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Adam Lambert will cover Lady Gaga's "Applause" on GLEE!!!!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, September 11, 2013

VIA Popwrapped:

Warning: Spoilers lie ahead. If you do not wished to be spoiled, please stop reading.

Gird your loins because this will rock your world:

"Applause", Lady Gaga’s latest single, will be covered by the one and only Adam Lambert.

That’s right: Glee is bringing Glamberts and Little Monsters together with this performance!

The song deals with how Lady Gaga is dependent on her fans’ adoration. Perhaps it will be used by Glee as a kiss off to Kurt while Adam takes his thunder?

WATCH: Lady Gaga's Music Video for APPLAUSE


Anonymous said...

The Adam Lambert Roller Coaster Ride continues going strong.

Anonymous said...

Is this 100% official???

Anonymous said...

I love that song!!!!!! I think Adam will make the song his own.


Anonymous said...

YEA ! Take that people knew something was up so happy. I can go tomorrow and be tortured by my doctors and survive. My Baby will be on after the break. Take that NN. Sue

Anonymous said...

I love this roller coaster. I have to check out Applause and Judas by GaGa now, Adam will do her proud.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Adam is taking on not only the funk-rock Sifu of the past; now the hot and current. The Applause song/video is excellent, so imaginative, takes a brain like Lady Gaga's. Not being biased, but Adam will take it up a notch. I say this with reason; the video is exceptionally artistic and pretty wild and so needs a more powerful voice to cement it. But of course we don't see the video as it were on Glee. The high notes in this song is going to get a 'facelift' with Adam's leggiero-tenor wails! lwl! Whoa...must watch Glee. Never thought I would actually say it out loud. lwl!


Anonymous said...

Finally SOME REAL ADAM NEWS!!!! Been waiting forever.

glitzylady said...

From Adam just hmmmm...maybe not exactly true: (Glamhoppers ;)))))))))

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 1m
What I'm sayin is- the rumor mill warps the facts. Be patient lil Glamhoppers: wait and see. ;)

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 5m
Rumors are funny, pesky lil things.

Anonymous said...

Ok Adam you can come out of hiding now, the news has sprung a leak.
If Adam can do as well as he did With Pink's cover, WDYWFM, he will do very well, might even get nominated for a grammy again. I sure don't like GG's version of Applause or Judas, But when Adam does his usual thing , they will be hit songs. I don't think this a rumor at all. Maybe Adam hasn't signed all the papers yet, since he seems to be out of town.

Anonymous said...

Lil Glamhoppers ??? Where did that come from ??? It is kinda cute though.

Anonymous said...

Well, this is one of the first pieces of info we have heard about anything Adam will sing on Glee. I can't wait to see his take on the song. Isn't that what all singers want when they are on stage...applause from the audience?

Anonymous said...

I am officially not believing another word about Adam and Glee until I hear it from Adam or the producers and creators of Glee. This is a lot of fun however. Adam must have been getting tons and tons of tweets about the Gaga songs. LOL ok this glamhopper will listen.

Anonymous said...

Hi 7:03pm ... "Glamhoppers" is a reference to "Grasshopper", the name the Kung Fu master gave his young student in a TV show that I can't remember the name of. It was a term of endearment from the wise master to his young protégée, who grows up to fight for good (played by Keith Carridine). Somebody, help me with the name of that show?! Very famous oldie but goodie.

xo laura

glitzylady said...

@xo laura
The name of the show was appropriately named: "Kung Fu"... :))

Anonymous said...

Ha! Thanks, Glitzylady ... of course, it was called Kung Fu! And JAK informed me that it was David Carradine, not younger brother Keith, that starred in the show.
Thank you, O Wise Ones! :)

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling kind of sick. 2 Gaga songs? Damn, he's going to have to change them up out of all recognition for me to like them. I hope I'm a minority of one.
I had such hopes for this Glee opportunity and now I'm depressed.
My roller coaster has no ups about this news, only downs. :(

Anonymous said...

I'm totally excited about Adam covering Gaga's songs because it's finally GLEE news! Until now we haven't heard much of anything.

If Adam wants to call us Glamhoppers it's kinda cute. At least we heard from him. HE must be very busy rehearsing for the iHeart concert with Queen and probably doing stuff for Glee. I can't wait to see it all! So excited!


Anonymous said...

Hi Dr. Glitzylady, how was surgery today?

Anonymous said...

OMG two GG songs. I'm high now. Go Adam go! Love you!

Anonymous said...

What a simpleton you are!

funbunn40 said...

This song seems in a similiar vein as Lay Me Down, dance club friendly. I like this better than Judas,and I'm a fan of Gaga, but I just think Adam's ability outshines the songs.No opportunity to show his range.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Glamhoppers, we all know; when Adam Lambert wraps his voice around a song,it is forever glamorized.

A few words from the GREAT ONE and the Glamhoppers are clam again. He loves his fans so much, so sweet. Love him too.

Glamhopper signing out. Goodnight.

Anonymous said...

Correction; I meant calm again. sorry.

Anonymous said...

After the Gaga songs news I'm feeling a whole lot clammy.
Why Gaga of all people? Couldn't the artist have been Elvis, Prince, Bowie, Tyler, even Elton John would have been better than Gaga.

Anonymous said...

3:29, clam down, we don't even know if it's true yet.

Anonymous said...

i was vreally hoping they would d a show of Queen material.

Anonymous said...

We can all rest easy.
Lam-my has assured us
All will be well
Adam will whip out
His leggiero tenor wail
And cement the song!

Anonymous said...

Hey I actually enjoy your poem...points for uniqueness! But I sense a tinge of resentment in your double tone. It's okay. lol!


Anonymous said...

It's not a poem. A lot like many of yours.

Anonymous said...

Okay call it a rhythmic group of words if you difference! or a verse arrangement of words that expresses one's feelings...'As you like it'!
