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Adam Lambert Tweets MUSIC

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Anonymous said...

That's right!
Hang on 2 Your Love, Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

My fav. Adam look:

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't have a love right now, that we know of lol. It's almost 3am where I live I will have to tune these in again tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful black and white pic.:

Anonymous said...

it was in Glee that Kate Hudson commanded my respect.
I didn't think much of her until I saw how good she is as an actress and more than acting she CAN dance!
She was fierce indeed and I hope that Adam will have the same effect to Glee watchers who don't know him or know him but don't appreciate him.
This Glee role is the best thing that has ever happened to Adam to expand his fame to younger audience.
Better than in Idol judge seat.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous Adam:

Anonymous said...

Please don't go to bed with such a narrow, superficial view on LOVE! Think a little!
If you're an AL fan, you know what I mean... So I repeat, HANG ON TO YOUR LOVE, BB!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Love this pic.

daydreamin said...

I found some great pre-idol video of Adam that had some footage I have never seen before. It's also great because it's in chronological order.

Part 1:

Click Here

Part 2:
Click Here

Part 3:
Click Here

Anonymous said...

One more:

Anonymous said...

To those who are posting Instagram links, I can't access Instagram, nor can other people here who don't have access to it. Is it possible for you to post links to pictures rather than Instagram links? If so, it would be greatly apprecfiated.

Anonymous said...

Oops! That should be "appreciated".

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin. Explored all those videos during his Idol run. Thanks for sharing them. Brought back great memories of sharing these videos on AI Adam's profile account back in 2009.

Anonymous said...

Josh Duhamel was on Jimmy Kimmel's show tonite and was asked who was at Fergie's gayby shower and Josh didn't mention Adam. That's it, I'm boycotting his movies and Fergie's music. And I'm not watching Kimmel for the rest of the week.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks Daydreamin for those Pre-idol links. Adam's voice was something very special and exceptional from the very beginning. I'm grateful to Idol for providing Adam the exposure to millions of people who otherwise might never have had the opportunity to witness the brilliance of Adam.


Anonymous said...

Looking at these instagram pictures, it seems to me Adam gained some weight and he looks older with his facial hair. Is he trying to live like his character role on Glee? I read that some of the new cast characters are older age roles. Adam for sure taking his role on Glee seriously. Only two seasons of Glee left and Adam wants to make memorable mark.

Anonymous said...

at 11:41 PM

Adam has said that in many ways he is an open book.

Music means the world to him and I think a lot of his mood and mind can be read from the music & lyrics he sings and listens to.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much daydreamin! While I have seen most of these, I can never get enough of beautiful, talented, Adam. He takes my breath away with his awesomeness!.nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

11:41 wow you are deep, I better get my sh*t together like you. 11:52

Anonymous said...

When we come across an instagram pic we can only post the link. If you're computer set up doesn't allow it, you have to fix it yourself. I have Yahoo! and Msn ((IE). msn does not show the pics, Yahoo! does.

glitzylady said...

New article today from The Hollywood Reporter: Interview with new Idol producers:

"New 'American Idol' Producers Vow to 'Freshen Things Up' (Q&A)"

***[Excerpts from the article specifically discussing Adam Lambert:]****

"THR: Both of you have watched Idol in past seasons, do you have a favorite contestant?
Ignjatovic: It's probably Adam Lambert for me. I just love how he would re-imagine or recreate the songs and take the music to a different place. It goes without saying that he's a very talented performer and vocalist and such a likable guy. His work with the Idol team to stage different looking performances, that connected with me. I remember I couldn't stop talking about him that season.
Prager: I was excited when Carrie Underwood won. I just knew they found a star at that point. And when David Cook came out and recreated ["Billie Jean"] by Michael Jackson -- that was sick. That excites me. Adam Lambert is obviously an amazing example of that, too -- where they find their identity and show it and take cover songs that show what they're going to be as an artist. When you get those moments, it's fantastic.
THR: Since coming in second on season eight, Adam Lambert has been back on Idol every year, either as a performer or a mentor. It's one reason why there's been a push to have him at the judges' table. Would you consider him?
Prager: We all know having watched the show that he is really beloved. As far as him being considered as a judge, you've heard just as many names thrown out there as we have, but I think that he is obviously a big part of the show and getting him on there is always great."

Full article here:

Anonymous said...

Dang man, Adam's first song makes me want to say screw it and slough off the traditional confines of Love relationships and explore pursuing love more in a modern and open manner... and his second song halts me dead in my free-wheeling tracks, makes me catch my less cautious self and think twice... shit AML, you do set people to pondering don't you (a true goal of his IMHO).

Anonymous said...

I can't view these Instagram pics either - ggrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Anonymous said...


Was Just reading that, and passing it along to a fellow 24/7 reader. Very interesting. I do think it's still very plausible that Idol uses Adam for a mentor, if even only one, perhaps in conjunction with promoting his Glee appearances, as that sort of promo is always "bundled" and projects are inevitably cross-promoted nowadays.

Anonymous said...

nice article glitzy, I wouldn't be surprised to see Adam on this year maybe as a mentor for a week.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the pre-Idol vids. I've seen them before, of course (some many times), but it's always a thrill to witness the emergence of greatness. Thanks!

glitzylady, I read the whole article and I'm a little confused. The article has a current date, but it doesn't mention Wil I Am at all. Isn't he supposed to be a judge this year? The interview doesn't seem current. Those producers sure gush about Adam and how great he was on the show and how important he is to the show and how he is so popular, but then they hedge around the quesiton about him being a judge. It's a real puzzle. They love him. They don't use him. They love him. They don't use him. They love him. They don't use him. Whaaaat??? Maybe he'll get to be a mentor, but that's kind of a consolation prize, IMO. Not that Adam wouldn't be a great mentor. Of course he would. The reluctance to hire Adam as a judge will never cease to amaze me. They use him to create buzz, but that's where it ends. It must frustrate the hell out of Adam.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I can't see the instagrams either. Frustrating.

Anonymous said...

If Idol doesn't want to make Adam a judge, they have to quit asking people questions like
"THR: Both of you have watched Idol in past seasons, do you have a favorite contestant?". Or else add "besides Adam Lambert" because they know his name will always come up.

Anonymous said...

Adam could have been a judge if he had been more successful, but as things stand he isn't a great advertisement for their brand. He didn't prove to be a viable artist, and the fact that there was so much excitement about him on idol just makes it even sadder than for most idols.

Anonymous said...

To me Adam´s second song choice was some serious singing from Sam Sparro, got me interested in checking up more!

Anonymous said...

7:12, I guess international tours, praise world-wide, appearances on major world-wide TV shows, performances with legendary music stars, some TV gigs (with more to come), magazine covers and articles, etc. etc. etc. all don't mean a thing. I know, I know, I know that he hasn't been a multi-million seller, but he has sold decently. And he has the charm, personality, experience and energy to be a good judge. Last year's mulit-million sellers were a disaster (at least two of them). I can't believe that his sales totals would be the only criteria that would keep him out. He's got every other qualificiation there could ever be. He's still one of the few high-profile Idols to come out of the show. For these new producers to gush over him and then not hire him is just media manipulation at its worst. I don't know what Idol's "brand" is, but if it's more bland, "nice" singers who all blend together with little distinction, I guess that's what they want. There was extra excietment about Adam after Idol for a reason. He stands apart. He is distinctive. His viability will grow, IMO. Sorry for my rant, but those two guys really irritate me.


Anonymous said...

Sorry but the bottom line is he is not the kind of successful idol they want to proudly point to and say, see we discovered them. He didn't sell decently or he wouldn't have lost his record deal. He didn't get a Grammy award, or even a nomination with his last record, or any kind of hit single. His career seems very much up in the air now.

They offered a job, at one point anyway, to Jennifer Hudson because she has a Grammy and an Oscar. She gets invited to all kinds of prestigious events and gets lucrative endorsements.

Anonymous said...

We fans live in a cocoon of Adamness. We know what he's done and where and how he's been received because we search him out. My grown children don't listen to him, their friends don't, my friends don't and most people I know when I mention him haven't heard anything about him since Idol. The press in this country ignored his performances in Asia and his performances with Queen. He is not an international Star no matter what we may think.
It's very frustrating that others don't share our opinion, but it's a fact we have to accept.

Anonymous said...

plant plant plant that negativity.

Anonymous said...

10 40. Is a fakey fake troll.

But the truth is idol producers wanted bigger stars. There is no mystery as to why he didn't get picked

Anonymous said...

I just DL Sam's single from iTunes.

Anonymous said...

He doing quite well actually you can be successful in many ways. He going to be on a big tv show. Plus he fronting Queen as he done in the past, this time at a huge Vegas festival. He did Div's last year and PLL. He is somewhat of an international star he beloved in Asian and other places. Yes not everyone knows him in Asia but he growing. glee will certainly help his international fame. He one of the few from idol who got any international fame at all. The only one Asia really cares about. Glee going to help Adam reprise his popularity quite a bit here. His first album sold well and you know it over two million worldwide. And 5 million singles. Second one did not do as well here but with Glee It will get more sales. Adam himself said overall world wide it sold good. Thank RCA for two successful albums. Remember in Asia them asking him are you pleased how well both album done here, we love them.he also been nominated for a Grammy, JH. Other than first album have not been on fire her music. She best known for AA. Does not look like she maybe there either. People have dips in their career lets not belittle the whole career. ad going to get a new fans on Glee and will get renewed popularity, he still has many fans that has and will never leave him. He certainly not the dud your describing. Yes I rehashed this stuff many times just as you negative people have quoted your damn negativity many times. You think negativity makes you real,no it does not. Tearing down someone who probably accomplished more in a year than you people will ever in a life time is not real. He has some good opportunities coming Vegas and Glee which many producers and record people will see, coming up cannot wait. Know one though he be in Avincii album and he is it will probably be a single eventually and big in clubs, the one with Adam on it. Looking forward so much to Glee and Vegas he will be on idol in some sort of way probably this year, he had every year hardly anyone else has. Yes I rehash things because you negative people persist in saying half truths yea your just being real BS. Now go at me lol because Grannie Sue is damn sure up from a nap type o's and all, and rest of you negative nellies can to.

Anonymous said...

Honestly sue can you not follow one single conversation ? Can you not see that it's not tearing adam down to just say the reason he isn't an idol judge is because producers said they wanted bigger stars. Can you not face any reality With regard to adam at all? No one needs a litany of Adams work every single time you imagine he has been slighted.

Really sue you have some mental health issues you should address.

Anonymous said...

Some of us are fans of Adam but don't live in a fog of
denial. Calling people who live in reality trolls is a childish thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Sam Sparro is a talented musician and it is great that Adam supports him. I had never heard about Sparro before I got to learn about him through Adam. Adam tweeted also about his other song, Shades Of Grey quite recently.

Anonymous said...

7:10 AM, did you seriously misunderstand the article that much? Idol didn't ask themselves questions, a REPORTER asked those questions.

Anonymous said...

I'm not naive about Adam's level of success. I know he's not at the top of the list of the most popular current singers. But, unless you actually follow someone closely, you don't know much about them either, even the top singers. You may hear their songs a lot more, but you don't know what other things they're doing unless you seek them out. That's not just true of following Adam. After four years off Idol, he still manages to get media attention, good reviews and international gigs. That's saying something. He has new opportunities to promote himself coming up. I know the average person who isn't really into music probably knows nothing about him, but they probably don't know anything about a lot of singers they hear, even if they like their songs. I can't imagine that Adam would be any more polarizing on Idol than last year's bunch. And I believe that some of those viewers who think they don't like him would have probably been pleasantly surprised and changed their minds. Guess we'll never know. Adam isn't going to fade away into oblivion. He'll be around doing everything he can to succeed. He's just too good.


Anonymous said...

@DRG you are so right. I remember when MJ was pointing at the media telling them look at all these fans that love me and know I'm right. Stop with your venomous story about me just to make yourself a big reporter or newscast. The media is always seeking for negativity and plant bad pictures of stars in people's mind and people they don't care to seek out the real facts.

With Adam the media was/is fascinated with his sexuality. How he can overcome this is when people open up their minds. The LGBT is doing quiet a lot of work to make people understand that there is a segment of human race that are born this way and stop mistreating them. Now with Russian news discriminating Olympic LGBT athletes there will be more news about this issue. I have to thank Adam for opening up my mind about this. I did a lot of research about it and yes people it's biological and your born with it just like people have blue, green, brown eyes. People with different skin colors. Talk about this with your friends and family members. I do it all the time and I have gay friends and family members.

We are all flowers of one garden with different shapes and sizes. Let's celebrate and embrace our differences to make the world a better place to live.

Anonymous said...

When I see a big one paragraph with no indentions for easier reading I scroll by especially noticing the first line as that of Sue's broken record of enumeration same old always.
It's dizzying to read her posts though I empathize with her condition and yet I could not understand for the life of me why she always bothers to keep on with her same old litany over and over.

Anonymous said...

Yes that's a lot of typing
@ Sue - If you aren't feeling well just type DITTO.
Much easier on you and we have your message memorized .