda @KonaFlower on twitter re Adam on Glee, he had THIS to say:

Glenda ‏@konaflower
@BradBessey So what do you think of the news that Adam Lambert has joined the cast of Glee for next season?

Brad Bessey
.@konaflower Well..I'm picturing an overall @FOXTV deal fir @adamlambert that includes @GLEEonFOX & @AmericanIdol (my guess, not confirmed)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well that is a very interesting comment from an insider, so to speak.

My gosh, if Adam were to be an AI judge or mentor, I really think I would have a drop attack. That would be almost too much to comprehend, on top of Glee.

Now the suspense in waiting for the announcement of judges.


Anonymous said...

Get out of town !! lol

Anonymous said...

JAK would be an advantageous move. Fame on Glee would bring new fans to that program.....Adam has a glamorous aura......that would bring a new fan base with him to rejuvenate the panel of judges and audience for Idol. A win win situation. This has certainly potentially spiced up our lives as Glamberts..........Very interesting......^o^

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for Adam, but as I have said before, I think Adam knew a little about some of this early this year. I truly feel it had a lot to do with his split with Sauli, not only would he not have enough time for a proper relationship, with anyone, but Sauli hated all the paps stuff, and now it will be 10 time worse. I am sure he is very proud of Adam too. There will be less privacy for Adam now, than there was before. Hopefully Adams career will settle into a better routine, so that he can have some privacy too, even if he is a huge super star. Right now he cannot turn down anything that will promote his singing, acting or whatever. In time he will have a loving relationship again, he will need it to complete his life.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam is Going to get and assistant or Bodyguard

glitzylady said...

Adam already has an assistant, and often has a bodyguard or two when making appearances....

Anonymous said...

Think of the one-two punch that a Fox deal for Adam melding Glee with Idol would create. For the worldwide franchise of both shows, the synergy would open the floodgates for a global charismatic artist they've been so thirsty to see and hear from. Adam on television would create the fanbase for A3 that would force radio to drop their guard, as they begin to "get" Adam which from a business perspective would realize what a cash magnet he will have become as Adam's fanbase grows exponentially. Not being greedy, and am already ecstatic with the Glee gig, but in a case where "more is less", taking advantage of Adam's demand worldwide will feed even more demand. Adam is no ordinary artist, because he has so wide and mighty artistic range to be one for the ages and for all, as he conquers hearts and minds one fan at a time, one beautiful note at a time. atm

glitzylady said...

Exactly!! And completely true. I also have to admit that I'm greedy :) Not only would love to see Adam on my 50 inch HD TV on a regular basis but even more than that, I wish him nothing but WONDERFUL and amazing things: ie success, happiness, and as you said, worldwide appreciation and recognition for his music, past, present and future. So yeah, greedy for Adam.....

Fingers crossed.....

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking that AI is not yet out of the picture. If the AI peeps are paying attention at all, they are seeing what a reaction the media having to Adam being on Glee. Adam's value is skyrocketing right now. Idol might want to grab him while the pot is boiling. He could certainly do both jobs. Brad Bessey's commment is very interesting. It shows that even he is thinking that Idol could give Adam the job. I keep telling myself to stay calm about it, because it very well may not happen, but it sure is still simmering. I just want to see Adam on talk shows and interviews and other TV where a broad audience has a chance to finally "get" him.

Funny how these shows seem to be just now waking up to Adam. We've been shouting his name from the rooftops all this time, and finally, something happens.

10:26, Amen to all you said. Esp. the international aspect. Adam is a strong identity in other countries. Nice market to tap, both for Glee and for Idol.

DRG (still stunned, but recovering)

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, I am as greedy as you are. I just can't get enough. Glee needs a ratings boost, although it's still a strong show. The reaction to Adam joining the show is amazingly strong and positive. It will be interesting to see how the ratings change. The Idol gig would be a one-two punch. I'm still kinda giddy.


Anonymous said... guys have me tearing up..I love Adam so much..this publicity has given him a shot in the arm, and will certainly expand his horizons..slightly OT - I watched most of 'Velvet Goldmine' on TV last nite and there are so many things depicted in this film that it seems Adam has adopted..even that broad rimmed hat (featured on the back of TP CD..he has said that this is his favorite film..

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how many people I mention Adam will be on Glee this season even though I may have gotten glances when I berted over Adam they all say they will now have to watch Glee cause Adam will be on how great is this

Anonymous said...

I wonder if filming has started?? please PTB clue us in..we have to wait 2 whole monts b/4 Glee starts!

Anonymous said... excited I cannot spell correctly

Anonymous said...

One of the many Glee articles had a comment I found funny. It said now Russell Crowe will get a chance to critique Adam's acting.

Anonymous said...

I read that it starts on the 15th of this month, but it did not say when Adam would be needed, or if it would be NYC or LA. It will depend what role they put him in. They might have changed their minds as to how much he will be on, since the world is so excited about seeing him on Glee. Also if AI was not sure if they wanted Adam as a judge, they also might have made a definite decision now, because of the re-action of Adam being on Glee. AI so needs someone who will boost their audience. Adam is the obvious answer. If asked, I hope he can juggle the work load.

Anonymous said...

I think FOX wants to shift its position as conservative to more accepting of all kinds network just like other networks. Having Adam onboard will help them do that. This will effect the radios where once was a democratic open forum for all kinds. Still radio is considered the easiest medium to get your information and young kids stay away from it because of its old fashion approach. Already TV and Internet are intertwin except radio. One giant step will make this happen and FOX will do it. That's why having Adam on this network is a great thing. We know he is one of a kind and he will be huge. Remember the radio manager talk before Adam's performance on KISS radio in Boston. Adam is special and I honored to be his fan. Fans will have his back and give him support.

Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong....I'm thrilled for Adam, but as far as FOX changing their "colors"...I say Mr. Murdoch is only concerned about rolling in the dough. Why else would he carry Seth McFarlane's comedies?

Anonymous said...

You guys have probably seen this, but thought it was most appropriate with the current state of affairs.

Adam Lambert is the best live performer in the entertainment industry today. He is the voice of this generation. Lambert's vocals are untouchable and he is more than just a superb singer. Lambert's extraordinary natural gift has been fine tuned with skillful technique and combined with his audacious showmanship. Lambert's raw sexual energy is reminiscent of young Elvis. The young Elvis parallel is completed by Lambert's blue eyed, six foot one inch of strutting, sexy, hip grinding Alpha male. Around the world fans are mesmerized and chanting his name, yet in his own country Lambert is treated like the red haired stepchild of the music industry. Award shows ignore him. Radio stations will not play his music. What will it take for Adam Lambert to get the acknowledgement he deserves in the good old US of A? Will the catalyst be "monkey see, monkey do"?

It is an anomaly that Adam Lambert, an undisputed world-class vocal talent, capable of fronting the legendary music of Queen, is still struggling to make his mark in the US. No doubt that there are social - political - corporate interest working against him, but it is my contention that Lambert is unstoppable.

Adam Lambert has undeniable assets, talent, charm, intelligence, beauty, style, character, personality, wit, and mind-boggling sex appeal. It is impossible to camouflage his assets. How long can the US media battle with the force of critical mass in the universe? Surly they will lose. It will not be long until the 100 monkeys have changed the outcome and Adam Lambert's becomes a universal star that the United States cannot ignore.


Anonymous said...

So are we Geekberts or Glamgeeks????

Anonymous said...

To put it short:
Most of the rest of the world has welcomed Adam with open arms a long time ago - nice to see that US is finally waking up to the fabulosity if AFL!!!
It's about time, don't ya think?!!?!!

Internationally Adam has been called a SUPERSTAR eons ago, lol!

tea said...

@11:58 AM
Since Adam is forever and Glee is passing thru, it's got to be Glambert all the way.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh gee people are going off the deep end here. I seem to recall brad Bessey wanted adam to get the idol job last year as well. there is no reason to think this will happen.

Anonymous said...

that was LAST year....its a new day..

Anonymous said...

The power of positive thinking, can do wonders!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry to use greedy folks!!:)

Sometimes we can't help it right??

This is the time for U.S.A to recognize Adams talent and for sure they will regret it....

Adam is a pure diamond to keep and don't ever let him go this time around!!!

FIESTA for all the fans around the

I'm just so happy for him:)


Anonymous said...

@11:44am. Rolling the dough will be much bigger when the network is all inclusive and not just cater to specific group. FOX is the only TV network known for its conservative point of view all around. Its rating is lower than all other networks. IMO since the network is going global like all others, it is trying to change its image. Progress. Not digress.

Anonymous said...

They will not regret it!!:)

Sorry about this..... Too much excitement....!!:)


Anonymous said...

More radio play for Adam. More spins. More sales. More new music. More more more Adam.

Anonymous said...

As his publicist tweeted, this is just the beginning. We'll hear more great news to flail about.

Anonymous said...

Sauli seemed to handle the paps fine, he was on a finnish reality show so used to cameras. what did I miss?

Anonymous said...

NKlovesAdam 10:50am ... what a supersonic write-up of Adam! It captures everything we've thought about Adam, and the 100 monkey theory is excellent. Adam's talent will be the big winner in the future. Everyone (well, 99.9% of us, anyway)is blown away by this man when they get to see and hear him - talking or singing. The Diva gig also helped show his acting ability. So funny. Thank you for posting this great read!

xo larua

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:29 PM
I think we know this Idol thing may or not happen. But what's the harm in thinking of the possibility?? Either way, I'm excited for Adam and whatever opportunities come his way. :))

tea said...

I don't think this has been posted yet. The article has lots of speculation on possible rolls for Adam.

Anonymous said...

We are probably a month or two away from a judges announcement. There have been no new rumors about what the new team wants to do about judges.

Anonymous said...

First thing on this article, he says, how much he loves his fans. Oh Adam we love you too. So much!

Anonymous said...

GLEE starts filming Season 5 on July 29th.

Anonymous said...

SNL are you listening ?????

Anonymous said...

LOL tweet of the day from one funny fan, Chunkey. Love her blog.


Anonymous said...

I can just imagine Ryan Murphy sitting back and watching the VH1 DIVA tape, and the PLL tape, and tapes of Adam's concerts - and thinking I WANT HIM FOR GLEE !!!!

Anonymous said...

american horror story would be cool

glitzylady said...

And....perhaps an "Adam Lambert Music" themed episode on Glee :)))

lorraine said...

@ 11:50 Thank you for posting that 100th Monkey Theory. Touched my heart deeply. Every word is so true. I wonder how many people who have chuckled { with condescension} or rolled their eyes at any mention I've made about Adam over the past 4 years-or quickly tossed aside his albums that I gave them as gifts -without listening to them-or the most cutting experience yet-seeing my beloved brother post on facebook, "my dear sister,so enamored by Adam Lambert and his "bubble gum music," will see Adam in a different light now that he is having some acceptance ,FINALLY, by the music world in his own country!!!!!
After I met Adam in SD last week and now have his beautiful smile in my mind forever, none of this really matters. I'm one of the lucky ones.I "get" Adam and have, since 2009!

Anonymous said...

I am so with you @4:29 ...but my peeps are now saying oh yeah now they will start watching Glee..I love Adam forever and am so excited for things to come

Anonymous said...

LMAO to this tweet:

@vecadam :

Llllooooollllllllll!!!! “@kiwibertling: Lol I wonder how many people are excited because the maroon 5 dude will be on glee #surprise”

Anonymous said...

Some people sure do like being the know it all braggart.

Anybody have a comment on the article?

Anonymous said...

Before people go on much more with FOX, the FOX network and FOX News are both owned by 21st Century Fox but obviously have two very different agendas.

Also, that monkey story was proven to be false. The author admitted he made up parts of it.

I'm going to take Brad Bessey's comment with a grain of salt because he is a gossip show guy and a fan and said it's what he wishes. We may too but I don't want to see a bunch of disappointed fans when it doesn't happen.

Now I'll go read The Advocate and see what Adam has to say.

Anonymous said...

Nice interview with Adam and The Advocate. Looking forward to the day everybody is over it.

Anonymous said...

Nice interview with Adam and The Advocate. Looking forward to the day everybody is over it.

Anonymous said...

Canadian, please stop with the put downs of the US accepting Adam. You never have any facts to back up your slams and I'm tired of reading it.

Anonymous said...

Canadian, please stop with the put downs of the US accepting Adam. You never have any facts to back up your slams and I'm tired of reading it.

Anonymous said...

Debbie Downer is back... ):

Anonymous said...

She is not putting down the U.S., she is right! What did she say that wasn't true? I am from the U.S and I completely agree with her.

Anonymous said...

It was just a year ago that Adam performed with Queen at Hammersmith. Not many people knew about those concerts and I just pulled up the video to watch it again. Such a vocal powerhouse who was amazing on that stage with Brian and Roger. Now with his role on Glee, many more individuals will get to see what we as his fans from day one have known all along. It's time that Adam Lambert gets the recognition and success he so deserves here in the USA. We have to catch up with his international following who absolutely love him and come in the thousands to see him perform.

Anonymous said...

Is this here yet? The Backlot has ideas for Adam's role on Glee. Pretty funny.

And for the record I'm sick of Canadians constant put downs of the US too. Not worth giving all the examples of why Canadian is wrong.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:34 PM,

Thanks my dear!:) U understood my message:)

@ 6:16 PM,

If u know English you will understand my message indeed!!

I just forgot to add the word "not" and I'm not slamming anything about it.

If you scroll, I left another message about my sentence ok!!

FYI I only respect people who respect my Adam Lambert how about that???? Satisfied??? Hope so!!


glitzylady said...

HOLY SHIT!!! MAJOR ADAM LAMBERT NEWS: we go: Adam just left RCA: read this letter he wrote to the Hollywood Reporter:

"Dear Shirley,
Thank you for your continued interest in, and support of, my musical career. After reading your article on July 8th, and seeing the very impassioned responses, I thought it would be good to write and let you know what is actually happening with my next album.
I've had an amazing few years working with the team at RCA; I admire all of them a great deal, and truly appreciate the energy & enthusiasm that went into making both "Trespassing" & "For Your Entertainment" successes.
That said, at this point, we are indeed having the oft-cited "creative differences" as to what my next project will be. Your article was correct, the label is "pushing for an (80's) covers album," and feels that this is the only kind of release they are prepared to support. While there are lots of great songs from that decade, my heart is simply not in doing a covers album.
Over the past four years, I have been truly fortunate to work with an amazing roster of producers, writers and engineers. Thanks to them, I have grown as both a songwriter and a vocalist. Artistically & professionally, I think it is essential that I continue with this evolution. I am already deep into writing new material with some very talented colleagues for a brand new album, and I can't tell you how excited I am to share this new sound & direction. This music is where my heart is, and I believe that is what my fans want to hear. So after careful consideration, I have made the decision to respectfully part ways with RCA. My passion for the music & respect for the fans will always come first. I am excited to find a new label team who shares this vision.

The rest of the article here:

Anonymous said...

YES, ADAM, WAY TO GO! Your talent deserves an original third album, whenever that may come to be.

Good Lord, I am so glad Adam is not going for an 80's cover album! The future is ripe with many possibilities.


Thank you Glitzlady!
xo laura

Jadam NZ said...

Goodness me, that was great to hear Adam has made clear what a lot of fans thought would be right.
Excellent news all round.
So thrilled about Glee.

Anonymous said...

6:57 PM,

I love my true American friends who loves Adam and FYI I'm the only Canadian name here and don't put Canadians!!!:)

The truth hurts and you are the guilty one indeed!!!:)

You are really interested every time I posted here eh!:)

If u don't like it ignore it dear....

Just sharing my opinion cause I support Adam Lambert all the way!!:)

Too bad my dear I'm not going anywhere!!:)


Anonymous said...

For those saying Adam should do a covers album, Adam's heart isn't in it. and for those saying he isn't working on new music, he is. Congratulations, Adam! Looking forward to your new music soon!
That said, at this point, we are indeed having the oft-cited "creative differences" as to what my next project will be. Your article was correct, the label is "pushing for an (80's) covers album," and feels that this is the only kind of release they are prepared to support. While there are lots of great songs from that decade, my heart is simply not in doing a covers album.
I am already deep into writing new material with some very talented colleagues for a brand new album, and I can't tell you how excited I am to share this new sound & direction. This music is where my heart is, and I believe that is what my fans want to hear.

Anne Marie said...

I guess I am a bit behind on Adam news, I didn't know that he has parted ways with RCA, because he won't do an all cover album, and is looking for a new label.

tess4ADAM said...

First of all ... the Advocate Interview was GREAT ... not that I would expect to get anything less from ADAM. He is always so articulate & candid in all of his interviews.
Second ... I too agree with @Canadian ... she isn't saying anything different than what we have been saying for the past 4 years. ADAM has been getting the bum's rush from American radio since day 1 ... it took two foreign countries to dedicate an hour-long program to ADAM's music exclusively ... NZ & more recently UK ... there may be others but I personally am not aware of them. WHY hasn't US radio played the music from ADAM's TWO Phenomenal albums? WHY was he nominated for a Grammy & then 'screwed' out of the win? Bruno Mars?? Come on!! Let's get real!! Don't get me wrong ... I'm not saying Bruno isn't good ... only saying ADAM IS BETTER-ER!! Yet ... all you hear on the radio is Mars. I don't even like his kind of music but somehow he's winning all these awards for mediocre music. When I saw him & Bieber WIN MTV EMAs I cried. ADAM so deserves those awards but they're always snatched from him.
I've said enough ... my hand is starting to cramp. Sorry for the rant but I SO AGREE with @Canadian & I'm from the USA!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Canadian, sorry I forgot the apostrophe which should have been seen as a typo. But obviously more than just I am tired of you slamming the US acceptance of Adam. We've been through the list of US shows and causes and the numbers of people at concerts world wide and you are never able to do anything but complain the US doesn't accept him enough. Canada doesn't seem to be any better at it than the US if you want to go at it that way.

Anonymous said...

now to find a new label, the hard part.

Anonymous said...

7:16 PM,

You love your country and I understand!!:)

But I love Adam more!!:)

You are just jealous individual and I just pity you!!:)

P.S. Breaking news Adam is walking away from RCA

I love and more respect for Adam indeed!!


Anonymous said...

he'll never find a label like RCA- Sony.

Anonymous said...

Tess, pleas keep things in a realistic perspective. One of those radio shows is two kids in New Zealand, not some major radio station. The one in the UK is a small internet radio station that figured out the Adam fan thing. again, not a major radio station.
as for the Grammy awards. Saying Adam was screwed makes you sound like a bitter fan. Every person thinks their idol is the best including Bruno's fans and whoever else is up for an award. It is well known that those "overnight sensations" have actually been working at it for many many years. Give Adam and the industry a chance.

Anonymous said...

Tess, pleas keep things in a realistic perspective. One of those radio shows is two kids in New Zealand, not some major radio station. The one in the UK is a small internet radio station that figured out the Adam fan thing. again, not a major radio station.
as for the Grammy awards. Saying Adam was screwed makes you sound like a bitter fan. Every person thinks their idol is the best including Bruno's fans and whoever else is up for an award. It is well known that those "overnight sensations" have actually been working at it for many many years. Give Adam and the industry a chance.

Anonymous said...

Oops, sorry, posted from my phone and it was slow, posted twice.

Anonymous said...

ok so much for Shoshanna's smiley face. :(

Anonymous said...

it takes alot of courage and determination to do what Adam has done..he is a very strong man with a very strong vision of what he wants in his many people love and support him..he is such a remarkable man with such a remarkable talent..he will be signed with a new label real soon (if not already) day he will have his own record label..the very best of luck to our Adam...

Anonymous said...

I guess that means no more

glitzylady said...

I support and respect Adam's decision to leave RCA. They did not adequately promote or support Trespassing from the beginning (IMHO) and then to tell him (apparently..) that they would only support him if he did "80's music covers" had to have been hideously difficult for Adam. A kick in the gut really. So for Adam to effectively kick them in their collective...well...well, you leaving them was only fair.

I also cannot say how impressed I am that Adam chose to personally deliver this message to us, his fans via Shirley Halpern's column (which I posted in part at 7:00 PM above for those who may have missed it) and the Hollywood Reporter/Idol Worship. He is a man with a big heart, a deeply feeling and caring soul, an honest and humble spirit.. All reasons why I stand by him as a fan, through all of the ups and downs, the highs and the lows, of his career during and since Idol. I truly love him as a human being..

On to even bigger and better things for Adam.

The link to the article and Adam's letter in case you missed it:

Anonymous said...

Wow! I sit down for my final Adam check of the evening and the news is incredible. He's leaving RCA, voluntarily, it seems. The boy has guts, for sure. To walk away from a major label when they would support another album (of any kind) is a brave move. Adam really has integrity about his music, and right now, he wants original music. So glad to hear from his own mouth that he IS working on new music with good people. So, we have a lot to look forward to! Album #3 will be great and will fly like an eagle. Adam will certainly find a label that will really aggressively promote him and his music. It's about time.


Anonymous said...

adam lambert leaves rca.

Anonymous said...

RCA-Sony did NADA for getting Adam on the radio - they pushed BTIKM on radio stations (who then didn;t play it anyway) and then Bruno Mars and ignored songs Adam co-wrote,,,, clearly the Pharrell and Nile Rogers collaborations were just a bit ahead of the current blitz with this sound.. and no one else besides the diehard fans got to hear these songs! dismal job, plus he was saddled with the hideous RCA19/Idol 3yr contract until he got out of that last year. adam has always said he wants longevity! he is still at teh beginning

Anonymous said...

I hope he finds a place that will support him and his music. Such a talented singer and performer, that should be having major radio play. I guess he thought leaving RCA now would be better than waiting later. All things will fall into place. I hear alot of American artists are signing with overseas labels. INDIE might be a good direction.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Glad he has the creative integrity and the big hairy balls to walk away from RCA. Good on him!

Anonymous said...

Maybe he should have recorded the 80's thing and scouted around for a label in the meantime. RCA/Sony is a huge world wide company. I wish Adam would have played ball on this one.

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt that it won't take long for Adam to sign with another record label. It takes a lot of guts for him to walk away from RCA, but as we all know, they didn't do much for him anyway, promoting his album. Trespassing was "critically acclaimed" and for the songs not to be played on the radio was just a crying shame.

Adam knows what he is doing, he probably is in the works with another label as he was writing the letter.

That's our man, he won't roll over and play dead for no one, no way!


Anonymous said...

I felt terrible when I read about the 80's cover album .....then elated about Glee and now I'm truly okay with Adam leaving RCA. In fact, my admiration for Adam just continues to increase. The man is true to himself and gutsy! I love beening on his Crazy Train............


Anonymous said...

This has all probably been going on for months. I'm sure Adam has been talking to other labels. Maybe Shirley's story made Adam's announcement come a little sooner than he planned on. Great that it comes on the heels of the Glee announcement. I wouldn't be surprised to hear an announcement next week that Adam has signed with another label.

Anonymous said...

Adam knows what he is doing and doesn't need our input. Usually my response is to not engage in the stupid bickering here and just wait to see what Adam says. Worked again this time.

Congrats on everything, Adam!

Anonymous said...

Lydnsey Parker weighs in on the story:
But, still. At the end of the day, the majority of fans (myself included) were understandably concerned that recording an album entirely composed of covers, especially this early in his career, would damage Adam's credibility as an artist in his own right.

Apparently this was a concern Adam had as well. So he has elected to leave RCA, as he explains in an open letter to THR, published Friday.
Watch this space for more details on where Adam ends up, but I have a feeling that a mega-talent who's been in demand by everyone from Brian May to Ryan Murphy won't be label-less for long.

Anonymous said...



The "American Idol" season eight runner-up says no to an all-covers album, which the Sony-owned label was pushing for.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

I don't think I can do another round of media reports. lol Still enjoying the Glee ones.

Anonymous said...

Where are the people now who said I was negative for saying a cover album would not be good for his career? Seems Lyndsey and Adam agree with me.

Anonymous said...

11:42 well you were right do you want a medal or something. Just differing opinions is all.

Anonymous said...

I can barely keep up with all the Adam news! Each time I can't get online to check this site for updates on Adam, something else is happening.

Major kudos to Adam or having the courage and confidence to stand his ground and once again be true to himself AND his fans!

The letter he wrote himself to THR is clearly what Adam feels in his heart and I respect him so much as human being. Amazing news about RCA....WOW... I believe, as other posters do, that he's been working on this idea to find another label for some time now. Doubt it will take him very long to work this out. I'm super excited to hear what direction his new music is going in.

This is a BIG week for Adam....getting the Glee gig and walking away from RCA. They definitely did not support him enough. Trespassing was an amazing album IMO and it's very disappointing they did not get behind it and push for radio play. Glad Adam made this decision.


Anonymous said...

OMG again he mentioned his fans and how much he respect us to create good music for his fans instead of covers. I love his own music tons more. Love you Adam and support you all the way.

Anonymous said...

12:34, no. Just next time none of the you are a negative hater, you aren't a real fan, you are a Debbie downer, etc.

Anonymous said...

how did RCA not push radio play? Adam went on a radio tour, I heard one of his songs at a theater and and playing in target they had two music videos out and a lyric video, I saw his TP cover used on a phone for advertisement. All these things cost money that Rca had to pay for. I wish Adam didn't have to ever get a label again, the radio is not suddenly going to start playing him. I don't think they play any Idols except KU and KC.

Anonymous said...

In the end I don't think RCA knew what to do with Adam, his Trespassing album was great but it did have a number of songs that could have been too controversial for some people. Maybe pushing Adam towards an all covers album was their way of pushing him out, by giving him something they knew he would never consider. In other words they had him cornered, and left him with no other choice but too walk away.

Anonymous said...

4:46 AM
Sad but you may be right. :-(

Urethra_Franklin said...

9:01 Would have been a direct hit to his career like no other. It would have been a sinking the size of the Titanic. Its called credibility. He's making the right choice for his longevity. Trust in that. And trust that fools like the Durbs of the world (<---read as : artists who just want to be wanted) would have allowed themselves to be led by a label to do something like this which yet again sets him apart from the crowd. Love him even more. And I cant believe he keeps giving me reasons to say that.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam has made the right choice to leave RCA. Doing an all covers album later in life might be a different thing but Adam's career is still in it's early stages and he is still evolving, he has his eyes set on a certain path and needs to pursue his goals. It takes real courage to walk away and I really admire him for remaining respectful towards RCA despite their differences, but he needs to be true to himself. I'm sure he'll have no trouble finding another label, he has so many professionals in the business with many different contacts who truly admire him. The decision he has made along with the respectful way he has dealt with this matter will be sure to take him along way.

Anonymous said...

I am glad he gets a new label. In this case opposites did not attract. I think RCA wanted to get rid of him but had to do it in a non discrimatory way.

Anonymous said...

Fuck to big corporations. They treat you like slave. I worked for them. Wasting my time by putting off my knowledge. Have my own business for a decade now and making tons more money.

Adam will be much better off. Trust me I know.

Anonymous said...

Well said 6:29.

Urethra_Franklin said...

6:29 Yes. Yes! and YES!!! Amen.