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Worldwide iTunes rankings for "Lay Me Down" by Avicii and Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Anonymous said...

Love this animation of Adam saying"Oh, my God". It put a smile on my face.

Anonymous said...

Still not that great if we are being honest.

Anonymous said...

That's old. It's no. 63 US iTunes overall.

Anonymous said...

That list isn't current. Numbers are much higher now.

Anonymous said...

The ranking is definitely a moving target.

Anonymous said...

Virg Glamhopper ‏virg1877
Omg. My son is putting Lay Me Down on his iPod !!!!! An Adam song on his ipod!! This is a first. \0/

Anonymous said...

remember this is not even a single yet.

Anonymous said...

Exactly,it isn't a single and this is impressive. It is moving up. Yay Virg glad your son likes the song,it is going to be big with those youngens who maybe thought Adam wasn't that cool before. They need to listen to their parents lol!

Anonymous said...

this was Adam's reaction to an interviewer asking how he would act if told that he had won (or was nominated) for a Grammy - he expressed several other reactions to other questions in the same interview..very funny

Anonymous said...

60 US iTunes overall. Hey Brother track is catching up and I read that Avicii might consider releasing it as a single.

Anonymous said...

Avicii will get my hand smacking his cute little butt if he doesn't release it as a single....

Anonymous said...

@2:00 PM You might want to do that whether there's a single or not just for fun. lol

Anonymous said...

If Lay Me Down is a single, will we get a video? Maybe of Adam laying down - just kidding!(not)>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Avicii never wil release LMD as single.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Obi-Wan Kenobi....your wisdom is astounding.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Adam, you're so cute!!!

Anonymous said...

If that's an example of his acting ability, he may be in trouble on Glee.

Don't shoot, I was only kidding! I love every hair on his head, lip and chin. : -)

Anonymous said...

lol, does anyone know where the gif. of Adam is from? it's sooo cute!! :D

Anonymous said...

Agree with you, JAK!
(sorry, I'm late for the party!)