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Ginny Blackmore: "Adam Lambert Has Heart of sapphire, no flickering of fear."

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, August 10, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, August 10, 2013


Anonymous said...

What's "Heart of sapphire"? I've never heard that expression before.

Anonymous said...

I never heard that expression before either but it has a nice ring to it.

Anonymous said...

Sapphire is my birthstone for Sept., so this expression is good enough for me.

Anonymous said...

She met our Adam, joy divine
Announced it in a charming rhyme
How truly, perfectly sublime...............JAK

"Heart of Sapphire....?....well, it is a precious gem!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a nice song title too.

Jadam NZ said...

Listen to our Ginnies song called"Bones" very unusual and cool.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely, cool way to describe Adam! Never heard that before, either, but it suits him for sure.


Leilani Aloha said...

Sapphire is also my birthstone :)

Yup, Adam sure is PRECIOUS!

We, glamberts just simply love Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Wonder if Adam has invited Sauli over to his apt. again. They looked so happy. Sauli probably gets invited several times he is Adams best buddy. They are both free and single, to do what they like. They are a lot more careful now at being seen together. I have not been drinking, nor on drugs, just think it's a possibility, since it's only been a few weeks since someone took that pic. How many more times have they been together, that we don't know about.
Sauli is going to Finland for a few weeks, and then he is planning to come back, he loves LA, and hats Finlands winters.

Anonymous said...

@9:13.There is a thread for sauli.go there please,lets not start that irrelevant arguments here.yeah ginny..great description of Adam

Anonymous said...

@9:13.There is a thread for sauli.go there please,lets not start that irrelevant arguments here.yeah ginny..great description of Adam

Anonymous said...

Maybe because Ginny Blackmore is a recording artist with Epic, she's used to thinking in creative ways, and writing that way, too. This is a fun and poetic way to describe meeting Adam. And so true!

And . . . maybe Ginny met Adam at Epic Records? Wouldn't that be epic? Hard to tell what else is in the works for Adam. Would love to think a new, supportive label is grabbing him up.

Check out Ginny's song "Bones". Really good!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Top quality sapphires are extremely rare. They come in magnificient colors, they promote telepathic powers, harmony, friendship and loyalty, are constant and durable and it can be stated that they are the creme de la creme of jewels. Of course, Adam's heart is all of these. What a compliment to have the heart of a sapphire!

Anonymous said...

I do want to meet Adam lambert, he seems like a nice person.ofcourse i would be star struck but i would engage him in an engaging conversation and yes a kiss(dont mind me)

Anonymous said...

My birthstone as well is sapphire and mom gifted me with a big emerald cut blue and love it.
But I don't think it did good for Princess Diana as her engagement ring when that marriage was a one way traffic.
I hope it is the opposite for Kate this time.

Anonymous said...

Ginny met adam years ago. she wrote on trespassing. she was just playing a rhyming game. She asked someone to tweet her a couple of opening words and she completed the rhyme. The person tweeted I met adam.

Anonymous said...

Sapphire is a beautiful blue gemstone. It is also very hard, it comes right after the diamond.

Anonymous said...

Sapphire is my birth stone, too. I'm happy to share it with Adam. I'm also learning more about it than I ever knew before.

Anonymous said...

Ginny Blackmore is from New Zealand, but moved to London, Adam met up with her and they wrote the song 'By The Rules' I love this song so much. Hope they get together again for album no.3, and yes I love the way she describes Adam, she is obviously very taken by him, but then can you blame her, who wouldn't be.

Anonymous said...

Blue is a cool colour. Red and yellow are fire colours: flickering. Maybe Adam's blue eyes made her think of it.

Anonymous said...

I have a green sapphire ring, inherited from my late mother.

Anonymous said...

The eyes are the window to the soul. Adam has very blue eyes. Sometimes blue as sapphires? I dunno.

Anonymous said...

I keep thinking that the "sapphire" quote would make a good title for Adam's biography.


glitzylady said...


Ginny has a way with words..and every word and phrase, few though they may be, describe Adam's ability to amaze, and fit him to a "T".


Anonymous said...

She did many rhymes with many posters. It is not clear she even know the poster was talking about adam lambert.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:27 AM
I would bet BIG $$$ that Ginny knew exactly who @YellowsisterBert was speaking of when she suggested the 3 words "I met Adam".. Of course she knew.. :))) (The Bert in the twitter name is a big clue..and she knows Adam has a very **enthusiastic** fan base on twitter.......and she knows and has worked with Adam....and has experienced that big beautiful grin..[sigh....]...)

For those who aren't aware of the tweet Ginny Blackmore posted on her Twitter acct., she asked for 3 words to create song lyrics from...

"Ginny Blackmore ‏@GinnyBlackmore 19h
Feel like writing a song. Gimme 3 opening words"

Anonymous said...

The naïveté of posters on this site is endlessly entertaining.

Anonymous said...

@9:44 AM
Why would we care what you think?

Anonymous said...

Adam does have beautiful eyes, I've seen them up close at a meet and greet and thought I might faint. He always looks great but in person he is stunning and that's putting it lightly.

Anonymous said...

@10:17 AM
I think your being a bit mean towards 9:44 AM. There was nothing bad written about either Adam or Sauli, just a fan expressing some interest, your comment is unwarranted.

Anonymous said...

@11:00 AM, what 10:17 AM said

Anonymous said...

9:44 AM is a LOT mean! and snotty.

Anonymous said...

omg the effing tweets are on this page I am sure you people can read English. Read GL comment.

Anonymous said...

This is not Twitter, you twat! lol

Anonymous said...

This has turned into the weirdest site......

Anonymous said...

I don't have any sapphire rings :(

Anonymous said...

9:44, agreed. And you seemed to hit a nerve with somebody.

Anonymous said...

@2:16 PM Today is special. Our resident troll, (9:44 AM) learned a new big word and decided to take the opportunity to be demeaning and insulting as usual.

Anonymous said...

There's way more than one troll here and if 9:44 is one if them they are the least offensive of all of them.

Anonymous said...

2:36, I wasn't referring to that.

Anonymous said...

omg too many times on here I lost track of what is going on.

Anonymous said...

LOL! You cracked me up!

Anonymous said...

Many of the fans here live in a fantansy world and any one who says or has a contrary opinion is damned!
I am out of this freaking so called fansite, and yes before you say it i will close the door quietly behind me. South Africa loves you adam

Anonymous said...

@ 9:44 am---I'm with you, it is amusing quite often to read some of the posts from people who "don't get it" and some who are over eager to protect Adam from innocent remarks said in jest. Cuckoo - cuckoo