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Adam Lambert Vs. Lady Gaga

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 17, 2013

VIA NewNowNext: "Who Wore It Better?"


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No contest! ADAM wears it Best!

Anonymous said...

Adam truly does look the better of the two.

Anonymous said...

You guys or so cold. Funny.

Anonymous said...

I want Adam and Lady Gaga to have there own sitcom TV show.

Anonymous said...

I should have said are so cold
at 12:25 PM

Anonymous said...

Wish I had that much hair for one day... just to know how it feels... :)

Anonymous said...

GaGa seems prettier and softer lately. She must have been enduring a lot of hip pain before her surgery.

Anonymous said...

I do have that much hair..... And I'll tell U it give u a headache.... my hair is very thick it used to hang past my waist but I've cutting it off slowly ..., hoping my husband wouldn't notice.... but dang he did ....the other day said darlin I've never know anybody's hair to do what yours is doing .....what's it doing I ask innocently ..... growing up instead of down he answered ... must be that new shampoo I'm using..., must be he said .... then hay u better put it up do I don't get a hold of it ... He warned I don't have much hair now.... rose petal

Anonymous said...

Adam wore it better!

Anonymous said...

@1:03PM That's how my hair looks like when I wake up in the morning. Hate it! Use tons of stuff to tame it. Takes me forever to style it. Spend one whole day in hair salon for the darn thing. Cut it short to my shoulder most of the time to handle it. If it gets to my waist I'm a miserable with it. It looks beautiful to eyes of others. In grade school most kids thought I wear a wig so my mom used to braid my hair every morning. Hair dresser take some of it out so I'm not frustrated with it. Since last year I started doing Brazilian Blow Out and it's much better to handle.

Anyway, this is off topic, have you all bought LMD track from iTunes?

Anonymous said...

@1:44 Yup bought LMD from itunes and Amazon and the album from Amazon. Adam looks so cute!

Anonymous said...

Adam is prettier than Gaga. They both look kinda cute in the hair. I have thick hair. It used to be long and straight. Then it was the "curly perm" era, and now I have it cut very short. I'm in my low-maintenance phase when it comes to hair.


Anonymous said...

Sure hope this isn't the new direction Adam was referring to. Maybe that is the real him.

Anonymous said...

@rose petal 1:22 and @anon 1:44
Thank you both for your hair stories...Geez, to havr hair to your waist and past it...I can only dream, never had hair that long...Not fair! (stomp foot) lol
Btw, do you know any women who are happy with their hair?!! he he
Wonder also has Adam ever had a bad hair day!?!

Anonymous said...

I think the look on his face is priceless. He sure knows how to have fun!

Anonymous said...

Adam wins with charisma overload!

Anonymous said...

Apples and oranges. Adam was drunk, not sure that Gaga was. I don't like Adam looking pretty, not his style, a lamp shade might have been more appropriate. Hoping that he is having great rehearsals in Vegas, he needs something serious to do. Had too much time on his hands lately. After Vegas, peeps are saying he needs to get out a single as fast as he can, while new people are hyped about his singing. A lot of people are going to be surprised at how great his singing is, and be blown over. I am very excited about the show and wish I could go.

Anonymous said...

His expression just kills me. Bravo. He's doing the Beyonce-face better than Beyonce.

Anonymous said...

Nothing at all indicates that adam was drunk here.

Anonymous said...

3:03 PM is a Troublemaker.

Anonymous said...

Can't ignore the trolls, can we.

Anonymous said...

So I am a troll because Adam is a God who walks on water. Wake up you people, he is just a a human being, no more no less. I never put down his talents, or his good looks. But on numerous occasions he has been noted as having a drinking problem. Nothing I said makes me a troll.. It is all over the net that he is obviously drunk in this picture. I just don't have him on a pedestal like some of you do. Wake and smell the coffee.

Anonymous said...

4:20pm You are such a dumb ass! Go follow Kris Allen. I bet you already do.

Anonymous said...

Lol I don't see anyone saying that he is drunk. not that it would matter if he was, but nothing here suggests it.

I think he was just researching his Glee role by visiting a couple of his drag queen friends.

Anonymous said...

4:20 PM, You are the only one I have seen saying he is drunk. He doesn't look drunk to me, just looks like he was having fun and laughing. BTW do you know exactly what a drinking problem means? Do you know you are saying he is an alcoholic? There is a difference between that and occasionally having a little too much to drink. Also, it's the way you say things that makes people call you a troll. Think about that the next time.

Anonymous said...

He deff was hangover. And he deff has drinking problems. But many other big rock stars has this problem.I hope Adam isn't on drugs.

Anonymous said...

Oh, for Pete's sake!, go soak your head.

Anonymous said...

You are like an ostrich, hiding your heads in the sand. You just won't believe he is just an ordinary man.Yes he is famous, yes he sings extremely well, but not the only one. Yes he is good looking, but definitely not the only good looking man. Yes I follow his career, with interest, as I do others. I am not a troll, nor am I jealous, as you so often suggest. I am just trying to enjoy my life, that means enjoying peoples music and other talents. I live in the real world and am a happy person, I still think he was drinking when he had the wig on, and more than likely had too much, so he was acting silly and stupid. He isn't the first, nor will he be the last. The one thing is, I thought he was a role model for younger people. We will see how he does NYE, the concert is for all ages, I know he can do it respectively if he wants to.

Anonymous said...

7:24, the concert is at a casino, you have to be over 21 so no children there. Why do you feel the need to harp on Adam's drinking here when you know we don't want to hear your opinion on it? How is this part of that happy life you claim to lead? Picking at others makes you happy?

Anonymous said...

You think people don't act silly and stupid unless they are drunk? There are a lot of people who act silly stone cold sober.

I'm pretty sure most of us don't claim he has any super powers, therefore he's pretty ordinary. Except for extra ordinary talent and charisma. I'm getting pretty tired of hearing about this real world that apparently only a select few live in. Where in the heck do the rest of us live? On Mars?

I'm also pretty sure you mean respectfully not respectively.

Anonymous said...

I am so envious of people who have really thick hair, It looks fabulous!!

funbunn40 said...

Saying someone is drunk or hungover by just looking at a silly photo seems pretty irresponsible and judgemental, unless you were personally in Adam's presence, which seems doubtful. Years ago I put on a rubber old ladie's mask with long gray hair at the fountain of youth in St. Augustine,Fl,splashed water on my face, bent over, whipped it off, hid it in a tote bag and said, to my hubby that was in on the joke, "Do you think I look any younger?" The people looked shocked and when I let them in on the joke, all had a good laugh! I was cold sober. It's hurtful and harmfull to make assumptions and state it as fact. If you said, "I wonder if Adam was drunk," it takes on a different meaning,not starting a baseless rumour that someone would post elsewhere as fact. If Adam screws up, he's the first one to own it and not make excuses for himself. Maybe he should be the one to share that info if he chooses. I also don't think it's fair to call you a troll. That word is too carelessly bandied about. I just thinkwe all should give a little more thought to how are words are perceived. Adam isn't perfect, but he already has a mother and a very good one at that. He's also a grown man that has never missed a performance or interview because of drinking. He certainly fulfills his responsibilities and seems to still be in charge of his faculties. Not to worry!