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Latest Tweets from Adam Lambert (New Song!)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, August 16, 2013

Posted at : Friday, August 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

Both tweets are good to hear.

Anonymous said...

Adam must have realized that he had to get us off the rumor track. It sounds like he REALLY IS working on his own music!!! I can't imagine him mentioning it if he wasn't. I don't know anything about the smoking thing. Musta missed that.


Anonymous said...

Have to say to the Glambert nurses that I'd rather choose to be treated by a doctor who smokes than a nurse or a doctor, who's a drug addict, ANY DAY.

Anonymous said...

see? He actually listens to us! Go glamberts

Anonymous said...

@7:40AM Right..

Anonymous said...

I wonder if these nurses have ever seen a dead body of a young person who has died of drug overdose, before their life has even properly started. I don't mean that an old person dying to lung cancer is good either, but you never see glamberts wank about drugs. To me it's just odd. I know that's a cultural difference. There was no hippie movement where I live.

Anonymous said...

I knew that wasn't real smoke Adam.

Anonymous said...

I knew he wasn't smoking. Those vapor hookahs are fun and popular in LA parties. They come in different flavor. I love the peach one.

Anonymous said...

Adam luv, we need more of that second tweet! I cant explain how happy i was! Yeah waiting for the great song coming

Anonymous said...

I think Cory was too young to die. Not all people have their best time in their 20's or 30's. I had more fun in my 40's.

Anonymous said...

I knew what it was too.... they had it at a music festival we went to a few month ago... Between that and the bubble machine you couldn't see where u were going...:I accidentally bumped into 2 very handsome young men just trying to get to back to my chair ...,lol..., so sweet of Adam to let everyone know ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

That's one of the things I love about Adam, he's so responsive to his fans. He knew we were concerned about the "smoking picture" (some of us didn't know about "Vaporine" or "Hookahs "). He obviously picked up on our concern.

Looks like we'll be hearing new music soon. YAY! He really has been busy with lots of things brewing this fall. Good luck, Adam, on each and everyone of your endeavors!


Anonymous said...

I don't want to preach too much about drugs though. I'm a long time fan of Robbie Williams and he's done drugs a lot. He almost died to overdose. Now he has a little daughter and he said that if she ever wants to try drugs he'll get the best drugs to her. It's shocking to me, but I still love Robbie.

Anonymous said...

AL smokes cigarettes. He has smoked before Idol and probably still has an occasional puff. Why do people pick apart every single thing when it comes to a person and their private life? He is human and will make some wrong decisions.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam knows how important it is to take care of his voice! He did smoke a bit in his early 20's but not now.

Anonymous said...

I remember Adam being interviewed once about smoking, and he said he smoked a few times as a younger man but now he just says "ICK." I don't think he smokes cigarettes. They stink, and he doesn't want to stink. Also, he knows that his throat is a huge investment and I don't think he wants to mess that up. Fake cigs, ok, I guess.


Anonymous said...

so no one isnt going to say anything about him coming from the studio? Well i am, goodluck to you adam on whatever you are cooking.

Anonymous said...

9:58, no kidding. I guess some fans here would rather complain about stuff than recognize an update on new music. Looking forward to hearing it soon.

Anonymous said...

Well he must not mind the smell since he always picks boyfriends that smoke.

Anonymous said...

Lol, only Tommy and Eli are good enough for some people. If they smoked it would be accepted, right. I don't usually care about artists' record making process and I don't want to rush them.

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope that Adam does not smoke cigarettes..that could mess up his voice..we never see a pic of him I doubt that he does..however, I have no doubt that he imbibes in weed..and we all know how much he loves his alcohol..but, I seriously doubt that he is going out and getting roaring ass drunk..he may have, or he did, in the past..but I am thinking that he realizes his career is on the line and he really doesn't want to get the reputation of drinking too much..I see Adam as a man who really just does not want to be alone and that is why he goes out so often..he needs human companionship, as we all do, and his friends are those he has had for years, not people who would use him..maybe he will meet someone that fufills his needs better than the past boy friends..he deserves the best life has to offer..

Anonymous said...

I don't think weed is good for Adam at all and look what it has done to Biebs.

Anonymous said...

if I had my wish, it would be that Adam did not smoke ANYthing, and only drank in moderation..Biebs is on a downward spiral..that boy needs help..classic case of too much too soon...we know Adam smokes MJ cause he did at his GN tour in Amsterdam..

Anonymous said...

Please do not speak of that Bieber guy here!
Never use his name in the same sentence with Adam! Just tacky!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam said years ago that he used to smoke cigarettes but doesn't smoke them anymore which is great because his vocal chords/throat are his livelihood.

Wonderful news re Adam's music-making. :-D

Anonymous said...

5:38...dont you feel you are over reacting?

Anonymous said...

Over reacting is the norm on this site! We are champion over reactors....famous for it, or should I say infamous for it?...JAK