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Adam Lambert "Lovelace" Los Angeles Premiere Red Carpet ARRIVALS

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, August 5, 2013

Posted at : Monday, August 05, 2013


Anonymous said...

Whoa, Adam remains so calm under this kind of scrutiny and clamour...quite a pro at it now; they sure like him a lot, great demand.


Anonymous said...

Adam giving a little eye sex for the cameras!

daydreamin said...

He's cute with all of his "looks". Love hearing all the photographers vying for his attention.

Anonymous said...

Who was the young hottie with him I wonder? He was fine!

glitzylady said...

The guy Adam is with is Eli Lieb, singer of "Young Love". Adam and Eli were together somewhere a while back.. Definitely a cutie..

Anonymous said...

Yeah, with handsome, hot and talented singer Eli Lieb AGAIN. Let the speculations begin! A very hot couple. Is Eli jewish too? That would be excellent to think about the marriage etc. But why is he looking so serious? Smile, cutie, smile! Maybe not used too the RedCarpets yet?

Leilani Aloha said...

Adam! Adam! Adam! wow! so gorgeous ! & they love him!!!
Adam's a real hotie & a gentleman!!!

Anonymous said...

My Gosh, so much screaming by the paps for Adam....You'd think he was the major star of the movie! Wow! The paps/cameras loooovvvvveee Adam ( and so do I...sigh)


Anonymous said...

I'm soo happy for Adam!

Anonymous said...

The guy with Adam at the beginning of this video is a cutie. Adam looked stunning from head to toe.

Anonymous said...

Nothing NEW to tell... and yet the man succeeds in surprising the best ninjas out there and all of us every week, if not almost every day!

Gotta LOVE this man!

glitzylady said...

Off Topic: Here's something interesting: Wonder if it means anything: Hmmmm....

AVICII BREAKING NEWS: According to Universal Music Studios (Avicii's Album Company) @Avicii's Next Single Will be Revealed! Lay Me Down????

Anonymous said...

does anyone know why Adam was in NY..he spent only a short time there and now back in LA..he had to have had a reason to fly 3000 miles and back again so very soon...hope it means something exciting..even tho Adam told paps that there is nothing new to report..

Anonymous said...

Adam is so adorable as always! I love how he's so confident and nice to all at the same time! He has that winning smile that you have to love. He is so special and everyone knows it! ADAM TO THE RIGHT - TO THE LEFT - OVER HERE! He takes it all in stride! So proud of our guy!

Anonymous said...

'Okay, okay...' and that laughter just melts my heart...
The blouse on that blond long haired girl/woman reminded me of Adam's marvelous "Loboutinis" (sp sorry), :))))

Anonymous said...

4:05 AM
Some people in Adamtopia say Adam was not at all in NY. The girls who claim to have seen him seem not to be reliable and the tweet from the MM Choir was located in LA.

Anonymous said...

There are 3 video clips of this but not complaining. Interesting shirt.

Thanks for the link, glitzylady. Eli has a nice voice and just from this footage, he seems to be Adam's "type" but that's nobody's business except Adam's. As long as Adam is happy ......

Anonymous said...

2:51 AM
He is talented singer-songwriter Eli Lieb with whom Adam was out a couple of weeks ago. A real hottie!!! Dating maybe?

Anonymous said...

I wish people would stop talking about marriage and such every time Adam is out with a guy and/or a friend, makes my skin crawl...
The same when people say that Adam and Danielle are a cute couple and that they should make babies... Way too personal and private things to butt in, and definitely not something to joke about. jmo

Anonymous said...

Looking Good!!!!
Can't wait until GLEE.
Adam should be in pictures, too.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks as dashing as ever. Eli looks very uncomfortable with all the craziness happening around them.

I don't think Adam was in NY. The person who reported seeing him said he was clean shaven. It was probably Adam Levine!

Anonymous said...

What! Adam was not in NY? Let's ask the security guard.

Anonymous said...

he gets more attention than the stars - yeah! i hope he gets paid well for these promos. and yes he looks great

Anonymous said...

Adam knows how to werk it to perfection. The girl in the red dress in the beginning took some camera time.

Anonymous said...

Love the part where the girl pap says.....stay here, stay here, stay here and he answers back OK!

Also I really like this classy look......very handsome.


glitzylady said...

And as a follow-up to the tweet that I posted at 3:50 AM:
his isn't Avicii's own personal twitter page BTW. Not even 100% sure of its "official"-ness. I saw this earlier this AM (the first tweet). But the second one was added later so it doesn't mean much, (or does it??? hmmmm...)) I suspect, at this point. But regardless of which song it actually is, it will be "revealed" in six days.. So we wait..and hope! :)))

AVICII BREAKING NEWS: According to Universal Music Studios (Avicii's Album Company) @Avicii's Next Single Will be Revealed! Lay Me Down????

and later on, this tweet:

@Avicii There is a 1 in 12 Chance that it could be Lay Me Down. Stay Tuned for which song it could be! (Expecting it will be a good track)