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New Picture of Adam Lambert with Markus Molinari

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, July 14, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, July 14, 2013

Picture VIA @mrboroberts: @mdmolinari @realadamlambert failed photobomb


Anonymous said...

A failed photobomb lol

Anonymous said...

Kinda hard to look good standing next to Adam. He steals the light with those eyes!

tea said...

Eber posted this pic of him and an Adam poster from SD Pride celebration.

Anonymous said...

Ha Dad could use some new shorts and tennies.

Anonymous said...

be still my aching aroused heart..dear Lord..he is one sexy beast of a man..

Anonymous said...

12:01 ditto.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope the the stache and chin whisker trend don't catch on with women. Wax ladies Wax !

Anonymous said...

l0:38PM Dad looks great! Dressed like he did watching Adam on American Idol. Not a fashion plate! lol

Anonymous said...

Markus looks amazing after his weight loss. I'm inspired and heading to the store for some fruit and veggies.

Anonymous said...

OT and NOT

Danielle and Sauli making fun of the stache look, go to Sauli's Instagram...

There's a great photo of Sauli working out, that Adam liked, too...(whoa, those muscles...)

Anonymous said...

where's that douche Sauli Koskinen? is he hightailin' it back to Finland anytime soon??????

Anonymous said...

it's sad the muscles didn't hold it all together.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:09 pm. - I did and do think Sauli is adorable. What do people find to hate about him? He and Adam had 2 great years together, some people never have that. Adam's friends are still friends with Sauli so they don't seem to blame him for anything.

Why do you?

Anonymous said...

@ July 14, 8:09 PM

There is an answer to you on the other thread: The adorable Sunshine, Sauli Koskinen, was with adorable Adam Lambert on Sunday. And a week ago they both were holding that adorable puppy Bella (there is a proof of it), so they probably where at the same place then too. I'm so sorry (not really, yay) I have to inform you this sad news.

Anonymous said...

8:09 PM
FYI Sauli Koskinen will be in LA at least two weeks still. Try to hold on! He will be for two weeks a local guide for one beautiful Finnish actress who is coming to LA.