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GLEE: Lea Michele and Glee Cast at Teen Choice Awards 2013

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, August 11, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, August 11, 2013

Lea Michele and the Glee Cast tearfully dedicate their Teen Choice Awards to Cory Monteith on August 11 2013


Anonymous said...

I never thought I could cry watching Lea talking about Cory. I probably would have skipped the video, before Adam on Glee. Yea these are certainly very young vibrant people. I think it'll make Adam look younger surrounded by all these young veterans in their own right and expertise. One of these days, if Adam stays on, he'll probably get a best actor award like Lea Michele.


Jadam said...

Well said Michelle, my heart goes out to you and all Cory's friends and family.

Jadam said...

Sorry of course that is Lea MIchelle.

glitzylady said...

I just happened to tune into the Teen Choice Awards right when the Glee cast was talking about Cory. And then Lea Michelle came on to accept her award. Both my husband and shed some tears... We watched Glee from the beginning and liked Cory. So sad......

Anonymous said...

I have watched Glee from the beginning. It came on after Adam's appearance on Season 8. My heart goes out to Lea, Ryan and the entire cast of this fun and entertaining show. The work that goes into that show is huge. And Lea, who is suffering the hardest loss personally as well is an absolute professional and her speech left me in tears. Deep sadness for Cory's family and the people he left behind. Beautiful speeches by the cast members and especially Lea Michele.

Anonymous said...

Always soo much predictable predictions from you know who!?!

Anonymous said...

10:46 soo what, is there some point in following someone from thread to thread and nagging them to death?

Anonymous said...

If there is ever a time for positivity and empathizing, this is it.
I do not know what the prior comments were in regard to, but it sounded insensitive. Let us be better people please.

Anonymous said...

I think we need someone like you to track the obsessive tracker/s and nip them in the bud; otherwise this obsessive nincompoop will turn every thread into a quarrelsome one. Good work!


Anonymous said...

Those were beautiful words spoken by the aglee cast members, especially Lea Michelle, the closest one to Corey. It's truly very sad.


HK fan said...

Lovely speech...but I don't understand why Glee and Lea would win comedy awards...I would never put Glee into the comedy category.

Anonymous said...

@ HK fan - That puzzled me also.

Anonymous said...

Glee is a bit of a hybrid. It has both comedy and drama depending on the scene. It's also a musical. It fits more in the comedy than drama category.

Anonymous said...

I so sick of nasty people, There are nasty people on here who get a grudge for certain people such as Lam/my, myself Sue and other's. they try endlessly to make fun of or put them down because they are very positive towards Adam. Lam/my said nothing that called for a snarky remark. Also I am very positive about Adam and lol, and others but especially that lol, like to bring me down and make fun of me. Every time I post I get Grannie Sue up from a nap just about. So I just signing that way now even tho I do not need to post at all it's not good for me right now. I post because I care for Adam when I know it's not good for my health, when so many hateful peopl lurk here all the time. I guess to me loving Adam and supporting him is worth the risk. However it should be a happy place to show support and love for Adam not some place to be afraid your gonna get a nasty attack every time you post and yes they attack. If you ever confronted them for their nasty behavior they will be at you endlessly. Nothing wrong with a different i opinion, but just nasty not an opinion. It is a shame people or allowed to take over the site day after day when it could be such a great place, with just a little policing. Lam/my love your post dear just keep on posting them. Grannie Sue formerly Sue.

Anonymous said...

Also my heart goes out to Lea M. So sorry for what she has gone through at such a very young age. G Sue

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue!
Your post is so cheerful even though you are not well...especially the way you say...Grannie Sue up from a nap lol! You make me laugh until tears are bursting out. Hey it's the best laugh I've had all day. Actually you're sixty+ not that old really; take it easy a bit and hope your coming operation will help you regain your health and then you can dance to Kickin In and be Groovy Sue! lol! Okay seriously, you have a lot of spunk; don't let anyone make you feel less than what you are. Being a Grannie is a huge blessing! Nothing wrong with being called Grannie Sue, does not mean you're old and dull. To me you're very very strong in the mind even though your heart needs an operation which is serious and yet you can come here and give me such a good laugh. Three cheers for Super Groovy Sue! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Hey Sue
You should sign off as GG Sue! = Groovy Grannie Sue...Perhaps Adam should have a song title...Oooh-la-la GG Sue! Whoa, sounds fashionable. lol!


Anonymous said...

Ok Lam/my I will use that one GG Sue sure my arch enemy will make something out of it. But I'll use it for you. Sue

Anonymous said...

Sorry Lam/my I meant to sign GG Sue!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue.... it's rose petal
I don't post here as much anymore ...I used to have witty things to say ..,at least I thought they were witty.... maybe not ....but they don't come to me as easy anymore ...It makes me very sad when people are mean to others ..., and Im sad enough on my own these days....both u and Lam-my are true Adam fans IMO ...not to say others aren't ....just want u to know I enjoy your passion and your support of Adam..... I have to say I have developed greater tolerance for people who criticize ....things they can't understand cuz they've never been there .....since Adam came in my life....I used to get so upset when someone would say ....why don't u just get in a better mood.... stop crying... pull yourself together ....but since Adam I just think ....what a shame u can't walk in my shoes then u know....I know and am always glad to hear from u ....keep in touch and let me know how u r.....peace ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

@Grannie Sue and Lam-my and Rose petal.... I know some think that Glam is dead but maybe you can say GGG Sue: Glam Groovy Grannie Sue (Borrowed a bit from Lam-y)...LOL..

Maybe I should sign with GG Axel as well, but it would mean Gleek Glambert Axel..

Anyway.. Grannie Sue... *many hugs*... Not sure whether I would be using a computer at your age.. so hat off to you !!

Cheers, Axel

Anonymous said...

Rose pedal I on my way to dr. So got to be short. Please feel better I miss you here. Depression so hard please feel better. So nice to hear from you. lam/my thank you for all the kind words should said should have wrote more. Rose Pedal please come here more often need you here. I have spurts of posting to depends how I feel. Got go into dr. Now. Miss you here! GG Sue

Anonymous said...

And of course... bearhug to the Glee cast and especially Lea.. sigh... must have been hard for them... Cory just passed away about 1 month ago... Axel.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rose Petal, GG Sue, Axel, Ct, Lam-my and other faithful posters. I don't care what others think of me and please don't ever feel afraid to post because of some of the anons (NOT ALL). It is impossible to change negative people unless they want to change. Most of us adore Adam and like to listen to what Adam's fans have to say because it's interesting. When I start to read something I don't like, I just scroll down. I'm not saying I have never been "hurt" here, but for me life is too short. I enjoy all of you great Adam fans too much to quit.........nancdruuu2
p.s.Good luck to all having health problems. I hope your burden gets easier with each passing day. Love!

Anonymous said...

Thank you 9.56 it's means a lot to me. I just had time to look at next thread a minute, the bullies are out in force. The granny callers are out look like picking on Glitzy this time, and slinging mud. I am so sick of it. They do it to me whenever I post and they are on the site. Anyway thank you I will try stay on here but when they make you sick you got to get off. Headaches and upset. Thanks for your support your posts are always so nice towards Adam. We do not always need agree, but nasty just needs to be kicked out of here in my opinion. I wish when they start the mean stuff which is always it on other post, we could all stick together against it. GG Sue

Anonymous said...

a very sweet tribute. I hope Lea and Adam become the best of buds. I know she admires his talent and she has always wanted to sing with him.

Anonymous said...

Don't know if u will come back here but in case u do... I thought I would share this with u...I wrote it a couple of years ago... Angry One
Hay you angry one, who gives you the right
To spread your hate and prejudice
That blocks out love and light.
To cut me with your ugly words
As if you are someone, and not
Just a bully, proud of what you’ve done,
Angry one, if things would change
I wonder what you’d do
Could you stand in front of me
While I assault and accuse,
Angry one do you hurt and cry when you’re alone
Should my heart break for you should my sprit moan.
Angry one I pity you for may never mend
You may never feel true love
Or the comfort of a friend
But I’ve no time for you for life is drawing near.
And life is now so sweet, without your hate and fear....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Perhaps I should say this is not directed at anyone here ...or anyone special anywhere ...I just thought it might say some thing to Sue ....and maybe others who feel ....bullied... Peace rose petal

Anonymous said...

RosePedal that poem really tells a story , did you write it. The poem is very good. These people just are not happy unless they are causing trouble. Maybe someone did something to them when were kids. Other wise why would anybody be so horrible if I was like that I hate my own self. Believe me I had no picnic when I was a kid and I know you sure did not you are not mean. They just have it out for Adam to, he could give a you know what about these kind if people. But, it bother's me he would just block them off his twitter and ignore them. If you fight back they like to turn the tables call you what they are, it all crap. Sorry for going on, thanks for the great poem! I think there could be strength in numbers if we stick together. At least when we are able to post. GG Sue

Anonymous said...

Sue, when you write stupid things on the Internet people are going to laugh at you. If you are that sensitive about what people write you need to stay away instead of whining and feeling sorry for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Yes a heartfelt poem; you must have gone through a very rough patch. Hope you have let it go and moved on. Focus on your strong-minded self and family. Thanks for sharing it.

Hi GG Sue
Umm now I envy your new name. lol! You know you can sing it to the tune, Hello Marylou.... If Adam happens to stop by I hope he makes GG Sue a song, will hit the charts for Grannies. lol! Actually Grannies are one the most loved groups of people. Adam is very lucky to be surrounded by his Grands.

Yea you called yourself Double G...Glambert Gleek! I'm 1.5 GG lol!

How do you do...Good to have you...neighbour across the imaginary fence...need any cups or sauce for the!


Anonymous said...

Love Adam....and i'll watch him on Glee......
However~i NEVER have liked Lea.....i think she's fake and quite the little diva for someone so young.

She's certainly basking in the limelight over this...most people who have lost someone they loved would have sent their regrets and not appeared in public so soon.......but not lea....she loves the sympathy....and the attention!

Anonymous said...

@ rose petal......JAK here .......I really like the poem.
Especially "should my spirit moan", great line!
My spirit does moan a bit and I wonder what pleasure is gained by being cruel, what causes the human soul to be bitter?

Anonymous said...

6:48, are you watching Lea at home and seeing how much she is crying? Do you decide what is appropriate grieving for everyone? What if Lea drug herself out of her house to go make a public dedication to her boyfriend? Does that make it better or if she sent a message would you say she should have gotten out of bed to honor him?

I cannot believe how judgemental so many Adam fans are.

Anonymous said...

8:38~She's an actress.....remember that.
All i'm saying is that i never liked her....i always thought she was fake and a total diva. I don't like her attitude...

Anonymous said...

So we are safe in assuming your judgement of her is biased, right?

Anonymous said...

Count me two that i was not really liking Lea, she has some attitude.

Anonymous said...

Yes I wrote it a couple of years ago .... It didnt have any thing to do with me .... I wrote it when the boy killed himself after his roommate filmed him with a male date and put it on the Internet .....rose petal