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Ryan Seacrest Picks 5 Songs Adam Lambert Should Consider Covering

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, July 09, 2013

VIA Ryan Seacrest:

Glamberts get ready: You may be introduced to ’80s music in a whole new way.

According to information gathered by The Hollywood Reporter, Adam Lambert may be following up his 2012 album Trespassing with an all-1980s covers compilation.



Urethra_Franklin said...

Ryan, STFU!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OT - I read today that the tryouts for AI are beginning soon. The dates and cities were listed. Doesn't that mean that the judges are good to go? What about our boy?

Urethra_Franklin, I agree!

HK fan said...

Ryan, instead of suggesting songs for Adam to cover, how about playing the ones he's already done.......

Anonymous said...

I agree with HK fan's statement. Ryan did not play Adam's song on his radio show except when Adam was on doing promo work for Trespassing. He could have done a lot more for Adam with the Idol connection, but he didn't. And in the early stages of Idol with the tryouts, I believe that the celeb panel of judges is not there initially. It must be producers and others who listen to the auditions and then later bring the contestants to sing in front of the judges. Ryan should stick with that mess of a show the Kardashians and not ruin Adam Lambert's life with his suggestions.

Anonymous said...

Judges aren't there until October or November.

tea said...

Spectacular picture

Anonymous said...

By now Ryan probably believes he is the man to kiss up to.

Anonymous said...

Has anything changed? I thought Adam couldn't have "Love over Glamor". They said that it was only made for the Ali Baba show.

Anonymous said...

I loved that jacket, wasn't it for the Diva show Adam did?

Anonymous said...

I could not think of the 5 worst songs suggestions and is it really coming from Ryan?
Absolutely rubbish advice.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, Ryan Seacrest picked up the story. He may like to dish gossip, but he is pretty big in the industry. The problem with the 80's is that, while there were good songs, there was also a LOT of crap. If Adam were to cover some of the great Michael Jackson or Madonna songs with a few others, then maybe. Hell, Jackson's cover of "Come Together" by the Beatles was terrific.

My real hope is that Adam has the support he needs to put out his OWN third album. It can have some cool covers, but narrowing down the selection to the 80's would be a mistake.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I'd love to hear Adam cover any Journey song, he can more than handle Perry's upper range.......I kept hoping he'd do a Journey or Bon Jovi or Guns n Roses cover when he was on tour with GNT.....but, alas, we got Purple Haze, not a favorite of mine.........JAK

Anonymous said...

@7:11 Exactly! Seacrest has lacked airplaying anything Adam! Always disgusted and have voice my opinion with the station.

Anonymous said...

Adam could run rings around Seacrest in every sense of the word.

Anonymous said...

For the first time i am beginning to believe this cover crap...i feel adam lambert should say something,he owes his Real fans(those interested in his music)that much

Anonymous said...

Go away Ryan.

I can't wait for this stupid rumor to die.

Anonymous said...

A fan said the problem is Clive Davis comment on Adamtopia: Very very informative.

Jadam said...

Excellent, well written, thanks for the link. This person seems to be well informed.

Anonymous said...

Check out wickipedia for 'cover' definitions. Really opens up on the subject and brings more clarity to the haze we're all in now.

Anonymous said...

Oh the power of Ryan Seacrest!
Shame he wasn't so loyal to Adam's music.

Anonymous said...

I loved 'Love Wins Over Glamour' but it's been laid to rest.

Anonymous said...

That person at Adamtopia doesn't know anymore than the rest of us. None of us know exactly how involved Clive Davis is. He also holds a different position now at Sony than he did when he and Kelly Clarkson did not see eye to eye.

Anonymous said...

Bon Jovi and Guns n Roses are DEAD, it's outdated and NO ONE is going to want to listen to it no matter how great Adam's interpretation is. As for Ryan Seacrest he is really selling Adam short and insulting him by these video suggestions of songs that belong back in the 80's and should stay there. Although I enjoy hearing Adam sing any song his career needs to keep up to date with current trends or risk his career folding. This is total craziness, I almost think they are trying to push Adam out of the business.

Anonymous said...

Bon Jovi and Guns n Roses are DEAD, it's outdated and NO ONE is going to want to listen to it no matter how great Adam's interpretation is. As for Ryan Seacrest he is really selling Adam short and insulting him by these video suggestions of songs that belong back in the 80's and should stay there. Although I enjoy hearing Adam sing any song his career needs to keep up to date with current trends or risk his career folding. This is total craziness, I almost think they are trying to push Adam out of the business.

Anonymous said...

What a shame it is that Adam poured so much of himself into his Trespassing album, which never really caught on because radio chose not to play it. Yet, the moment people hear it they are amazed at just how well thought out this album is, the songs are completely original and deserve real merit. I just don't understand the music industry anymore, there was a time when an artist with originality was appreciated and given a fair go, but these days it's become so commercialised you either fit the mold or your cast aside. I feel for Adam, I hope he can work through this, it's a very tough business he has chosen to be in. The problem is Adam is too darn good for them.

Anonymous said...


I agree with you

Leilani Aloha said...

Totally agree with Anon 11;25pm
Music industry 's 2 bias !!!:(

Adam's fans r so frustrated as we all know Adam's has the goods, & why no radio play or recognition in the music scene? :( double sided because the !st openly gay & they are afraid or don't know what to do !
Talent is talent! Come on, not 2 deep!!!

better things will definitely shine for Adam in the future!
Just how many tests Adam had to overcome !

Peace all!

Anonymous said...

Who ever is on top and try to destroy Adams career ain't gonna happens!!!!!!

Millions of Adams fans will "UP ROAR" about this garbage!!!!

It's okay to do covers in LIVE CONCERT because Adam delivers really like his own indeed!!

Adam will make his own decision for this!!:)


Anonymous said...

Ryan S, oh boy!
He has always been totally AWKWARD when it comes to Adam. Clueless and awkward. I'm guessing he FEELS Adam's presence and aura and just does not dare to admit its effects to himself... :))))
Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feeeeeeeeel it... (yuhuu)

Anonymous said...

I'm still having a hard time believing Adam MAY record an '80s album. However, perhaps this is something Adam WANTS to do??? It's way tooooo soon for Adam to be recording a covers' album. Maybe when he reaches Rod Stewart's stage it will be OK because, let's face it, Rod Stewart has done extremely well with his covers' albums even though I don't like them (not a fan of standards - prefer some of his originals from way back).

Anonymous said...

I find it funny that Ryan's talking about Adam now. He had every opportunity to play Adam's music and he didn't. I don't know what's happening, but I do know that Adam must be important enough for Ryan to be talking about him so I will choose to think positively about this. Just let the man do what he was born to do - Sing Adam, sing anything! People will come!

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with Ryan. Lol he doesnt write this stuff himself. He has a staff that runs an entertainment twitter under his name. That's all. He is so busy with all his projects, making multi millions for him I doubt he even reads it

Anonymous said...

Ryan, play Adam's music!

Anonymous said...

Ryan is worth 200 million dollars. He made over 60 million in 2011

Anonymous said...

Ryan Seacrest dont know shit about music! @6:01 he got that money by hosting and kissing ass.

Anonymous said...

Ryan is ALWAYS affected by Adam (you know what I and therefore he always goes 'cuckoo' when he is around Adam or talks about him or with him... Such is the power & presence of AFL!!!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to comment about how gorgeous Adam looks in this pic! WOW>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Adam is just so unique in today's music world that I don't think they know what do with him and his music. He is talented, personable, articulate and honest...traits you don't often find in any one performer in today's music scene. Today's music seems to be geared for tweens and teens and they are the ones who buy the concert tickets, merchandise and bring in the big bucks. It is not necessarily about the talent or great songs. Adam will have longevity in music in some aspect of it and also delve into other creative venues such as fashion and style. Broadway will probably be in his future too. It is just unfortunate that he has not achieved the success and recognition in the music business that he so deserves particularly here at home.

HK fan said...

Ryan often has pieces about Adam on his stations website, he likes the hits...but he never plays his music.

Anonymous said...

Adam is all you say, talented, personable, articulate and honest but he is also very confident within himself and this shows in his performances, his concerts and his interviews. He is also very charismatic, he knows what he wants and isn't afraid to pursue it, people once they meet him are so easily drawn to him, so I agree he will definitely have a long future in the industry being as multi-talented as he his.

Anonymous said...

6:30, well said. Bottom line for me: Adam is not going to fade away into oblivion. He has come too far and is too well-known. He has achieved some "firsts" in the music business. He is in the record books. He will renew and re-invent himself as he goes along. I believe he is a survivor. As much as a cover album doesn't appeal to me, if he does make one, it will be terrific, no doubt. Adam's record company and management know they have a super-talented person on their hands, a person who comes with baggage and who is difficult to market. The quality of the TP songs isn't the issue. Heck, it got great reviews from big reviewers. Adam may end up with a new label, an aggressive, independent label that will take risks with him. Lots of music legends have been through rough times. Adam can get over this bump and forge ahead. We'll all be here supporting him.

10:06, thanks for the link to the Atop article. Interesting thought there. And hopeful, too.

(Ryan may not care much about Adam's music, but I think he has a little crush. LOL.)


Anonymous said...

Adam probably done better than just about any Idol abroad KC and Adam. Adam bigger in Asia even. So America is not the only game in town. Adam can do so much, much more than pop. He certainly did a good job on Divas's he was on tour abroad most of the time while planning that show. He will be in this business in one way or other for years. He an absolutely brilliant singer so he must always do that in some form. Cannot wait to see what is next with Queen, really think something nice coming with them. But, whatever happens about this album thing just remains to be seen, I trust Adam.

Anonymous said...

@RCA and Adam's Mgt & All Suits in Power - Complacent much???!!!

If any part of these rumours are true... What total LACK of professionalism, ambition, imagination, inventiveness and PR/Marketing skills... YOU have a RARE DIAMOND, THE VOICE & PERFORMER that NO ONE SURPASSES currently, maybe not in decades, you have had him a few years now... Seems that you don't KNOW HOW TO DO IT!!!

Cause Adam & his talent are so worth it!!!

Anonymous said...

What's up with Adam Lambert. People are saying his career is going down. Don't believe all of that crap. He has just begun. Only to get better. Get the facts straight before coming to a conclusion o.k.

Anonymous said...

adam could take ryans job on idol

Anonymous said...

anyone taken note of the fact that we have not seen Adam in any 'party' pics lately..I wonder why???

Anonymous said...

Well we had one on the Fourth of July which is less than a week ago.

Anonymous said...

@7:34 i hate to break it to ya but his career isn't doing well.

Anonymous said...

Purple Haze is a remnant from GNT era that should give way to Trespassing era not be blocking it. I don't watch the concert vids anymore because of this disrespect by the band and artist himself. And yes, I have to agree that a career is over when fans are more interested in band intro than the artist and his music!

Anonymous said...

@8:12 AM - his 'career' is far from over..all artists fall into a slump now and again..

@8:30 am - what are you talking are not making sense..

Anonymous said...

I think Adam wants to finish his three album contract with RCA by doing this 80s cover CONCEPT ALBUM. From recent tweets from Brian May there will be Queen tracks on this album. He was at Madonna's party in NY. We might see tracks from Madonna. His connection with Nile Rodgers might get him David Bowie tracks. Maybe Boy George too. 80s tracks are used a lot by different mega artists. This is possibly Adam's idea too as well as label. He is gonna make a big splash with this album. Find a new label and tour with Queen. THINK POSITIVE BITCHES!

Anonymous said...

This is just the tip of the iceberg in the career of Adam Lambert. The best is yet to come.
Keep positive people and show some love.

Anonymous said...

Most of these comments are SO depressing and for you who said "Adam owes his fans" - Adam owes us nothing, except good vocals which we choose to listen to and in some cases buy. Adam does not owe us explanations of his romances beginning or ending, he does not owe us inside info of his plans for performances, collaborations,
album ideas. If he chooses to share we will be willing listeners, but if he makes a decision we disagree with we can certainly comment on it - but predict impending doom is just downright nasty. Quit being babies, if he sings covers he can kiss his career goodbye - if I don't get my way I won't play! Honestly, how childish!

Anonymous said...

I agree - if you don't have something positive to say..then by all means..keep your comments to yourselves..we come here to praise Adam..not to critize him..

Anonymous said...

Adam is smart and I trust him. As a fan I'll have his back because he is too good not to. Love him to pieces.

Anonymous said...

9 06

Lol grandma nobody needs a lecture from you.

Anonymous said...

@9:28 AM
Learn the art of scrolling on by.
My sympathy to your elders.

Anonymous said...

well adam continues to evoke strong reactions from all angles. Ryan Seacrest = not helpful at all, ever. Wish Idol would die a fast death. Seems to have started when Adam did not win.

Anonymous said...

why is everyone so mad?

Anonymous said...

hardly a slump. WTF do you people want - nonstop concerts every night. noone said the entertainment world was easy, you have to be in it for the long haul. Timberlake;' album sold be cuase of his past success and good marketing, but NO ONE has raved about the songs/music.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Timberlake didn't score as well as Trespassing with reviewers but sold millions of his album. I bought his album and in comparison to Trespassing it sucks but I like Timberlake. He is very talented and made a name for himself being on TV, Movies, and Music. He is all around star that's for sure. But his recent album sucks.

Anonymous said...

9.28 lol is a troll nasty hateful troll.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:02 P.M.

Jon Bon Jovi and band are going to be very upset to find out they are DEAD. They are expected at tour dates on July 12,
14,18, 20, etc. They just returned from touring in June -
huge concerts in Czech, Berlin, Madrid, Lisbon, Holland,
Milan and Russia and a few others - one venue of 21,000.
I guess they were rested up after tour year before last when they played 74 gigs in 15 nations, grossing 203 million in ticket sales and 20 million in merch. sales.

FYI that was more than Kanye, Katy P. and Beiber - combined. According to Forbes Financial News.
Not bad for a DEAD band with outdated music. -o-

tess4ADAM said...

Just want to add ... ADAM has TWO 1-hr. radio programs that play his music only. One is in the UK & the other is in NZ which by the way is podcast to MILLIONS Worldwide ... so much for the 'slump' you doom & gloomers are projecting for ADAM. I'm so tired of reading all these NEGATIVE comments here on ADAM's fan site. Look at everything ADAM "HAS" accomplished since he was on Idol ... not what YOU "THINK" he should be accomplishing. Rome wasn't built in a day & neither are musical careers ... it takes a lot of hard work & ADAM certainly is a hard-worker. No matter WHAT *ADAM* decides to record ... it will be Superb & I will BUY it b/cuz I TRUST his Judgement!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

9:06, I agree with you Adam owes us nothing but it is not childish to say you think a cover album is a bad idea or sends a negative message about his career. There are plenty of other examples of childishness on this site. Including the second half of your comment.

Anonymous said...

8:59 AM, do you have a crystal ball? None of us knows anything. Adam having contact with those people is the equivalent of the pics with fans. Adam is not dating/sleeping with every person he is photographed with and he is not recording covers from every major star he has been associated with in the past few months. And give me an example of these mega stars using 80s tracks.

Anonymous said...

Adam lambert "a Jewel" aware of his incredible talent, will elect the best choice for the follow crystallizing his music career! In the I trust! HH

Anonymous said...

ok people chill out everything is going to be ok.Theses are not facts!

Anonymous said...

@11:16am. Rihanna JLo Pitbull Aguilera Hiphop artists do it all the time.

Anonymous said...

@11:16am. BTW you don't have crystal ball either. I'm being positive here. I listen to my top 40 radio and I hear mixed music of 80s done by different artist. Adam even ends his Pop That Lock performance with MJ song. He even mixed Dragon Attack with Shady. What's not to like if he can change up 80s music. I love his version of Shout more than the original. We know Adam knows how to change songs to make it original. So why are we worried? The article said it will be a concept album. To me it means it will sound original. I would like to look at it in a positive way.

Anonymous said...

12:00 you are referring to sampling in hip hop and that is entirely different than a cover.

12:13, you still did not give me any examples of mega stars and where they used 80's tracks or did 80's covers.

Anonymous said...

12:13 you weren't being positive you were making stuff up.

Anonymous said...

If you can't see that the hollywood reporter article was very negative then you are naive. A covers album will just be a quick moneymaker trying to put something out there that they think adam fans will buy. Not an investment in his career. Not something that would be respected by the industry, get radio play or support a tour

He is better off finding theater work. I imagine he is looking seriously at any option. I am not worried about adam because he will make a living and be fine. Just realistic about what is happening to his career

Anonymous said...

@10:26 your mother

Jadam NZ said...

8.59 loved your positive, upbeat comment, oh that this would be the case that would shut everyone up. It could be a possibility. (one hopes)
Whatever Adam sings I will buy. I am there for the long run.
I am sure he will weigh up his options and make the best decision possible.
The covers idea could work just familiar enough to capture peoples attention, which would lead to them wanting to hear more from him, maybe then giving him the option financially to again record his own stuff.Because we all know Adam can Adamize covers so wellthis could just work.
Would be great to do some stuff with Queen, apparently there are some unreleased songs out there, they could become Adams, along with maybe some of his originals.
LOL I think we have talked this subject to death. we need another rumour to address.

Anonymous said...

Exactly Ryan is like a politician. He never takes a stand, a real kiss ass.even when Whatdaya want from me was a big hit, he never played it, except during the top 40 countdown.Ryan be a MAN, you can play something the suits don't want once it a while. Play Adam's music once in awhile.

Anonymous said...

Honestly are you people for real? Ryan doesn't decide what songs get played. Ryan breezes in, does a couple interviews, records some patter and he is done. He is not the program director.

Urethra_Franklin said...

I guess now is the time to reignite my campaign to have him cover " I Touch Myself" by the Divinyls. Although I never really was interested in him recording it. Just performing it LIVE!!!!

HK fan said...


I can think of 2 covers that have been hits just recently...

One Direction One way or Another
Gabrielle Aplin The Power of Love

Anonymous said...

Who wants to live forever and The show must go on...from Queen.

Anonymous said...

whoa...Adam is joining the cast of "GLEE" WOW and WOWEE..OMG..I can hardly believe it..hope he is on for many episodes...this is the BEST if only he is booked as a judge on AI..he CAN multi-task...

Anonymous said...

5:06, are you serious? LOLOLOLOL. I googled Gabrielle and Power of Love. It was released as part of a regular Christmas advertisement cover song. It never charted in the US. I've never heard of her. Appears she was doing covers on Youtube before getting the Christmas advertisement gig. And there are at least two other more famous songs entitled Power of Love. LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

10:30 AM
Yes, but you never hear Bon Jovi on the radio these days, they made their success back in the 80's and still have a huge following, therefore they can afford to go on tour and perform at large venues, many of their fans have now grow older and still love them, but their music is out dated compared to the current music styles of today. Just like Queen can still go on tour so many fans still love their classic rock music but it is outdated and not played on radio anymore.

Anonymous said...

Who gives a shit about radio, they play shit, over and over and over. Money comes from live performances.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:32
I am assuming you listen to pop stations. Bon Jovi plays rock, he's on rock stations. -o-

Anonymous said...

You mean classic rock stations.

HK fan said...

I have heard Gabrielle Aplins power of love on Energymusicradio many times. its also on the latest Now that's what I call music cd (they generally only have top40 songs on there), she's also being played on MTV Asia with her new song.