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New Weibo Post from Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, July 12, 2013

Posted at : Friday, July 12, 2013


Anonymous said...

I saw couple of tweets about what character we would like to see Adam play on Glee. Some of you great writers come up with a story.

Anonymous said...

I saw couple of tweets about what character we would like to see Adam play on Glee. Some of you great writers come up with a story.

Anonymous said...

Gale Whittington ‏@galechester
UPDATED 262+ Web Links & Videos RE ADAM LAMBERT Joining Glee! Still Adding! Adam w Darren & Chris Pic ALFC on FB...

Anonymous said...

I am prob going to be shot for this idea but I would love for Adam to play a character everybody loves to hate like JR from years and years ago.

Anonymous said...

A male Jane Lynch?

funbunn40 said...

Just to change it up, I'd like to see Adam play a straight man in NY, maybe playing Arnie opposite Lea Michelle in Fanny, maybe also buffering her against cattiness, sabotage and jealousy from other cast members with maybe a romantic, protective interest along with some dangerous intrigue against Lea. It may broaden interest in him as being diverse and not under one label.He also could be a protector for Chris Colfer, helping him with his problems. Adam would play the mentor so well.

funbunn40 said...

Hi JAK! Just saw your "hi" to me on another thread and also the post from your very smart daughter. The one rude remark was par for the course when their target would be someone respected and so well liked. They try to strike where it would hurt the most, one of our loved ones. It only reflected on their low self esteem and lack of appreciative people in their life,which I'm sure you already had gathered. We still have so many positive, kind people on this site whose opinion does matter. San Diego was a great place to meet some of them like Adamluv, Glitzylady,Lorraine, DRG,etc. among those that lurk here and sometimes will post anon. I know I also missed a few that I hopw will see in the future. I'm so happy that Adam will be on Glee and hopefully more tv and maybe a movie.

Anonymous said...

@ funbunn40.......JAK here
.........rude remarks don't bother me a bit.....after all, as my daughter said "I am titanium!"...: )