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Adam Lambert's Latest RE-Tweets

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, September 16, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 16, 2013


HK fan said...

number 1 in 44 countries......that can only be good. Surely some of those buyers will decide to look up who's singing LMD.

Anonymous said...

JAK here...I plan to be cautiously realistic . Possibly one or two buyers.

Anonymous said...

JAK, you are so funny!!! Caution be damned! LOL.


Anonymous said...

aww the first tweet forgot to mention Nile.

Anonymous said...

Rolling my eyes. Way to make fun of some people who have been very reasonable in expressing their opinions. Lots of talk here about equality and being nice but very little demonstration of that.

Anonymous said...

#1 in 44 countries ? How many countries are there? You go Avicii.

Anonymous said...

JAK you are too too funny.

Anonymous said...

There are about 200 countries in the world.

Anonymous said...

JAK wasn't practicing what she preaches.

Anonymous said...

To be specific, there are 196 countries in the world, unless Taiwan is not considered because it is disputed as a country, therefore, there would be 195. Sorry, but my geography class got the best of me to post this. I think it is really good for all of us to be educated about many things, and this was the perfect time for me to shine with my degree. Forty-four countries out of 196-not a bad deal! Go LMD!

Anonymous said...

Please, let us not be irreverent to one of our most treasured Glamberts, our one and only, JAK!

Anonymous said...

Dang 44 countries and it hasn't been released in US, Canada, Japan and other countries. What a great for Adam to spread his vocal talent and I believe most people will search who the singer is. Specially youth. We live in social media era that you can find everything at your finger tip. Great way of getting exposure and making money. Adam more please. Love him!

Anonymous said...

I also love "Wake Me Up", and I was very intrigued to find out who was singing the song. I think people will want to know the same for "LMD".

Anonymous said...

#NP Strut at Energy Music Radio

Anonymous said...

11 AM, depends on whose definition you go by, the United Nations or the Montevideo Conventions. Do you count Scotland and Wales as separate countries or just as part of the UK? What about Kosovo?

Anonymous said...

@ 9:41 and 10:15.......JAK here......yes your comments
have some validity. I have been indulging in a bit of snarkiness. Not nice.

However though there are some people who have been 'reasonable' in expressing their feelings about over enthusiastic fans who may gush too comments have been made about the self avowed 'realists' who have called exuberant over the top fans...stupid, dumb dumbs, morons, delusional and crazy. This is all in the last week. Not nice.

You can search all of the current threads and you will not find that I have ever called anyone, realist or not, by any of these names. It's rude. I have questioned why you care if some on this site are overboard, flying high, indulging in improbable and perhaps elusive impossible
dreams. Does it harm you in some way?

As several reasonable people on our side of the fence have said, let us have fun, this a fan site, not real life. We know the difference.
We handle our everyday responsible lives just fine in most cases or with difficulty if circumstances are grim. And we do have Glamily here who are dealing with a painful reality....
We come here to flail, to exaggerate, to adore, to make fools of ourselves, to watch together this enchanting (to us) young man's career unfold. We are hopeful for him.

Yes, there are nasty people on both sides but we can't control anyone, can we? Either stay or go, those are our only choices.

I'll give up being a smart ass on this subject if one on your side will do the same........I'll go first.

Anonymous said...

Thanks JAK.........for putting into words what many of us feel.


Anonymous said...

JAK, I already did on a pervious thread.

Jadam NZ said...

Perfectly said as usual JAK. Well Done.

glitzylady said...

Amen @JAK....

Very very well said.....

Anonymous said...

Talks about equality. . . I have yet to see from any tagged regular calling out the obnoxious regular. I have yet to see. . .