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ENTV: Glee Season 5 Preview - NeNe Leakes Returns Plus Adam Lambert Villain

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Anonymous said...

Yea Nene meets Adam one more time...these two have an unspoken chemistry in their terrific acting together. Actually after the Diva skit, I recommended these two veterans have another go and yes, Glee producer/director snapped it up. lol! Whoa, I say these two are the ones to beat! I somehow feel Adam will portray the image, posted on the Gaga thread...dark glasses with moustache, jeans, jacket...because if he plays a darkish kind of role as suggested so far, then that image fits better than the clean-shaven one. But Adam is full of surprises, whims and fancies; this I feel is only one of the images he'll dress up to be as a seemingly long-term Glee cast. I thought Chris said he would be the villain; in that case Adam plays the one up against Kurt to stop his misdemeanours, or Adam plays a bully...oooh lol!


Adamluv said...

All very positive info. about Adam coming on Glee! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

what is his name going to be on the show?

Anonymous said...

Agree that Nene and Adam have a special comedic chemistry. They were fantastic together on the VH1 Diva Show. Can't wait to see if they will have scenes together on Glee!


Anonymous said...

He either plays Henry, nothing revealed, or Jim, teacher or Roderick, senior character. So if Adam is playing a darkish role as suggested above, I think Henry might be a plausibility. Not so likely a villainous teacher or senior...Still possible but quirky. lol!


Anonymous said...

Glee will not only survive but thrive with Adam. He will add a dimension to the show. I thought Kate Hudson did a great job and I hope Adam will have a similar type nemesis role. She was a villain with a heart (after a while). Adam will let people see that he is tough, fierce and strong. And hopefully his likeability factor is revealed later on. Glee will be the show to watch like it was four years ago. His mgmt finally is coming through for him getting him exposure on TV.

Anonymous said...

Adam saves Glee! Yay!!

funbunn40 said...

Adam and NeNe were hilarious on Divas Live! He has such great comedic timing and can really be funny. Hope some of that will appear on Glee. I can hardly wait to see his character and hope he'll be on several episodes. He definitely will electrify the screen!

Anonymous said...

I don't particularly see Kate Hudson's charms as many others do... however, she absolutely rocked that Glee character she played (it was very well developed and written {for TV anyway}) and I was too was hoping for similar character development for Adam's upcoming role; but a BIGGER PART, 'though I don't think it will be as big a part as I would like :), but if it's similar to Kate's appearances that would be great! Fingers Crossed. I do believe the Glee Producers will make sure Adam shines, as they have traditionally taken very good care of all their guest stars, quickly "arcing" characters, and series regulars.

Anonymous said...

Adam will be fabulous on Glee! We have seen him as a performer on stage be his many different selves. Adam can be anything he wants to be. One thing for sure, he will be great as he has been waiting for this opportunity to be on Glee for a long time. I can't wait!.nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

When Glee premiered, I watched three or four episodes and then drifted away from it. BUT, I can't wait for Adam to rev it up. He is so different in a totally good way. His part will be juicy and deep, I think. And yes, he and Nene were great together on Divas. Great to finally see some more Glee promo that mentions ADAM. There will be more to come as the season progresses. The hype for Adam will be great.

Just thinking about album 3. There is no reason for Adam to release an album before he has a chance to build a following on Glee. I don't think he'd have an album out before that anyway, but just sayin'. If he can capture the Glee audience, the next album should do well. Hope we get some news soon about a new label for him.


Anonymous said...

Whoa, this thread has all the BertGlamMoms out in full force to make sure every thing goes according to plan for Adam on Glee. So far everything seems set to hit the screen. lol!


Anonymous said...

Since it has been assumed that Adam's part will most likely be in New York, with Rachel and Kurt - I doubt he will have any interaction with Nene, as she would be at the high school. Just sayin' ...

Anonymous said...

According to funbunn, better not touch the screen when Adam is on's electrified and that can make your hair stand literally. lol!


Anonymous said...

Perhaps in the later episodes for Adam and Nene to be together.


Anonymous said...

oh no! Nene leakes?