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New American Idol Producers Like Adam Lambert!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, August 14, 2013

New article today from The Hollywood Reporter: Interview with new Idol producers

***[Excerpts from the article specifically discussing Adam Lambert:]****

"THR: Both of you have watched Idol in past seasons, do you have a favorite contestant?

Ignjatovic: It's probably Adam Lambert for me. I just love how he would re-imagine or recreate the songs and take the music to a different place. It goes without saying that he's a very talented performer and vocalist and such a likable guy. His work with the Idol team to stage different looking performances, that connected with me. I remember I couldn't stop talking about him that season.

Prager: I was excited when Carrie Underwood won. I just knew they found a star at that point. And when David Cook came out and recreated ["Billie Jean"] by Michael Jackson -- that was sick. That excites me. Adam Lambert is obviously an amazing example of that, too -- where they find their identity and show it and take cover songs that show what they're going to be as an artist. When you get those moments, it's fantastic.

THR: Since coming in second on season eight, Adam Lambert has been back on Idol every year, either as a performer or a mentor. It's one reason why there's been a push to have him at the judges' table. Would you consider him?

Prager: We all know having watched the show that he is really beloved. As far as him being considered as a judge, you've heard just as many names thrown out there as we have, but I think that he is obviously a big part of the show and getting him on there is always great."

Full article here:

Thanks glitzylady!


Anonymous said...

you'd think they would have hired him as a judge if they like him so much..doesn't make a bit of sense!!

Anonymous said...

My fav. Look of Adam. Tons of beautiful pics. Of Adam on Instagram. Sad some of you can't view them on your pcs. As for Adam as a judge on Idol. Wished it had happened last year and even for this season. Knowing Adam he is always greatful for Idol. Let's hope he has his new album out by Spring so he can be on the show again to promote it.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so different in this picture. I almost didn't recognize him from dark haired Adam. Also he's lost a lot of weight from a few years ago! It does not matter an ioda - thin or heavier - Adam is always the best looking man on the planet!...nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

@7:44 I agree,they are fawning all about him yet didn't make him a judge. They did say he'd be back on the show,hopefully as a mentor. It is nice to read these comments though.

Anonymous said...

So ironic that these guys sing Adam's praises but then don't hire him as a judge. They mention his impact on the show and his stellar talent, but then, nothing. Go figure. Adam has burned no bridges with Idol. Never disses it. He has kept the door open. Would love to hear the behind-closed-doors discussion about why they don't choose him.
Too bad the instagrams can't somehow be translated into a format for those of us who can't seem them.


Anonymous said...

OMG! At first I thought it was Justin Bieber.

Anonymous said...

Being a great contestant doesn't mean they would want you for a judge. David cook was also a great contestant and no one is hiring him or even mentioning him for a judge

Anonymous said...

David Cook is a nice, talented guy, but does not have the personality to be a judge. No charisma, no IT factor. JMO

Anonymous said...

Obviously the number one qualification of an American Idol job is to be into overdosing on Stupid pills on a regular basis.

Anonymous said...

Meant to say "Producer" not job.

Anonymous said...

@9:31AM..Good One!haha..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

@9:31. LOL LOL LOL

When Shirley asked them a direct question about Adam being a judge, they avoided that nicely didn't they? ( a little sarcasm here.....big eye roll !)


daydreamin said...

They previously said that the three ex idol judge panel hinged on Kelly Clarkson. When she said no it seems that's when they couldn't come up with a decent choice for their third judge thus dropping that whole idea. I guess we will never really know for sure.

Anonymous said...

"he is obviously a big part of the show and being on there is always great" suggests there may be plans to
include Adam in some big way, don't ya think?

Anonymous said...

The producers don't look for someone they like, they look for someone the audience will tune in to see. Sadly Adam is polarizing and they may feel the family audience might be as reluctant to see Adam on the panel as they were to buying his last album. Sad : (

Anonymous said...

No. I don't think there are any plans to put adam on the show they are just politely answering the question

Anonymous said...

If Idol goes with only 3 judges and KU and JLo are two of the judges then Adam wouldn't fit the demographic they need. If they don't get Will.I.Am would they be so stupid as to bring back Randy? I couldn't understand how he stayed around for so long because he never had anything constructive to say. As a mentor he will be even worse. I think Adam will definitely perform on Idol and that he may even be a mentor.
I actually, think if it was up to these two producers only then Adam would be a judge but the others decision makers obviously don't see it the same way.


Anonymous said...

still hashing AI over?

Anonymous said...

Yes, @10:43 AM
That's very astute of you, now maybe you won't have to ask next time.

glitzylady said...

To be honest the reason I liked this article was that one of the producers agreed with me that Adam was such a fabulous Idol contestant, in fact arguably the BEST Idol contestant EVER. And they both have experience working with Adam via last year's VH1 Divas show, so they know what he can do. One of the articles we've seen re the judges selection referred to "availability" issues for Adam during the Idol show timeframe. And I know that they've chosen to go with bigger "names" for the judges panel, at least that seems to be what we're hearing. So I'm just trying not to be disappointed that from those same strong rumors about the probable judges we aren't hearing Adam's name on the list. I feel these producers do like and respect Adam and his talent, and we'll see him on there in some capacity this season. I'd love to see a "guest judge" position created this year, with Adam being included. Dreaming, I know :)))

Anonymous said...

So nothing from Glee or AI with offers for four years and now he prob has both and they conflict. Life is strange. Hope he is offered AI and does both somehow some way.

Anonymous said...

Idol should have been on top of it last season. I don't know if Keith is a keeper for real or if he just looks that way compared to the 3-way train wreck from MC, NM, and Randy. I didn't watch anything but the finale and Keith wasn't even at his seat when Adam sang.

glitzylady said...

Keith was getting ready to perform when Adam was singing...

Anonymous said...

Adam has been careful to burn no bridges with Idol. He'll likely be back on the show, either to perform or in some other short-term capacity. These two producers seem to really like and respect. Maybe it isn't all their decision.


Anonymous said...

I was clear to people who read the whole interview that they were not saying adam didn't have availability for idol. Lol. He would cut off his arm to be there for idol. They were talking about the alummae panel idea and the availability problem was no doubt Kelly clarkson. As it was reported when Kelly was not available they gave up on the idea.

Anonymous said...

And the family audience was not at all reluctant to see and watch judges like Steven Tyler, Nicky Minaj, Maria Carey, nothing reluctant about them?! Of course not, cause:

The only thing that is TRULY SAD is that most of this family audience you mentioned are narrow-minded homophobes... The so called straight stars are allowed to do, say and look whatever and the family audience is okay with that. The only "fault" Adam has is that he was born gay and that's something the family audience cannot accept...
I hope I get to live so long that the times truly are changing and that the family audience type people FINALLY see the light... :))) Dream big!!!

glitzylady said... didn't work out. And most info was speculation and indirect reports about what was happening.. Or not happening.

Moving on :)))

Anonymous said...

Since Adam will probably not be a judge on Idol, I hope he comes back in some capacity either as a mentor or to perform with one of the contestants as he did last season with Angie. They had an amazing duet and for me were the highlight of the show. Idol was the platform that brought Adam to the viewing audience and opened the doors for his music career.

glitzylady said...

BTW, my comment above was in response to @Anon 2:00 PM.

Anonymous said...

No it was not speculation. It was from the people directly involved at the fox press event.

Anonymous said...

I just wish Idol would announce the judges and get on with it.......but I think with all the changes there is a lot of turmoil with the Idol machine.


glitzylady said...

Okay :)))

Anonymous said...

Within the Idol sphere, Adam is popular. AI facebook page put up a picture of Adam and I saw nothing but positive comments about Adam and tons of them too with a high number of likes. When they had NM as a judge last year, I saw nothing but negative comments on Idol facebook page. Truly, I thought why people can't say anything nice and if they don't have anything nice to say just ignore it.

IMO if they had Adam and JHudson on the panel this coming season the ratings of the show would have improved cause they are walking advertisement for the show. Whereas, the big stars are there to promote their own careers on the show and when they are off the show they will not say anything about Idol to promote the show. We might see another rating disaster for Idol this coming season.

Cowell and Jackson weren't famous when the show started. I remember I watched season one just because Paula Abdul was on the show and then I warmed up to Cowell and Jackson and ofcourse loving the contestants on later seasons.

My preferred judges for S13 were Keith, Katy Perry, Adam and JHudson. Limiting the judges comments. Increasing contestants performances to 2 mins. Seacrest only announcing the voting phone nos. and Ivoine giving a tad bit of critiques. Also having good mentors on the show for the contestants. That would have filled up their 2 hours show with high ratings. But they don't listen to me.

Anonymous said...

I think it is major BS that the fact that Adam is gay is keeping him from judging AI, or keeping him from selling more CDs, etc. Ellen Degeneres and Neil Patrick Harris have fared quite well..I just cannot figure out what the problem is with Adam...most people say that he has a great voice and is very good looking, and all who have met or know him claim that he is a sweet, humble down to earth person..I mean it is not like he would go on Idol and dry hump a man, or anything of that nature..(btw..this would NOT offend there is definitely some reason that he is not more popular and successful, esp. here in the US. And, what difference would it, or could it, possibly make if one or two Idol alumni were to sit on the AI panel???? It is not an "all or nothing" type of situation..having even one Idol alumni would have jazzed up the show and made it more interesting..but, the jackasses that are in power simply refuse to listen to reason from the when the show totally slides down the tube next year, they will have no one to blame but themselves...

Anonymous said...

@4:56pm. Adam is OT edgy punk rock guy. Kind of like Steven Tyler. If he was straight with all the things he did, he would have surpassed all Idol alumn. Because people know of his sexuality they are taken by surprise and don't understand how to deal with it. To this day everyone goes crazy for KISS band with their crazy OT stage act. Majority of people still like safer gays image like the people you named.

Anonymous said...

To anon @7:13PM--I think I agree with the comments you made here. Maybe people don't know how to deal with Adam's sexuality when he performs on stage although from the vids Ihave seen recently, he has toned down his actions toward Tommy, cut out the male dancers and seems to be more relaxed and confident when performing. There are so many male and female singers who dress scantily, act sexually, dance provocatively and yet they have a big following and fill concert halls. Adam is just so unique, so vocally talented, so gorgeous when he performs that people just don't know how to react to him. He's an anomaly in today's world of music and unfortunately it is hurting him esp. with the US audiences.

Anonymous said...

IMO it's very important that both of them mentioned Adam and like him a lot!Don't you remember Nigel's comment when somebody asked him about Adam as a judge?

Anonymous said...

OMG you people!
Adam is not picked to be a judge because the plan of Darnell to have Idols as judges has been dropped by the new team.
Begrudge these new producers if they chose to stay with Darnell's plan and then did not hire Adam.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:53 PM
Yes, we know....

I still appreciate the fact that they like Adam. And acknowledge his talent......

Anonymous said...

They have good taste!............JAK

Anonymous said...

shame on american idol!they keep using Al name to generate news ( both positive and negative ones).yeah we know you like adam lambert::move on