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Sauli Koskinen Following Adam Lambert on Instagram Again

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Sauli Koskinen started following Adam Lambert on Instagram again!

SOURCE: Adam's Instagram


Anonymous said...

whoopee do

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lord!!

Anonymous said...

Wow my stress factor just went way down LOL

Anonymous said...

I can go back to work now.

Anonymous said...

Now I can get some sleep

Anonymous said...

OMG I can have a restful ZZZzzzzz now.

Anonymous said...

YAY, best news of today!!!
Love you guys!

For those feeling the need to apologize for their earlier stupid comments, now's your chance...

Anonymous said...

and who does care anyway

Anonymous said...

All remarks pretty funny and I'm sure tongue in cheek. I'm sure the only one who this does or does not really matter isn't talking. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

All remarks pretty funny and I'm sure tongue in cheek. I'm sure the only one who this does or does not really matter isn't talking. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

Sauli must have needed the attention that generated from some Sauli Crays when he deleted Adam from his account. He got it, so he's back.
Move on Adam, lets see How's Eli?

Anonymous said...

11:01 am

Bitter and pathetic much..aren´t you?

Anonymous said...

some people can't have a good time no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me ;-)

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened earlier, Sauli is my all time favourite sweetie. ILHSM!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have 92 messages on my phone about this.

Anonymous said...

There´s no denying the fact that whenever Sauli is mentioned in the same sentence as Adam, thread is going to be popular and full of comments...even more than threads about only Adam´s music.

So I guess people do care even when someone constantly says who cares :)

Anonymous said...

I think Sauli seems really nice. I wish Adam had his hair like this pic now like NOW

Anonymous said...

This thread is going to be awesome.

Just like the "Unfollow" thread from a few days ago.

PS: I also noticed that the fanbase is really interested in Sauli for some reason. All of his posts here end up having the most comments and it's always on the top of the Most Popular Posts to the right.

I wonder what happened. Maybe Sauli deleted Adam accidentally. Then he found out about it today and added him again.

Anonymous said...

11 07 not at all sugar child, talking facts and not stuck in a time wharp!!! like some fans wanting what used to be.
How do you think Adam feels if he sees this nonsense, seriously do some think this will help them get back together?
have a nice day !!! pathetic?
HAHA funniest thing I heard all day, easy to assess words when comments are not written kosher to what others want to hear.

Anonymous said...

I always thought it was a mistake. They are good friends, and both like to know what the other is doing obviously. There have been 2 exes for Adam, and only one true friend, Sauli, who is a third ex. It will be a long time before Adam falls in love again, like the way he did with Sauli. He may have boyfriends from time to time, but Sauli is one of a kind, just as Adam is. I wish them both well, and hope happiness is a big part of their futures.

Anonymous said...

Thought this was going to finally a nice thread after all the nastiness on the other ones. Guess not. Fans on here seem to like reading more about ex boyfriends and possible new boyfriends rather than the great things happening with Adam. Oh well. Guess exes are far more exciting.

Anonymous said...

I think Sauli is the only ex mentioned here...although gotta admit..haven´t read everything. Sauli is interesting and very down to earth kinda guy. I like him. He is the most recent boyfriend so maybe that´s the one reason he´s mentioned more than the others.

Anonymous said...

I`m glad! I love Sauli as well as Adam. I hope they find happiness and succeed!

Anonymous said...

Strange, but i am happy for this!

Anonymous said...

This changed my mood completely! Especially sharing all the positive comments here feels really goooood! Now I can get some sleep too.:))

Anonymous said...

11:51 am

Facts or not, you don´t need to be so invested. Freedom of expression...freedom of expression sugar child :)

Anonymous said...

I must admit, that Sauli is very exciting and interesting person. I like and admire him. He is so positive and cool.

Anonymous said...

Everything is right on track in this crazy world :D

Anonymous said...

at 12:02 PM

I don't know about the other exes but Sauli is exciting and fun to follow.

Anonymous said...

Queen ‏@QueenRockBand 5h RT IF YOU'RE A HUGE QUEEN + @AdamLambert FAN! Show your love to @DrBrianMay VOTE Greatest Solos 'Bohemian Rhapsody' ► …

Anonymous said...

Newsworthy thread :D Shiny happy people now all around!

Anonymous said...

I guess originally Sauli unfollowed Adam on purpose, but maybe he began to regret that or frightened the hullabaloo of that, so he started to follow him again.

Anonymous said...

Twitter follower or not, I like Sauli. He seems genuinely nice and interested in doing a variety of things. He has a good sense of humor and seems kind. No reason not to like him. Oh, and he's very cute and hot.


Anonymous said...

These must the some of the very first pictures of those two. I remember thinking how Adam could fall for such a small guy. But now I would be flabbergasted if he started dating anyone taller than he is himself.

Anonymous said...

Who knows. Maybe after being apart, Adam and Sauli might find their way back to each other. They seemed good together from what we read and the pictures we saw. Sauli seemed like a charming, caring individual, but being in Adam's life might have been too much for him with the paps, all the friends, etc. Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

LOL, it is easy to accidently unfollow somebody and Sauli must have corrected his error.

Anonymous said...

There you go @2:03 PM. Instagram brings Sauli and Adam back to nirvana.

Anonymous said...

All for free publicity . Otherwise we would. Never hear about Sauli. Going into Adams apt. Paps conveniently there to take pics and of course mentioned in the blogs. Oh they are back together again. Bla Bla Bla. Conveniently dropped Adam from IG Omg the world stopped spinning but wonder of wonders all is well in the world. Its back.These guys know how to press the fans buttons. Like I said free publicity for Sauli and Adam is a good soul helping him.


Anonymous said...

No denying - both of these guys make me feel sooo good in so many ways, together and separately!
No need to insult either of them with stupid and totally insane comments!
And I hope some people here finally understand that an avid Adam fan's heart is large enough to continue loving his exs - it does NOT diminish or take anything away from the love felt towards Adam!
They are both exceptionally captivating guys!
And I wish them both nothing but love, happiness & success. Both so deserving...

Anonymous said...

To all those who said S is so exciting and says interesting things I have read his blogs and he is either round the pool or going to Universal Studios which he said he prefers to Disneyland. Or going to flea markets. Nice guy but maybe Adam found that boring after the bloom wore off.

Magiclady said...

Geez, Adam looks good here. Love the hair

Anonymous said...

at 2:24 PM

I don't understand what your point is. Sauli will never be famous in the US but I know Sauli is better known in his home country than Adam in the US. I don't think Sauli needs IG publicity, Finns know him from the telly and magazines, not twitter, IG or American gossip sites.

Anonymous said...

at 2:40 PM

Sauli and Katri have made lots of long videos together and if you don't understand Finnish you can go and read the translations. At least parts of them are available in English. Lots of happy chatter about various subjects. And I do not wish to sound rude but we all know Adam's not academic either. Birds of a feather flock together.

Anonymous said...

I love BB's hair and clean shaven look in this pic...Please shave,Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Let it goooooo Koskinen.

Anonymous said...

maybe AL likes being a member of the exes ONLY club.

Anonymous said...

Let's face it folks, there's a lot of fans love Sauli for Adam and that is their business!!:)

My only concern is Adam and his happiness and I don't care about the rest of the whiners indeed!!!:)

Just keep the waves coming!!!


Anonymous said...

Sauli did that to increase his IG likes from 500 to 1000. He knows how to work the media for attention. Boy everyone using Adam to get attention or clicks.

Anonymous said...

sauli-uses adam ai uses adam media uses adam omg-they use adma lambert to make themselve more popular?

Anonymous said...

I'm a Finn. I like Sauli. I like Adam. Enough said.

choons said...

Sauli is his own person, doing his own thing, in his own way. You can love him or not. I love him. I also love Adam. They don't have to be together. Two great guys enjoying life.

Anonymous said...

Sauli posted a picture from the airport this afternoon. He is flying home

Bye Bye

Anonymous said...

Very gorgeous pics of two gorgeous guys! I'm loving this look of Adam - his hair looks very sexy!..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

So this is newsworthy?! NOT!!! Some of Adam's fans have nothing in their lives except devoting all their time to Adam and his love life.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is known in Finland from TV and magazines, he is very popular here, he has nice personality and ofcourse he looks good.

Anonymous said...

Not much of of newsworthy; the unfollowing was a glitch.

But all you Sauli-haters can breath now. Sauli is not in the same city with you golden boy Adam anymore. This sweat, sunny, smiling, warm-hearted,hot and down-to-earth guy who Adam called "ray of light" and "firecracker" is coming home. He will be here in the afternoon. YAY!

It was fun to follow his life in LA; especially when they lived in the house and everything in LA was still new to him. They seemed to have fun together. But now it's totally over; they don't breathe the same air. And many Adam-fans can relax; there won't be any fuss about them. You may concentrate on Adam's career, music and the next bf. Hope he will be tall, handsome and intelligent enough to fill your expectations.

Anonymous said...

About those pics. It is just at the beginning of their relationship. Sauli was not living in LA then. But, he must have called the paps b/c the pics are not in front of the club or restaurant where the paps are, ha? Wise guy from the beginning, haha.

Anonymous said...

1:58 PM
I guess he saw a great and nice guy with huge sense of humor with whom he then spent over two amazing years as he said after the break-up. Sometimes the best things come in small backages.

Now it is interesting to see what kind of a person he will start a solid relationship with. I'm sure the next bf/partner will be a nice one; Adam has good taste in men (and I don't mean only the looks but also the inner side).

Anonymous said...

Sauli said he would be back, because he loves LA, and has many friends there. I hope we will see him again, in late fall.

Anonymous said...

@8:41 PM
Your comment was a joke, right??
Sauli didn't know a soul, except Adam, when he moved to LA
Everything was new to him.How on earth do you think he knew how to contact the paps?

But I agree that Sauli is clever.And loyal,funny and handy as well.With a heart of gold.

I'm so happy he is on his way to Finland! And good for them who hates him being around Adam.

Anonymous said...

From Sauli´s pic he sent from the airport I feel real sadness from his eyes. But I know he is glad to come to Finland too. I send him lots of love and hugs!:))

Anonymous said...

8:27 PM I agree with you about what yoy said about Sauli, but honestly I doubt could anyone INTELLIGENT guy date or even live with him..?

Anonymous said...

And of course I mean could anyone INTELLIGENT guy date or even live with ADAM..?

At 1:37 AM

Anonymous said...

at 1:41 AM

As a bonus Adam's dates will get truckloads of shit from his fanbase - 24/7.

That's the way it has been and that's the way it will be in the future, too.

Anonymous said...

Danielle is in Europe too. Maybe she and Sauli will meet during Sauli's visit. I'm quite sure they will.

jt said...

Bye Bye Now Adam can concentrate on his new music and hopefully new boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam will learn how to meditate from Eli who grew up with his family practicing TM in Fairfield Iowa. Something different to clubbing all the time. Doesn't hurt that Eli is cute as a button and if you listen to his interviews smart as a whip and very grounded.just what A needs at this point in his life.

Anonymous said...

jt why do you hate Sauli? What have he done? Don`t understand..

Anonymous said...

The question is:
Why are you so bitterbert re Adam?!
Why do you put him down ALL THE TIME?!!
Why don't you take a break from this site and from bashing Adam at least as long as Sauli is in Finland, ok?
If you do this, I'm sure you feel better, I know I will...

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to say this here but I get the vibe that Adam has a side to him that's not so happy go lucky like he wants to be seen as.

Anonymous said...

No one is happy all the time!

Anonymous said...

For bullying and hating there is NEVER a real good reason to do it! That happens because of ignorance, selfishness or jealousy. If someone looks different ,comes from outside, talks other language, is short or tall, you name it for what ever haters hate because of free will and choice. I choose to treat people well regardless where they come from and how they look, who they are, my choice.

Anonymous said...

I'm not @2.03, but want to comment your claim wanting to put Adam down.
No doubt Sauli loved Adam very much, and still does but in a different way than during their relationship.
It's not easy to live in a limelight as sb's boyfriend,although Sauli always supported Adam.
Sauli is an independent and private person who want to succes on his own.

Anonymous said...

whatever,i guess this blog needs the hits generated by threads like this

Anonymous said...

It´s a choice hate it or like it.

Anonymous said...

@2:10 am you are on point,have you gone to any thread on adams music? The comments there are usually less than 30,i guess a lot of people are interested in his personal life than his music

Anonymous said...

I think a lot has to do with the fact that Adam and Sauli are both fascinating and interesting personalities. They both create strong emotions and opinions for and against. To me that is why this kind of thread is long. All personal life surely will be interesting whoever the bf. But to me Sauli is an intriguing man. I wish both the guys happiness and success.

Anonymous said...

So totally agree with you.
And the fact that they looked good together, I mean suited for each other, like snuggly pieces of a puzzle next to one another...

Anonymous said...

@2:45am, I appreciate your nice description of our dear guys.:)))

Anonymous said...

Lets wait for the new man/ boyfriend.i bet there will be a change in story. I truly admired sauli but really feel that Adam one and only love is /was brad bells (( cheeks)).....hey its my opinion!

Anonymous said...

@4:32 Your opinion is ok, I don´t know Adam´s former long time relationships before Sauli and just know Sauli better. It has been real fun to follow Adam and Sauli while it lasted, an incredible story and adventure, which I guess I´m just going to sigh about a long time after;).