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6 Recent Pictures of Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, September 29, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, September 29, 2013


Anonymous said...

The clean-cut younger look is the Glee look; so Kurt's nemesis, it is. Wow, expecting some serious acting to emerge from this. It might just well be Adam's stepping stone to movie acting. Well, I've read Chris has written a second book and the script too, for his potential next film. And so be that as it may, mmm Adam and Chris might be the lead actors of Chris' seems it is a serious/darkish plot. That's the little I read. Meanwhile back at the ranch, lol! it's Glee time. Frankly, I don't have the incentive yet to tune in but since Admin has so kindly brought it to our doorsteps, I'll skim through it to get a feel what Adam may be thrust into. :)


Anonymous said...

Lea Michele did a really good job with 'Yesterday'; due to perhaps the authenticity of her situation, passing on of her boyfriend Cory. Very well controlled, experienced singing voice/vibrato. I skimmed through the Beatles songs, they were songs of my era, not so appealing to me now. lwl! Now, I only like Adam's songs. Yea they need Adam quite a bit in terms of singing/voice. They're all very good, Lea Michele being the standout but there still seems something missing. Adam is the right person to spice up the somewhat bland singing and dance movements.


Anonymous said...

Loving these clean shaven pics so much!!!!! Adam looks FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness he shaved. Between the beard/moustache and tattoos he was looking kinda rough. Wear long sleeves and he's looking good.

Anonymous said...

keep hairy chest when wearing those silk shirts. ;)

Anonymous said...

Bring Melvin back please

Anonymous said...

Our boy is going to have to pick a look and stay with it as long as he's on Glee. I feel sorry for Darren with that 1940's hair style he's had on Glee for so long. I guess someone thought he looked like Tyrone Power...NOT!

Anonymous said...

Oh Lammy Pie -

So you think Chris wrote a book so he and Adam can star in the movie? Mmmbwahhhhhhh! You sure can shoot the shit. You're never at a loss for words that make us go WTF?


Anonymous said...

Good! You have given me just the right opportunity to expose you. Examine the 2 following posts you have written. You seem 'schizophrenic' as though 2 different persons are talking but they are signed by you. These threads are still kept here for verification and I have not changed anything, except delete the name of the person involved. And for some reason you are fond of using me as your punching-bag, perhaps due to jealousy or for some sort of healing. I empathise your loss but you have picked the wrong person to use as a punching-bag! Stay clear for your own safety! I was merely having some fun with crystal-ball; what's wrong with that.

Your posts/different dates:

r........ - I've lived long enough to know that if you don't talk about the things that hurt you, they become the elephant in the room. Talking to people about your feelings helps you to heal. My 9 year old daughter died 7 years ago and my husband, our children and I talk about her every day. We've all come to the place where we can remember the fun times and smile. We will never forget her because she is in our hearts.
I cannot imagine the loss you have had. Mine was a personal one. You know many people who lost their lives and others who lost everything they owned. R........, my heart goes out to you and my arms around you in the hopes that you will find peace from the terror, fear and loss you have experienced.
Please don't ever feel you cannot express yourself here. Many of us will answer you. We care for you and are here for you if you need us.
One last thing and I know this sounds trite, but dear r........, time really helps. As it passes your heart and mind will heal. I promise.

April 29, 2013 at 4:05 PM

Whoa - Been away for two weeks and trying to catch up on BB and I see Lammy is up to her tricks as usual. Since I don't know what you Asians do, Lammy, I'll let you in on a little secret. If we Americans are rude enough to call someone a liar, we might say he's lying through his teeth, not through his nose. But since you can be blinded by a piece of dental floss instead of a blindfold you might want to think before you write and read what you wrote before you hit publish. You come off as such a spoiled brat. I certainly hope you don't have children to verbally abuse.

July 27, 2013 at 6:20 PM


Anonymous said...


Does the word vindictive fit here?
All this shows is that MFG likes R. And doesn't like you.
Are you keeping a file on everyone?

Anonymous said...

I don't usually keep taps of other people's posts but you have been stalking me for well over a year or two and I finally realise I might be dealing with a 'schizo' of some sort. What you state about you liking R and not me is only the obvious. A person who can speak that way in the first post, does not correlate with the same personality of the second post; regardless the differences of likes/dislikes. Stay have never been my match in any case! Take on someone your own size or smaller! Why, afraid to sign in your name this time? Well you also have several other names! But mostly anonymous like now! If you deny you are the same person, so be it; nothing has changed.


Anonymous said...

Lammy, your crystal is not reliable, stop gazing or buy a new one for this one doesn't serve you clearly as you think so.


Anonymous said...

Sure you do have a file on everyone's posts here for you are the Vindictive Win At all Cost Have The Last Word Lam-my.

Anonymous said...

Nothing has I've said. One or two are still no match for me. It's not important if I buy a new crystal-ball or not. More importantly is, you be less scared, state the same name throughout and also 'buy' yourself some integrity. If you want to pick a fight at least use a constant name; rather than slither onto someone's wagon with a hood to boot. Another schizo? Perhaps the same one. In any case, there are 2 persons in one schizo!


Anonymous said...

Well, you always start this sort of baited quarrel; so if you always start it, isn't it fair I end it...fair and square! Now supposedly two scared persons have left off their names! See I told you, one or two, you are still no match! Go try it on those of your level...suggestion: novice level, then perhaps intermediary, mmm not sure if you can reach the next level at this rate.


Anonymous said...

Lam-my. This is 8:53 PM. Also known as TX.
That was my first and now this my last post to you. If so many people find you endlessly tiring, rude and predictable won't you take the time to give thought to their opinion and examine the possibility that there might be some validity to several people all coming to the same conclusion?
It couldn't hurt.

Anonymous said...

If you read through my original comment at the top, I was merely toying with the idea that Adam and Chris could or might make a movie together based on Chris' book. Now tell me, why is that an issue that requires someone to blow it up? Can't I have some crystal-ball fun. So another new name, soon to disappear into thin air...coward! You need to attend those classes I recommend and then come back to talk, with the same name if you so wish!


Anonymous said...

Lammy - You refuse to look at yourself and see the person that many of us see, a self-centered, contrarian who must endlessly prove herself right. You are the teacher, boss or relative that at sometime in our lives we could not stand. You cannot be reasoned with because you are always the correct one.

If you had experienced what r.... had (being repeatedly raped by her mother's husband and not believed by her mother) I would have written to you in the same vein as I did to her.

That you keep a dossier on me (and who knows how many others) only shows me that you are definitely in need of medical help. You may call me schizo anytime you choose as I know that you are a bully and a paranoid immature one at that who obviously spends way too much time on this site hoping someone will say something not to your liking so you can then post time after time about them. Your childish threats fall on deaf ears after SO many are posted and only prove that you imagine someone might be frightened by you, unknown, unseen and impotent at your keyboard.


Anonymous said...

Firstly, I think you are terribly insensitive to talk about R...'s plight in such a blatant way just so to support your own argument. I purposely left her name out but you're so consumed of yourself you need to paint a more convincing picture at the expense of another person.
Now, I've told you many many times, we're just here to enjoy Adam. And not to interfere with another person and their way of thinking unless absolutely necessary. And I see no need at all for your interference with regard my suggestion that Adam and Chris might collaborate in a film based on Chris' book; just some fanciful thought that I was entertaining. But you obviously have to seize any opportunity as you always have to make a mountain out of a molehill. Are you so consumed by jealousy?
I do not keep any record of what is said, other than my own and those who say such beautiful things to me regarding my comments and poetry. I treasure those because they are actually sending me their love! which is a precious thing. Also, I want to read back what I wrote say in the future years.
But you have stalked me for 2 years now and that made me examine your comments more closely, realising you seem to harbour a sort of jealousy and hate against me. And that made me want to expose you!! And not that I'm interested in what you do or write as to keep a record of it. In fact I find your writings helluva boring!! And you are a culpable liar!! Because you don't know me at all other than based on what I write and yet you lie pointing out your imaginary traits of me, some of which amounts to slandering!
I suggest you have a rethink about yourself rather than keep on stalking me and pretending you are some sort of reformer. lol! It does make you feel good I guess, to keep listing out my same imagined bad traits with no substantiation whatsoever, just to elevate your own low self-esteem. I think you may be one of those who write adversely about Adam, pretending you want to give advice like what you are doing now to me. Might you be one of those whom Adam threw out and from other sites too?
Finally, I've never written to you with your name or other names or without name! You come across as a person of deceit and for some reason you have taken to stalking me! for 2 years now!! Alas, you are totally not my cup of coffee! Now it's time for my aromatic morning cuppa and crispy toasts!


Anonymous said...

Remember the vid where Adam said "No fighting!"... *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Please don't camouflage stalking which is definitely more sinister, with watered-down fighting.
