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Executive Director of AFTEE Confirms Adam Lambert, Nile Rodgers, Avicii will perform LMD live for 1st time

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Anonymous said...

omg what a cool dance party this will be.

Anonymous said...

Sooooo wish I could be there for the first live performance of this song!!! Sure hope we get great videos!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes Lay Me Down, terrific dance song/music. Adam's voice fits this genre of music. Somehow I feel Adam gave the title of the song; it sort of offsets his own song Pick Me Up. And I notice Avicii's True album has several titles made up of 3 words, Lay Me Down, Wake Me Up, You Make Me, Shame On Me, a few more.


glitzylady said...

Re videos:

From twitter tonight...

Marsha ‏@vistadiva 15m
@TALCvids AFTEE looking for anyone who is willing to take vids so they can make a DVD and sell it for the charity. R U gals interested?

Marsha ‏@vistadiva 17m
The local radio station is going to record Nile's Dance Party.

Anonymous said...

There's a particular title on the Avicii album that caught my attention...Addicted To You, also three words and it reminds me of what I've often said to 'my addicted stalker' here several times. Hmm, perhaps it caught Avicii's attention or his assistants'. lol!


Anonymous said...

Oh the big difference is I asked the particular stalker...Are you addicted to me...and not the other way round as reflected in Avicii's album. lol!


Anonymous said...

@GlitzyLady. IMO TALC girls should do this or even SUZ526. Where is SUZ526? Miss her a lot.

Anonymous said...

Yay! a DVD!!!!

Anonymous said...

I will buy at least 3 dvd's sounds great.---blueeyes

Anonymous said...

This is so wonderful for Adam and for us! Adam so deserves this recognition and Lay Me Down is so great! I'm thinking No.1 hit! Can't wait to see the video of this dance party!!!!!!!!nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I envy those at the meet/meat and greet.

Anonymous said...

I much prefer Adam's Pick U Up to any of the Avicii songs.

Anonymous said...

not everything is about you.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see some Adam M&G pix, if possible. And maybe a red carpet? Can't wait to see how he's dressed. So happy that he'll perform with Nile and Avicii!!! I'd buy a DVD for sure.


glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:55 PM
I agree: I miss Suz too!

Anonymous said...

Just like everything else he's done - everyone else will get recognized for it and go on to be major players while he sits on the sidelines waiting for that big break.

Jadam said...

Does anyone know what happened with Suz did she give it all up? If so by choice or necessity. She was a great talent.