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When do you expect Adam Lambert to release his Third Album?

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, August 16, 2013

Posted at : Friday, August 16, 2013

When do you expect Adam Lambert to release his Third Album? free polls 


Anonymous said...

Adam is going to be busy with GLEE. I think he won't release it this year.

It's going to be months till the third era disappointed but what can we do?

Anonymous said...

When he feels it's ready, Duh!

Anonymous said...

May 2014 .

Anonymous said...

Oh oh, there is nothing official to base this on. Are we just setting people up to be disappointed by guessing about this? Or did Adam send the date in a clue again?

Anonymous said...

Please stop talking about these stupid eras... What do you call this? Non-era?!! Era between era 2 and era 3...
Fans themselves were the ones to cause the untimely death of TP by starting to talk about era 2 ending... Wise up, folks!!!

Support, love and admire Adam Lsmbert EVERY DAY, live in the NOW!

Anonymous said...

Nobody knows yet,and Adam doesn't either..unfair to even ask this now.Does he have a new label,or a nibble on one yet?We won't know that either until it's time to tell us .A good independent label may be better--who knows?He may have had a new label interested in him already.BB did have a light stubble in those close-ups.but that's ok..just keep Melvin away,please-lol

Anonymous said...

Adam's next album will be ready when he is, until then I'd say keep on enjoying the current music of Adam's. There's heaps of vids to enjoy and look forward to his up and coming concerts and Glee. Keep supporting Adam and he'll release his next album when the time is right for him.

Anonymous said...

I expect Adam to release his Third Album when the Third Album is ready to be released.

Anonymous said...

I think it's pointless to predict when Adam's 3rd album will be released. All in good time.

Anonymous said...

Such a great photo of our clean-shaven hero.

Anonymous said...

I remember reading on AO a couple of months after the Trespassing album was released, someone asking people what they thought the type of songs would be on Adam's THIRD album .... the cheek of it!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't see this posted on here. Fashion Police

Anonymous said...

@5:36 AM Thanx. This is the first I've seen it. Silly but fun. ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, 5:36. I had the show on but somehow missed this segment.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam's third album will definately come out AFTER he gets a new following on Glee. Those Glee watchers are potential music buyers and hopefully many of them will be Adam fans by then. I certainly hope the release will be earlier in 2014 than later, but we'll take it when we can get it.

Thanks for the link to Fashion Police! Fun segment. Adam rocked it in those boots much better than the other guy IMO. But then, he always does.


tess4ADAM said...

I watched it & ADAM won the audience vote. That Rancic woman & Joan voted for Lenny. I didn't feel as though it was a fair comparison ... Lenny was on the Red Carpet so he was dressed more formally ... ADAM was going to Fergie's 'gayby' baby shower so he was dressed more casually ... and he still rocked the look & won the popular vote. YES! YES! YES!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I luv the eating corn on the cob pic. ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the fun FP link. In case anyone is interested George Kotsiopoulas from FP has a new book coming out in January Glamorous by George. I like him and his critiques.

Anonymous said...

LISTEN TO THIS GUYS ...........!!!


Anonymous said...

I think Joan voted for Adam have to look at it again, taped it. You can always count on Julianna R. For that. I believe Joan liked Adam's the vote went to Adam. You can 't always tell with Joan she making jokes the whole time. Joan mentions Adam all the time on the show with her jokes this was bigger. It a popular show so that's all good! Sue

glitzylady said...

I'm not sure why some are taking this so seriously :)) No big deal. I suspect most of us are secretly (or not so secretly..) wondering the same thing. Same with Admin obviously!!! We're all dying to know!! And in this together....

Because OF COURSE we LOVE us some Adam Lambert, the man AND his music, and we can hardly wait for some more fabulous new music from him. Which also brings with it promo, hopefully concerts, perhaps a tour (YES!)...and PLEASE, PLEASE..PLEASE! much more general recognition and appreciation of and for this very very talented man. Glee should certainly help for sure.

So yes, definitely the new album will most likely come out next spring (I guessed May...but who the heck really knows...when its ready obviously..but timing is off his Glee appearances would be perfect! Emphasis on ***hot*** of course...). I'm still loving his last album (and his first album...) but am also ready for some new tunes, new vocals, new sounds, new fabulous-ness...whenever Adam is ready to put them all together and give us even more to listen to.

We refer to "eras" simply because they describe whatever album and time frame it encompasses, but in reality, it's all The Adam Lambert Era for me. Ever since the beginning of 2009. As in **Before Adam***...and everything after. Rather life changing in a way.. Referring to Era 3 just describes the next step.... Not "moving on" just "adding to" the body of work he's already given us...

I can hardly wait!!!!!!

glitzylady said...

Oh, and I'm assuming we'll see a single or two come out well before the new album. So we surely could be hearing something new before the end of the year. A single released late fall, early winter, when Glee is going strong, and Adam is on it, would be super timing. And another later on....

Getting very excited here.... :)))) Always.....

Anonymous said...

Yes, Glitzylady, I like your logic on this (11:01 post)!


Anonymous said...

Yep, Glee will be a big factor in the timing of Album #3. He has to maximize his potential album-buying fans. I see it late spring, Mayish, June-ish. Here we go again!


Anonymous said...

It seems most singers now release a single from their new album to stir up the interest in its eventual release. Hopefully this will happen with Adam's third album. And, yes, his appearance on Glee should bring in a new audience of music buying fans. Adam will have lots to work on during the last 4 months of this year and into the next.

Anonymous said...

Yes, folks the timing for any new singles is going to be perfect but will he get radio play?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

5:36, I guess we all start hoping that Glee heightens his profile enough that the DJs and PDs think he's "worthy" of radio play. At least that's what I'm hoping for. He needs to be part of some media buzz for Glee so that they'll start noticing him again.


Anonymous said...

Oh my! Adam singing BTIKM almost acapella .... so glorious!!!