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Ryan Seacrest Talks "Idol" Shake Ups

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 21, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, July 21, 2013

After axing all four judges from last season, has the reality competition finalized their new panel? The "American Idol" host dishes on an all-new season.


Anonymous said...

awww does that mean I won't see KU anymore? He was great on AI. What did the guy say he almost died of, I couldn't catch what he said. Ryan looking good.

Anonymous said...

I hope Jimmy Lovine stays too, he knows his stuff.

Anonymous said...

Yea so Adam is not completely off the AI judge radar...hmm if Adam becomes an AI judge and then he is acting in Glee, it means I can watch him in action almost right through the week on tv, inclusive of the reruns. Oooh-la-la! All these happenings tie in well with Adam making his new album, stimulates the heart and mind.


Anonymous said...

So, out of all the contestants to come out of Idol, Ryan mentions Adam as the pinnacle of great talent and Hung on the opposite end of the range.

Interesting? Maybe something is brewing after all? Keeping fingers crossed!

xo laura

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Laura... it's more of Adam auditioning in San Francisco that he's being mentioned. Yea the video of Adam showing his yellow ticket to the camera and running down the pavement, twirling in the air, turning around is an unforgettable AI moment. But you're still right about "out of all the contestants".


HK fan said...

It hasn't been officially announced that KU isn't coming back yet.
And Ryan doesn't say on here that they're getting 4 new judges, just that the panel is being finalised.

Personally, I really hope Iovine doesn't come back, Idol has gone down hill since he was on it. They no longer show the little clips of the contestants behind the scenes (where we got to know them better), as they're too busy showing Jimmy. He sucks all creativity out of the contestants, and makes them do things his way, which often is not the best way.

Get rid of Jimmy, bring back guest mentors, or have ex Idols as mentors.

Anonymous said...

I didn't watch most of this year's Idol because NM was too much to bear but I hope Keith Urban is returned and hopefully, this year's judging panel will include ADAM LAMBERT!! :-D

Anonymous said...

What 1:42 AM said, but most important, Ryan picked out Adam to mention. I expect most of the the people trying out continually talk about Adam during the process.

Anonymous said...

One thing I've noticed about Ryan lately - he's always finding an excuse to mention Adam Lambert! It's about time! I'm feeling very up about Adam's chances on Idol. One never knows what's in the cards and I'm not giving up yet!
It seems like, in Adam's case, when someone wants you (Glee), suddenly you look good to everybody else. Let's hope that's true and things turn out betterer and betterer for Adam.

choons said...

Hope American Idol keeps the sob-story backgrounds to a minimum and focuses on the competition - mentors, song choice, working with the band, working together, even make-overs etc. And I agree with @1:42 more behind-the-scenes clips.
However, if you don't have the personalities to work with there's not much you can do. We were so lucky to have Adam in season 8.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why they put, after axing all four judges at the beginning of this article? I sure hope KU is a judge this year again. I think they mentioned Adam because he auditioned in San Fran nothing to do with being an AI judge. JMO

Anonymous said...

I am usually one who thinks we Adam fans OVER analyze every little tidbit and mention way too much... but IDK, I gotta say, I find it uber interesting that Searcrest had Adam's name immediately at the ready here, right on the tip of his tongue (insert joke here, lol), but seriously, I am sooo not the type to insert too much meaning into a mention like this... but this feels different to me, feels like... something. Probably juts my wishful thinking! ;)

Anonymous said...

@nancdruuu2 July 22, 2013 at 5:46

10:28 here... well said!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think Ryan has much to do with who was mentioned on that clip, some director or producer says ok this is how it is going down today and it is edited in.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Ryan has much to do with who was mentioned on that clip, some director or producer says ok this is how it is going down today and it is edited in.

Anonymous said...

Idol needs a "gimmick" a "gotcha" for buzz to start about changes for new season.

@ 10:28 a.m. I have funny tingly feeling about Adam's's a year where the whole country is aware of gay rights being discussed, Adam is controversial, that's not always bad news, that's news-making. He's the only glam graduate of Idol. He's always upbeat and grateful for the show giving his career a much needed push, and praises the show for giving talent a chance to be discovered. I think it would be a smart PR move for Idol.

But then what do I know...I thought The Great Gatsby, Rock of Ages and Les Miserables were lousy! JAK : )

Anonymous said...

Laura @ 11:26 I hope you are more enligtened now that Lam-my has squared you away and pointed out how wrong you are in your way of thinking. Thank heaven she's always there to show the errors in the opinions of all Adam lovers.

JAK - totally agree with you on your taste in movies. You rock!


Anonymous said...

Lam-my getting right to the point now: Why do you feel you need to educate all of us? We're adults and don't need or want your input. If I ever want your opinion I will address you personally. OK?


Anonymous said...

Hey I seldom, repeat seldom try to point out errors or educate others! I simply express my thoughts. I informed Laura because she's open-minded and a friend! I certainly would not have pointed that out to you! Goodness gracious, I do it so randomly and yet you are right there to pick on it! Wake up! and Open your mind! Remember, you even asked me to apologise regarding a poem and turned out the writer herself told me it was okay to say what was on my mind. Go get an appointment with a shrink or if you can't, go fly a kite, will soothe your jittery nerves!


Anonymous said...

Lammy, there you go again as Ms. Denial and Ms. Justify.
When will there ever be a chance you admit you are wrong?
Seldom means you do, you are GUILTY! You are tiresome indeed.

Anonymous said...

I was talking to / informing a virtual friend. I was not talking to you at all! You have absolutely no right to butt in! You have no manners! See a shrink to remedy your condition. Well, at least you accept that it's seldom...good enough! and yet even in these seldom occasions, you are so ready to seize the waiting for a scrap to drop from my table! Pathetic.


Anonymous said...

Lammy must have a ring tone on her computer that alerts her to anytime her name is typed so she is right back to blame others. Such a sorry lonely person she is.

Anonymous said...

If Lam-my said IMO or I think once she wouldn't get the flak she heaps upon herself knowing she is right and everyone else is wrong.

Anonymous said...

You seem addicted to me lol! If I can take your attention away from Adam, that itself is an indirect compliment! Hey Adam, I'm giving you a run for the money 24/7. lol!


Anonymous said...

The paranoid resident troublemaker Lammy!
Always feeling superior covering up her hang-ups, complexes, insecurities and inferiorities.
The more you deny, justify, the more your flaws are obvious indeed.

Anonymous said...

Addicted to me? lol! Hey get into a tub of ice; oh lower the temperature of the ice by adding something to get it below zero. Do you know what to add? No? Too bad, but the ordinary ice at 0+ degrees should work; hmm not sure now with your deep addiction/affliction. Ah, Adam's shirtless photos will direct your attention back to him. lol! You sure are very interested in me! But sadly it's one-sided.


Anonymous said...


When will you ever realize you are overbearing and exhausting? You do come across as feeling you are superior to everyone, you do lecture, and you did act horrible to the lady who wrote a heartfelt poem that you wanted to improve. You would not drop the subject and she was too tired to fight you.

You are not the nicest or smartest little girl in the room, you must have been an insufferable child.

Anonymous said...

Oh, almost forgot. You would add salt to lower the temperature of the ice.

Anonymous said...

Hey I told you to add something to lower the temperature of the ice water in the tub...looks like your addiction on me! got worse. Okay, to lower the temperature of the ice water, you need to add salt. In your severe condition, you need a bucketful or more. lol! Regarding my poem critique, you are lying through your nose! The writer of that poem later apologised and said she appreciated my honesty and I did say it was a good poem, never refuted that in my critique at all. Check before you lash out with a downright lie! So not only submerging yourself in ice not cure your addiction of me, it has goaded you to resort to lying! Maybe the brain shrank. lol! And why doesn't the effect of Adam's sexy photos redirect your attention back to him?


Anonymous said...

You are as dense as a block of concrete. After you crushed her and was incredibly rude and persistent and chased her away, she was the bigger person and came back to make peace. I am not saying she was insincere just an extremely forgiving person.

May I ask, do you have any friends? I find it hard to believe anyone would put up with your attitude. That's my last word, 5 people in a row have made comments about you, you definitely don't have many friends here. Angie

Anonymous said...

"Lammy must have a ring tone on her computer that alerts her to anytime her name is typed so she is right back to blame others. Such a sorry lonely person she is." Great comment btw.

This discussion has been going on for three days now, but she still doesn't get the big picture. No brains, no headache.


Anonymous said...

If you scroll up, the whole thing started with my one tiny conversation with a nonchalant remark. And look how you, whatever the number which has no meaning to me, have levelled falsified words and accusations at me. You, one or two, are liars caught red-handed and so whatever you spew has no effect because liars will always lie! Nothing true or good can come out of filth, in this context. Even real filth can be recycled! lol! You also have absolutely no right to intrude into my conversation; I did not address anything to you so why are you a kaypoh? I seem to feel you, one or two, have been the victims of some sort of bullying or bad experiences and want to get it out of your system; quite a sick state of mind, mentality. You can put any number of names but the fact of the matter is I have never crossed path or talked to anyone mentioned here, that's why you need to force your way in. I think the lonely one is you! So desperate to talk to me or pick a fight; like I've said it's your addiction to me!! lol! These supposedly new names will disappear in no time just like before; liars are also cowards! Because they need a quick way out. Whatever venom you spew has no effect on me and will not be taken seriously by anyone; if that is your intent. In the first place you are always the one/ones to start this kind of long-drawn out sessions and cunningly say I always have the last word; then I can also say why do you start it in the first place? Pathetic brain-shrinking liars!


Anonymous said...

Last word?

Anonymous said...

Peeping through the misty pane
Oh my poor dim shrinking brain
Can't see or hear the pouring rain
Not to worry we can just feign
It's easy...just bulldoze
Like a runaway train
Wham, bam screech, smash...tooo-tooo
What happened...goodness gracious
Now I can feel the!


Anonymous said...

Just knew she'd be back with another poem making no sense at all. Lame one, you're sick.

Anonymous said...

You can't grasp the poem; that's good enough for me because it just proves further your shrinking brain. lol! Let's see if I can make a simpler one.

Bury your head in the sand no more
There's a lot for you around in store
Than just pick on people's minute flaws
When yours are glaring from back to fore
Pick up the pieces you still have
My advice is, don't waste energy and breath
Trying to cower someone higher than you
Like Adam says: Be yourself in your own avenue...


Anonymous said...

It's so obvious who Lammy serves and who she follows.
It is not the Good Shepherd but The Adversary whose job is always to sow confusion and division and is the troublemaker.
Get your acts together, Lammy, before it is too late for you have NO humility and FULL of PRIDE which is the same sin of Lucifer who you follow to the hilt.
Acknowledge your transgressions for your own good.

Anonymous said...

Your venom seems to be weakening and now you invoke God's name. As the famed saying goes: "You can run but you can't hide." To start with, put a constant name and not haphazardly scramble some names that disappear into thin air the next minute. That to me is not only cowardly but smells of dishonesty because you are afraid to see the light of day. That makes you not only a liar as shown above but a cheat as well. God helps those who help themselves, first and foremost and not just by invoking His name. I still can't believe that my simple comment to someone, not even having anything to do with you, can provoke such a long-drawn out unnecessary intrusion. You must have waited for an opportunity like this for a very long time to strike at me. Here you need anymore scraps from my table...there you go. lol!


Anonymous said...

Anyone who loses an argument or cannot anymore offer any justification always go the LOL way!

Anonymous said...

Now you're on your own? No wagon to hop on? Hey my suggestion of a DNA tweaking may still be the best solution. Meantime, don't play ping pong, not your game especially the brain version! lol!


Anonymous said...

I'm absolutely sure Lam-my has been bullied in her youth why she ends up with being the eternal bully who can't just let go. Everything to her is a competition where she has to win and left standing. POOR SOUL!!!

Anonymous said...

Just a reminder here...I made just one nonchalant remark and you had to bring on a full-steam onslaught at me; so who is feeling small all the time and need a competition to restore confidence of your shaky brain? lol! Alas, it's not to be; you need to work a lot harder if you want so badly to bring me down...this is nowhere near! Gee-dee-up! Hey don't use my idea...I already said you must have been a victim of bullying or some bad experience...and now you echo it back? You can do better than that, surely! Your "absolutely sure" phrase is a giveaway; you don't know me at all, how can you be absolutely sure? Liar! In such a short span of time I caught you lying twice, one above. As I've pointed out, liars always lie, it can be an addiction; have you heard of compulsive liars?


Anonymous said...

Whoa - Been away for two weeks and trying to catch up on BB and I see Lammy is up to her tricks as usual. Since I don't know what you Asians do, Lammy, I'll let you in on a little secret. If we Americans are rude enough to call someone a liar, we might say he's lying through his teeth, not through his nose. But since you can be blinded by a piece of dental floss instead of a blindfold you might want to think before you write and read what you wrote before you hit publish. You come off as such a spoiled brat. I certainly hope you don't have children to verbally abuse.


Anonymous said...

I have used, "lying through your teeth" before; don't try to be one up! You are merely echoing what I have used already, quite some time ago; you are way behind in this particular area; picking up my scraps too! Here, there you! I happen to like rephrasing my idioms; don't try it, since you are used to picking up scraps! Go fly a kite, there's nothing for you here and I have never spoken to you before with your occasional name. I guess you too practise anonymity for your own convenience and small-mindedness. Oh just to bring you up to speed...What I've done is called, mixed idioms, for emphasis and hilarity; and there is a blog-site of a writer who enjoys collecting mixed idioms. And you know original, 'lying through your nose' is prominently displayed as the title of this blog. lol! And yet when I invented it on the spur of the moment, I had no idea some other innovative minds think like me too. lol! Hey! Be yourself! It gives you better peace of mind and clarity and don't pull wool over my eyes again!


Anonymous said...

GFY and STFU Lame

Anonymous said...

what you do is called malapropisms. you show your stupidity constantly.

Anonymous said...

Well well well...sore losers can't return anything decent so what is the next best thing...hit below par and below belt. That is all you can do; afraid to spew anymore substandard bits and pieces for me to catch you redhanded. lol! Actually you and perhaps a couple included have no right at all to say those things to me. I made just one tiny comment, nothing to do with you at all and you little miserable people simply can't resist even a tiny chance to hurl low can you go? No not referring to the dance; to your miserable unrecognisable self. You bravely put up a name and then it vanishes into thin air. It should be a fair fight...if you want so badly to hit me, do it fairly with a constant name throughout, not off and on, so scared, 'trembling like a fly' Adam sings so beautifully. You or a couple of you have addressed my name 12 times! on a single thread, some kind of obsession! Almost all of these long drawn-out quarrels have been started by you or a couple of you for absolutely no reason other than trying to bait a fight. Well you got your wish but my advice is stay as far away as possible for your own safety or risk getting hammered, flattened. lol!


Anonymous said...

why are you so reluctant to confront the issue? such as malapropisms instead of mixed idioms?

Anonymous said...

Go fly a kite
Not interested in what you write
Out of mind out of!


Anonymous said...

There's no one more hateful in this fandom than LAM-MY, you are an embarrassment to your country.

Anonymous said...

Brain malfunction
Craves constant attention
No satisfaction


Anonymous said...

Deflect! Deflect! Deflect!

Anonymous said...

Low self esteem
Kicking, screaming, can't breathe
Truth will set you free


Anonymous said...

That you are full of yourself!
Full of PRIDE!
Extremely OBNOXIOUS!

Anonymous said...

Bad for brain and health
Jealousy, deception, stealth
Will toll your self-doomed knell


Anonymous said...

Obnoxious, obnoxious, obnoxious, Lam-my!

Anonymous said...

Don't play brain ping pong
You'll be squashed by king kong
Dong, dong...death knell tolls on


Anonymous said...

You are a poor soul, Lam-my, with no spirituality at all.

Anonymous said...

Dead chicken kicking
In the rice can that be?
That's what's happening! lol!
