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Adam Lambert and Nile Rodgers' Conversation on Twitter

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, September 27, 2013

Posted at : Friday, September 27, 2013


glitzylady said...

Those two guys are such good friends and are just so funny...

Thinking those are some song lyrics from "that" song ;)))))

Anonymous said...

I hope " Let's link next week..." isn't a song line. lol I'll be looking forward to what Nile has in mind for Adam.

glitzylady said...

Haha! Probably not that part :))

Anonymous said...

I wanna see Adam with a guy not a girl. I consider it abusive when he is pushed that way.

glitzylady said...

I don't think Adam does anything Adam doesn't want to do. That's pretty obvious. And he didn't sound as he he was pushed into doing the vocals and lyrics for the song. Just my opinion...and years of Adam watching :)) It is song lyrics, not real life..... As he loves to say, it's not that deep.... But I understand what you're saying. Adam does however look out for himself in the long run.....

Anonymous said...

What song are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

Tweet from one of major Glee production team:

It's official. We are all in love with @adamlambert. #glee #glamberts

Anonymous said...

Tweet from one of major Glee production team:

It's official. We are all in love with @adamlambert. #glee #glamberts

Anonymous said...

Nile is such a sweet and caring man, esp. considering his health issues. I think he understands the challenges Adam faces and is trying his best to support and promote Adam, using his own wonderful star power. Thanks Nile! And, of course, he thinks Adam's voice is spectacular!

Anonymous said...

Of course everyone is in love with Adam at Glee productions! We all know that but it's nice to hear. I love the direction Adam is going in, he's def branching out. Glee will showcase his acting skills and his charisma which is off the charts! Think of all the teens that don't know Adam yet, they will be blown away by his looks, voice, and charm. Since meeting Nile, doors have opened up for him, not only making a great friend, but meeting Avicii. I love how Tim praises Adam, especially appreciating his writing skills. I always thought Adam was a great songwriter. As Adam continues to meet more and more people, his reputation will soar as superstar. Everyone will want to work with Adam and all his dreams will come true! I'm very excited for him!

Anonymous said...

Some of these award show people should be ashamed if they keep ignoring Adam. I hope his management team will be working overtime trying to get him on some of these talk shows; there are so many talk shows now. I hope there is a new album and record company in the works. I want everything for Adam; he deserves it.

Anonymous said...

What song are people posting above, talking about regarding a woman. Is there a new song out, or in the works?

Anonymous said...

Love Nile; what a nice guy. Love Brian and Roger & Roger's son; and all the Glee people that love Adam.
What's not to love about Adam The Beautiful. What a guy!

Anonymous said...

What's "Calico"?

Anonymous said...

@ 10:21 It is probably the new song that he has recorded about going down on a girl.

Anonymous said...

AL should go down south fo REAL. give her a thrill.

Anonymous said...

If some stations are still banning Adam because of his AMA performance years ago; I wonder why Kelly Rippa has not had him on; she seem to really like him right after Idol. He was in NY when he hosted the Diva show, and other local shows had him on; even the early morning CNN hostess.

Maybe with Glee coming up he will be on a few of the national Television shows. How do they get on these shows, do fans need to request; or is it all management?

Anonymous said...

how can it be abuse, when Adam said he was curious about women and their parts? he has a little dirty secret he will never never share regarding a woman. he openly admitted it in the article "Emotional rescue". I don't think he wants the bi label attached.

Anonymous said...

Why would they have Adam do a song such as that. I will believe it when I hear it. I hope it is a good song; and something that radio will play. Is this an Aviici
track. I guess that would be different. I don't know, I just don'twant anything that will hurt Adam right; now when everything seems to be going so well. Probably worry too much.

glitzylady said...

Adam will undoubtedly have some media ops very soon and may be doing some talk shows etc.. He hasn't had a new album out for awhile, so no reason to appear up until now...etc.. That's when celebs are invited to appear on a variety of talk shows. Glee will probably give him something to talk about and promote. I can hardly wait!!!!

Anonymous said...

Television in one bit infomercial. You gotta have something to sell to get on.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the boys were having fun with that song.

Anonymous said...

It is not about Adam wanting the Bi label, he said he is not bi-sexual; so why not believe him? One thing we know; Adam does not lie about that, and unless I hear something coming from Adam directly; article or no article, I will not believe it. Yes, he stated an incident when he was younger, he 14, the girl 18 from his theater group; kissing girls also, when drinking. But, he strongly states that he is into men, not women.

Please don't believe everything you read or hear, unless it comes from Adam himself. We know about all those guys who were supposed to have encounters .with Adam was caught in their lies. Well, lies can come from both males & females.

Adam has always said he thinks women are very sexy. I remember on a show in London, it is on Youtube, can't remember the show.
Anyway; a woman said that she could change Adam; she was very pretty. The Host asked Adam what he thought; Adam said, "I don't think it works like that" he said she was cute. But told her she couldn't change him unless she had a surprise under her skirt. She, and all her friends and the Host just cracked up. Someone may know the show. It was cute. He was so charming and handsome.

Anonymous said...

I am so overjoyed when I see how much Nile loves Adam and considers him a friend. And his respect for Adam as a singer is so obvious. Nile introduced Adam to Avicii which is a HUGE step. And Avicii feels the same about Adam. I know we're all hoping that Adam can get some face time on some talk shows. It's been a long while since he's made the rounds. Other celebs seem to get on those shows with far less to say. Adam's plate is full and he has LOTS of great stories to tell if they'd just let him! I'm also wondering about this new song. Nile says Adam really killed it, which he most likely did. But I know what many of us are thinking about the content. Hope it's just some fun innuendo and has a great melody and hook. None of us want anything to adversely affect Adam's recent boosts. Apparently, Adam dnd Nile are enthusiastic about it, so we'll have to see.

And of course, the Glee people are in love with Adam. I lost my heart four years ago and I don't think Adam will ever give it back. Glee viewers who never really saw Adam on Idol should watch out for their hearts, too. He'll grab'em.


Anonymous said...

When Trespassing came out, was he on many shows then; not much radio play either. That was such a shame. That Album is fantastic.
I hope his people are on the ball this next time around; I could do a better job than has been done. I don't know if this is a new management team since then. I hope Adam starts getting all the exposure he needs and deserves.

Anonymous said...

Do the shows actually seek out the entertainers? I thought that was the management team's job to get out there and try to get their client of these shows; isn't that why they are getting paid?

These shows probably seek out the big stars and singers; or controversal figures. Glee maybe able to get him on shows to advertise the upcoming seasons.

Let us hope. I love seeing Adam on my screen.

Anonymous said...

@10:37 AM

For Heaven's sake; are you for real? Please come out of fantasy land. What is your dirty little secret? Care to share?

Anonymous said...

Have you ever noticed you see the same person making the rounds on all the tv shows when they have a new movie or new album to promo? That's how it works. Adam's management can't just get him on tv for no reason.

Anonymous said...

Adam has also said he finds things intriguing, he is curious and not turned off. Its all about connecting to someone, just to be.
His curious factor is quite fascinating, imo
I have a strong hunch he will incuriate more in is future.
Do not put Anything past Adam.

Anonymous said...

8 18 its not being abusive to be pushed a certain way, he wouldnt be pushed if he didnt want to give.
He's a fun loving kind a guy.
dont you think he does pretty much what he wants? He prefers dudes, and loves to play with the ladies too. Nothing wrong with that.
Its abusive, the fans who cant accept his honesty and what he likes to do.

Anonymous said...

Nile is such a lovable character. I worry about his health a lot.

Anonymous said...

As Adam said - he's singing this song for the people. That means his Glamberts. He'll do anything for his Glamberts.

Anonymous said...

"I'm going all the way to Calico
Show ya all the moves I know..."

Rhymes, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

I too am concerned about Nile's and Dr. Bri's health.
I always include them in my prayers for good health.

Anonymous said...

It's what I thought to, a play on words. Inside joke between friends. Hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge, the little devils. Boys will be boys.

It's a exciting time for him, bless his cute little but.


Anonymous said...

'I'll do it for the people'. Yikes! I hope it's not graphic! To me, that would be a big step in the wrong direction but hopefully, my concern is in vain.