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New (Old) Cute Picture

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, July 25, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, July 25, 2013


Anonymous said...

BT?... Before tattoo?.....JAK

Leilani Aloha said...

Cute pic !!! Lots of Love & laughter all around Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Drakes mother

Anonymous said...

I would love to touch Adam just run my fingers through his hair.
At least we've shook hands!

Anonymous said...

Damn, this is the cutest pic ever of Adam. Love when he wears that cap. Argh! So cute!

Anonymous said...

I get the impression not many Glamberts have been close to Adam.

Anonymous said...

Lovely pic!!!
Love the Beanie Man!

Urethra_Franklin said...

French Quarter...headin there tonight!! Counting the minutes!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

YAY, one of my best trips EVAH was my first time in Nawlins (not trippin, lol, but) the whole experience was so GOOD and total fun!
Have fan-adam-tasticly gorgeous time!!!

Anonymous said...

"How is she even alive.." Oh, here we go. So booooring...

He is not a god though. Dumb people.

Anonymous said...

There were other pictures with this one where Drake's mom was sort of all over Adam. While I can understand the desire to get my hands on him, he is gorgeous beyond words, I always thought it was a little tacky of her to meet her own need to touch while making Adam seem uncomfortable. Just my opinion.