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New Picture: Adam Lambert with Allison Iraheta

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, July 24, 2013

VIA Halocircus (Allison Iraheta):
Backstage at Mid State Fair with @adamlambert


Anonymous said...

all that cuteness and talent is infectious. it just oozes out of the pores of those two.:)) both are in great places in their life.:))

tea said...

They seem to have formed a true best-friends-forever bond. Lucky them.

Anonymous said...

Allison is looking much older than her age!

Magiclady said...

I totally agree. She doesn't look well.

Anonymous said...

Oh good, I thought it was just me. She looks like it has been a rough few years. Wasn't she just a teen on AI? She looks older than Adam now. Hope she's ok.

Anonymous said...

good to see Allison looking so great.

Anonymous said...

That is just not a good picture Allison looks great She just said in a yahoo interveiw that the things she read on the computer & elae where really upset her.Why do people have to be so mean?

tea said...

@8:30 PM
Why do people have to be so mean? INDEED! It's easier to come up with an answer to the meaning of life.

Anonymous said...

She looks different. Maybe she's lost weight.

Anonymous said...

Read she was married now to the guy in Halo Circus.

Anonymous said...

She lost weight, it makes a difference in your face, I know from experience, even if ur still young!! Lets be kind. She was incredible at fair!

Anonymous said...

All you know the ones that say sh*t like...she looks old
I don't understand what she's saying when she's singing...1st off it's a ROCK concert not an English class!! Find the lyrics and learn them...No one ever says that crap about Mick Jagger! I just learned...Mick is sing 'just a shot away' instead of 'shout away' in GIMME SHELTER!! Oh..and Ive seen plenty of unflattering pics of Adam too! So Be Nice! :)

Anonymous said...

May be it's that time of the month?

Anonymous said...

When you loose a lot if weight, you look different I have lost a lot and your face look thinner obviously more drawn in. We definitely should be kind here. But to tell someone to be kind my insulting someone else such as Adam, is not getting the job done not the way to do it. Both look fine to me. Adam rarely has a bad picture, maybe a silly picture big difference.

Anonymous said...

No one is insulting Adam...but that bad photo stuff can go both ways!
I think the bigger issue is why Adam fans have the need to dump on Allison? Everyone knows that Adam & Allison are good friends so why do it jealousy or just mean-spiritedness? (I think that's a word) I'm glad that Allison finally has people around help her reach her awesome potential! I think Adam would agree!

Anonymous said...

oh boy this troll on here is losing it.

Anonymous said...

Mmm..allison is a lovely lady,but truth be told she isn't looking good @ all in this pix.and it so nice to see this two together.Adam is def. Not perfect, but every time I see him retweet halo circus news on his twitter acc.endears me more to him.I am not obsessed with him,I seriously LOVE him.

funbunn40 said...

Allison sounded so appreciative of Adam giving her another opportunity to open for him on stage at Paso Robles. He's always been a great friend and "big brother" to her and as busy and hectic as his life, manages to make time and opportunity for his friends. Allison has a great voice and reminds me of Joan Jett, but could use some mentoring from Adam to reach her full potential. They were so great as duet partners on Idol and Adam brings out the fierce rock in her when he's along side of her on stage. Wish they would sing together again,

Anonymous said...

I was surprised to see Allisan got married.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen any vids of Allison & her band from this gig?! Could someone post a link or two, if available... thank you!

Anonymous said...

Please change your hair allison! mom didn't believe me when I told her allie is only 21!.###i haven't seen adam hanging out with dat his sweet friend danielle#are they still friends?

Anonymous said...

Wow, you people are harsh critics from seeing one pic. Unlike Adam who only seems to take good photos, most of us have occasional pics that aren't flattering. If you look at other recent pics of Allison she has grown into a beautiful woman. There are a couple on her facebook page

For 12:43 AM, this person has a couple of good vids of Halo Circus from a concert in May.
and this person has a couple from opening for Adam

Anonymous said...

Allison has never been cute and she looks worse now. She is such an awkward performer I don't enjoy watching her.

Anonymous said...

I think Ms.@3:01 is one of those Adam fans...who dislikes ANY female that has face to face time with Adam...whats wrong honey you hate Ashley too!?

Anonymous said...

@4:14...gotta defend/3:01 here,dats her/his opinion,it doesn't make it right or wrong.please#makingamountainoutofamolehill#

Anonymous said...

I bet Adam 'motorboats' Ashley!

Anonymous said...

Allison just seemed to appear older than her age when she was on Idol. I'm not crazy about the hair,but it's her style. One of the best duets on Idol was "Slow Ride" that she did with Adam during season 8. I guess many of the contestants on Idol whether a winner or not have had a tough time trying to establish a recording career or even finding a record label. We'll have to wait and see what happens with Adam now that he is no longer with RCA. But because he is so talented and with an amazing stage presence, he will be in the entertainment world for a very long time.

Anonymous said...

Allison is mad talented just as Adam is. Glad she got signed again. Not everyone has to be Demi Lovato or Selena Gomez (who are talented in their own right and seem to be on a good path, good for them) & the mold wasn't a good fit for Allison... this kind of music she's producting with Halo Circus seems to be, and it's fine if it finds a more limited audience than Demi/Selena etc... Allsion may find she is more content with that level of success and fame anyway... who knows, but glad to be able to YT some performances from her again. She is truly talented!

Anonymous said...

Matthew Hager asked Allison for her hand in marriage in Jan. He said he knew she was the one instantly. They eloped and no one really knew. I guess Adam was shocked as well and probably serenaded the couple:)) Allison has always admired Adam and maybe they will work together in the future.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like he is saying "you got the hair"? you gotta get the hair. Allison seems amused by it all.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all posts! Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

I just noticed some very negative posts. I don't agree with them. Just saying..............nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I don't see any "haters" here. My first reaction to the photo was like @ Magiclady's. I was concerned because I thought she looked ill. I loved her on Idol, burned a cd of all her full session songs and play it frequently. Her cover of Someone To Watch Over Me was so touching, I thought "Wow, I didn't know she could sing like that!
I wish her career success and a happy marriage. And good health!

Anonymous said...

***The Allison Code***

1) She looks old.

A) She's not a cookie cuter kind of singer.

2)I wish she would enunciate the lyrics better when she sings.

A)She's not Caucasian.

Anonymous said...

Being able to enunciate has nothing to do with not being white . I liked some of her new music but I need to get a better audio to determine if I would like it enuf to buy it. There is something about her as a performer that I just don't enjoy

Anonymous said...

Hey @11:13...Like @9:07 said..It's a Rock concert not an English Class!!
Saying crap like, I can't understand what she's singing is SO DISINGENUOUS!

Anonymous said...

Well I am 11 13 and I never said I couldn't understand what she was singing so that was someone else. But the big complaint about Allison going way back to idol was that she mumbles and isn't clear. Many, many people have said that about her. has anyone ever called Enrique, shakira, jlo etc a mushmouth? Lol it's dumb to take a valid complaint and try to act like it something else

Anonymous said...

@11:13 Allison is an Artist not a Speech Pathologist...a lot of my friends don't like the way Adam sings
you know screechy and would you like it every time there was an article about Adam...someone would have the need to post how they just don't get him!? So in the future keep your negative comments to your-self! Thank you!

Adamluv said...

Love to have seen/heard Allison in Paso Robles. Her perormances on the GNT were great and her first album was fabulous. It should have been a much more commercially successful album. Sound familiar? She's another artist like Adam, that the powers to be just dont know how to package, sell, NOR promote since neither one fits into that perfect little box needed for supreme success. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

1 03

Lol I don't go to Allison's website to complain about her but if she is the topic elsewhere I will comment however I please. Negative or positive

Anonymous said...

Yeah 118 you're sh*tty that go girl!

Anonymous said...

When I first saw the pic I thought who does she remind me of. Then it hit me. My Pug. Then I thought that's really mean cause my Pug is really cute.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see Adam and Allison have stayed close. I'm sure their friendship will last and light to them both!

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for @3:37's dog!

Anonymous said...

Ok, to set the record straight on my behalf, I did not intend to "be mean" about Allison. I was actually voicing concern about her welfare because, apparently, this pic doesn't do her justice. I always liked her. I would have loved and Adam/Allison (in that order, natch!) finish on AI. And I loved that he had her open GNT a few times. I don't follow her though and this is the first pic I have seen of her in a long time. She didn't look like I remember her that's all. And yes, I realize she is 4 years older than I really remember. The attack bots on this site are scary sometimes. You risk shunning and scolding if you voice an opinion on occasion. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

@7:39...thank you,you just spoke my mind

Anonymous said...

Really, I mean REALLY!!! I was there at the Mid State Fair and Allison was great and personable. She came out with her band members after her set and walked the edge of the floor and talked to anyone that wanted to meet her. She's tiny and she has lost a little poundage but in no way did she look bad! Really!! It's what I call a unflattering pic. The picture does not convy her cuteness and she is cute! She is growing as a artist, she will find her niche.
Adam was awesome as only he can be. I've seen him on GNT as well and I have not one complaint. His voice is beyond compare and he is very charismatic. I wish him nothing but success in his music and Glee. I see only good things for him in his future.

Anonymous said...

her performance style is in the tradition of Janis Joplin or the like... Joplin way before my time, but I've listened to a lot of her stuff with my relatives... probably can't understand 1/4th of what she's saying but I love her "way" nonetheless! I'm happy to let Allison be Allison and see where she goes. #TALENTED

daydreamin said...

I too was AT PR and Allison was definitely SKINNY! The thought also crossed my mind when she spoke that she may have had a recent cold or something. Her voice sounded a little hoarse.

She was so greatful to everyone there for coming to watch her perform and said so a couple of times.