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Adam Lambert greets his loving fans while keeping it sexy with friends at Bootsy Bellows in WeHo

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, September 28, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, September 28, 2013

Adam Lambert greets his loving fans while keeping it sexy with friends!


Anonymous said...

Going to have a threesome at Adam's?

Anonymous said...

he had the look of dread. why doesn't the papparazzi chill a little?! he is watching how much of a commotion he is causing.

Anonymous said...

this is what happens children when you can sing VERY WELL.

funbunn40 said...

Adam is always a great sport! It must get old, but he's so good to his fans.

Anonymous said...

was he lost?

Anonymous said...

sweetie pie

Anonymous said...

Is that weed the guy is showing from the car window? Is it legal in California?

That smaller guy looks so familiar but I don't remember who he is. Does anyone remember? He is a friend of Adam's and has been with him in many pics. Is he some stylist?

Anonymous said...

2:17 PM

Surely, looks like it.

Anonymous said...

Oh! Dear!:) Adam is making the Paps all nuts he!he!

I just don't like smoking!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You finally made the first post 2:17. Showing once again you are a number 1 @%$# TROLL who lives 24/7 on this site.

Anonymous said...

at 3:07 PM

Thanks but you really are in the wrong, darling. Not the first time, not 24/7, just stating something that could actually take place in weho.

Anonymous said...

Or in Detroit, St. Louis, Houston, Philly or Newark.

Anonymous said...

@2:17#1 is 2:43 &2:44 PM, answering themselves. Everytime Adam is seen with more than one friend; does that mean a threesome is happening. Maybe that is the way it is with you and your friends; you need to really grow up, and get head out of gutter when it comes to our beautiful man; Mr. Adam M. Lambert!

@2:43 PM, I believe it is legal in California; don't know the details.

But, in this instance, it looked like a long white cigerette and he was dumping ashes. Sometimes, a cigerette is just a cigerette; but, a troll is always a troll.

Anonymous said...

at 3:58 PM

Not true, stop guessing since you're not very good at it. I was one but I've got no idea who else and how many are posting here. Probably many more than you think.

Anonymous said...

@3:28 PM

Reality check: Actually,
three somes take place more in middle America; as quiet as it's kept. Even North Hollywood; and Heaven forbid, in Beverly Hills, surprise, surprise.
And it could "ACTUALLY" happen anywhere; and does. Guess you didn't get the memo.

A little homophobic are we?

Anonymous said...


Proud you're a TROLL,
And a perverted old soul!
You know you are mean,
'Cause you can't be seen!
In secret you hide,
And Glamberts have cried!
You're crazy as hell,
As all your posts tell!!

Anonymous said...

3:28 , not the first time, not 24/7, but you could not say NOT A TROLL!!! hahaha

Anonymous said...

at 4:15 PM

I'm not but I don't know about you. But as far as I know straight people do it, too. Obviously you haven't tried it at home wherever that is, have you?

Anonymous said...

at 4:37 PM

Not sharing someone else's opinion or having opinions of one's own does not make anyone a troll. Therefore I'm not one, either.

Anonymous said...

ok I am going to assume that the first poster was trying a little bit of humor. At Adam expense mind you. We all have different degrees of what we think is funny

Anonymous said...

It's 9:00PM on the east coast and VH1 Classics is showing
Queen Rock Montreal. 1981 concert. If anyone is interested
Freddie's singing Dragon Attack! A dazzling tight white pants tour de force. It's on another half hour!......JAK ...bye

Anonymous said...

LMAO at the troll admitting that he she it is a troll. Calling us dumb but he she it is the DUMBEST. Feel sorry for he she it. Go get help!

Anonymous said...

Wow - Roger Taylor drum solo - it was smokin
Thanks JAK
I'd forgotten Freddie's cute duck butt!

Anonymous said...

@4:25 PM: Amen to that, very good. Sorta covers it all. Too many on here to keep up with individually.

Have a great Glambert/Glamhopper evening. We are so lucky to be fans of this man with the beautiful body, soul, and mind.

Adam's talents are unique and out of this world. So many people are just drawn to this man; and love him so much. I guess it just drives a lot of people crazy that all of these blessings are in one gorgeous man. Can't wait to see him on Glee; counting the days!

Going off to listen to WWTLF one more time; then out for the evening.

Anonymous said...

PEOPLE!!! Ignore these trolls! and let's get down to raving about our guy!
COME ON!!! Have some discipline people!

Anonymous said...

We have a new poet!

Anonymous said...

Hands down to the guy in the purple
sweat shirt I say!

daydreamin said...

Adam looks SO GOOD in that striped shirt!

@2:21 :)

Anon 2:28 he was having a hard time figuring out where/which car was there to pick him up. I felt so bad for him! He really didn't want to be stuck with the paps but handles it well.

Medical marijuana is legal in Calif.

daydreamin said...

Just noticed that the pic of Adam with a fan on previous thread has one less button buttoned up.

This is my life.

Anonymous said...

I didn't make any comments previously. But their is a weed in this video. This is the big difference between regular cigarette and weed cigarette. Don't you see that this is weed?

Anonymous said...

I didn't think he was that gracious, he bumped one guy, and didn't even say sorry. He scribbled his signature as if it was too much to even look at the person, and in fact did scribble one with his head turned away. I know he does it all the time for fans, but he was more interested in jumping into his ride with his friend, who obviously did have some weed. The funny part was the driver wasn't even in the car yet.
Now a bunch of you will call me a troll, if that pleases you, go ahead. This was my first post on here tonight, and I called it as I saw it. Why is he so afraid of the paps getting pictures, he has nothing to hide. He lives his life , the way he chooses, and it is usually a lot better than some other stars. But in this instance he was not very gracious.

Anonymous said...

But Glitzy wants to reply to the trolls.

Anonymous said...

@10:12 PM

I agree with you. I noticed the same things: bumping the guy and not saying "sorry", not looking at the people who got his signature and the "weed-guy" in the car. I don't like this vid. Adam looks gorgeous and smiles but that smile does not come from heart. He is like an actor (well now he is).I know it is his freetime and he was in a hurry to get to the car but he also knows that there are always paps waiting on the doors of Markus's places. I just had not courage to comment what I saw until you did. So, I'll be the bad guy (troll) too.

Anonymous said...

I noticed it myself but I don't blame Adam, at least he still tries to be gracious.
One cannot be all the time 100% positive to all people at all times every time.

Anonymous said...

at 6:09 PM: Calling us dumb but he she it is the DUMBEST. Feel sorry for he she it. Go get help!

I don't think anyone (well, except for you) has called someone else dumb. But now that you mentioned it, I'm inclined to agree, at least when it comes to your way of jumping into conclusions.

Anonymous said...

Adam has to be cautious. He has received death threats, I'm sure entering and leaving places is a good opportunity for a crazy to attack him, so he does it as quickly as possible. There are nuts who would like to mess up his handsome face......Sometimes an autograph seeker is a harmless fan, but then again...who knows?
John Lennon was murdered by a fan.
It's a scary world.......Jak

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was bad that Adam didn't apologize for bumping that guy but none of us are perfect.

The guy he's with looks familiar (as in seeing him in other pics) and he looks like Adam's type. Not a good look holding up the weed/ciggie.

Anonymous said...

Stop making excuses for Adam,s careless behaviour. He is obviously under the influence a mix of drugs and alcohol perhaps. If this is the lifestyle that makes you happy it's a sad, sad, world. You will eventually burnout. Will you ever find true love, I thought you did with Sauli.

Anonymous said...

I think Sauli is well out of it. If you have noticed Sauli has said several times over the last few months, that he wants to live in LA, and also in Finland. Which says to me Adam is out of his picture, other than a part time friend. You cannot live with someone for a few months and then leave for a few months. Adam would not take this life style any way. But it makes it clear to me that Sauli has got on with his life without Adam. I believe Adam ruined what could have been a great partnership. This video is very telling, the people outside were not a bunch of paps, they seemed to have also just come out of the bar, actually not taking much notice of Adam, except for a couple who asked for his autograph.

Anonymous said...

Why do you always assume the worst of Adam?
If these are your feelings, I question why you are here.
Save yourself the aggravation and disappointment that he is all too human. He doesn't appear drunk or drugged to me.
Are you mad at him because he split with Sauli? All love is not the forever kind.
And yes in this instance he was not his usual smiling attentive self. It happens to all of us, we aren't always at our best. We are distant observers of his life, intruders just as the papps are.....we can all interpret his actions the way we see them and none of us with certainty that we are right. We weren't there.

Anonymous said...

He was smiling all the while and obviously looking for his car, he brushed shoulders with a guy on a crowded sidewalk, the guy didn't seem to even notice, there were papps all around and flashes going off continually. Give him a break.....JAK (also JAK above)

Anonymous said...

The moment a lot of peeps realise that adam is human, like they are, maybe they will be less judgemental.besides aren't u Fans of Adam's music? Why bother about his personal life?
As for u folks who likes bashing adam about his breakup with sauli, please grow up, breakups happens ....whatever happens in a relationship, the 2 parties are to be blamed!

Anonymous said...

Does Markus Molinari own all the clubs in WeHo? Adam seems to visit mostly them. Didn't he say that they are his living rooms? But he likes the change in clothes, facial hair, hair, boyfriends etc.,so why always the same clubs? Just wondering, nothing useful to do on Sunday.

That smaller guy looks familiar to me. He has been on some photos with Adam. Some stylist? I don't mean the guy with weed in the car.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:04, thank you!
It seems a lot of 'fans' here are interested in dating sauli ( since he is the real deal), a lot of people here obviously haven't had a broken relationship before. I have had 3 failed relationships, did it hurt? Yes! Did i cry? Yes! Did i move on? Yes trying to! Please save us the grief of reading thru ur comments of how sauli was good to adam( they both were) nothing good about such comments

Anonymous said...

I would imagine Adam goes to these clubs because he feels comfortable, known and treated well there. I understand they are very nice places, not seedy bars . If I had a friend who owned clubs and restaurants, I'd go there too.
Especially if they owned clubbing days have expired!....JAK

Anonymous said...

8:54 AM
You are right: they were both good for each other and we don't know what happened. Now they have moved on and look both happy. But as long as either of them has a new boyfriend we will see people talking about them. And when they have new partners we will still see people comparing who is better and so on. This is only human. I think.

And yes, if I was many, many years younger, many inches taller, male, dark and gay, I would try to find find Sauli somehow. I would like to date him. But there are too many obstacles, lol.

And if I was many, many years younger, not so many inches taller, male, dark/blond/brunette and gay, I would like to find Adam. I would like to date him. But there are too many obstacles, lol.

Anonymous said...

Ok he says "you're welcome" "there you go" "thanks guys" and " excuse me" ( as he looks into the car.) He was polite but preoccupied. He looked a little embarrassed that he couldn't find his car. And seriously He barely bumped that guy. They mostly brushed shoulders.
Don't see any of this as a big deal. He didn't look as he was signing the last couple of autographs but they weren't exactly holding up CDs to sign either. Just blank paper and who needs to look for that.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:12 and 11:37 PM. Did you notice that you were the only ones who called yourselves Trolls? No one attacked you, we just saw the situation differently.

Anonymous said...