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Adam Lambert's Latest RETWEETS

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Anonymous said...

ok clever Glamberts out there do your thing with a teaser for LMD. Nile you always look nice!!

Anonymous said...

Any guy always looks better in a classic, stylish suit whether it is a Dior or some other designer. I love seeing Adam in a suit at red carpet events or some special occasion. He always looks gorgeous.

Anonymous said...


1. Use instagram to create a VIDEO that represents your favourite track

2. Tag it with #truereveal and #[nameofsong] - i.e. "Hey @Avicii You Make Me wanna dance all crazy like this! #truereveal #youmakeme

3. The most liked track will be announced as the official instagram teaser for the track. The winners will also get the chance to participate in some way in the making the official music video to that track.

The winners will be announced September 17.

For videos and other info. check out the following link:

Anonymous said...

I really like this close-up soulful picture of Nile...his face says a thousand words and more. Avicii and Nile, if you are making a video, do it with LMD...Adam's face is enough to launch millions of sales not forgetting his voice! Oh let Adam's voice be forefront, that's the magic; together with Nile's and Avicii's insignias of quality.


Anonymous said...

I became a fan of Adam lately . but Honestly, his fans freak me out

Anonymous said...

I think we should all be concerned about the second retweet!time to support lay me down

Anonymous said...

@10:14pm. Welcome, honey! You can find good and bad in everything. Most Adam fans are lovely.

Anonymous said...

so cool, reading these posts and listening to Energy Music Radio and guess what they start playing? By the Rules by Adam Lambert. Playing right now.

daydreamin said...

Anon 10:14, welcome, welcome! Yes, sorry, I admit it, we are nuts about Adam and aren't afraid to admit it. Well, maybe:). If you take a tag we can get to know you better:)

Anonymous said...

I love By The Rules. For some reason I can't get Energy on my iPod. It buffers constantly. Tried it on my computer same thing. I have the same problem with most of out of US radio stations.

Anonymous said...

10:14, I've been around since Idol and they still freak me out. Look for someone not dressed as a bumble bee and who doesn't hate all other musicians. There are a few of us sane fans looking incognito out there ;)

Anonymous said...

12:14 so glad you got the chance to drop in and insult us, do hurry back (to your cave).

daydreamin said...

Could this be true?!!

"With his latest single “Wake Me Up” demolishing the charts at an alarming speed, Avicii’s new single, “Lay Me Down”, is set to officially debut in one week upon the release of his newest album, True. The preview to this song has already had significant plays. With Nile Rodgers with his long running record of successful collaborations including Diana Ross, David Bowie, Duran Duran, Madonna – and more recently with another dance music heavy hitter, Daft Punk, and alongside Adam Lambert, a rising star in the pop scene straight out from American Idol, this song looks like another chart topper. With a long list of lucrative collaborations under his belt, the young Swedish DJ’s streak doesn’t seem to be ending soon.

Avicii has had a notorious record of surprising his fans from dance favorites to surprising kazoo solos; with “Lay Me Down”, he switches gears yet again and drives into a funky baseline with groovy beats and utilizing Lambert’s softer melodic voice to entrance its listeners back to the 70s disco era. Although this has rumored to be one of the standout tracks of True – hold your breath as he may lead us into another astonishing pathway."

More here:
Click Here

Anonymous said...

@ daydreaming ; if its true, I am dying with excitement!..
Admin ..a friend of mine(introduced me to adam) complained about her posts being removed.(I know she isn't a troll).I humbly ask on her behalf..why?

Anonymous said...

daydreamin I would like to believe that but what happened to the 2nd single Avicii announced? I think maybe this story got screwed up somehow. I hope I am wrong.

Anonymous said...

You guys remember I posted that twitter music rank poll couple of days ago for you guys to heart LMD and tweet it to your followers cause Shoshanna asked us to do it. Well LMD reached to no. 1. Then Jayz JT track took over the no. 1 rank. The site somehow figured out there was a cheating going on with the Jayz JT track voting. Then the site deleted most their points. NOW LMD IS BACK TO NO. 1 TRACK. YAY GLAMBERTS! Good job!

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin. OMG that's a fabulous news. Thanks for sharing the fabulous news.

Anonymous said...

LMD might be the third single but that won't be for a while. LMD sure is getting some good press and Nile and Adam's name always mentioned with Avicii. Excellent song!!

Anonymous said...

Watch this video Adam tweeted today:

Anonymous said...

@adamlambert Thanks for your support Adam! #TalkToMe #TrevorTalk


Anonymous said...

12:19, so someone says they are new and Adam fans scare them and I make a joke about the scary fans and you call me the cave dweller? OK. LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

daydreamin, don't know if they have some inside info nobody else has yet but I do love all the positive news LMD is getting from the EMD community.

Anonymous said...

oops, meant EDM

Anonymous said...

OT new Miley Cyrus video has almost 40 million hits in less than 2 days:

Anonymous said...

I heard she is naked swinging on a wrecking ball.

Anonymous said...

@12:14am. Beside this fan forum another fan site with real time news about Adam you can check is:

Adam Lambert Fan Club on Facebook.

You get up to the minute news. We love to chat with you!

Love & Peace

Anonymous said...

1:41, she's not naked, she's wearing boots.

Miley looks and sounds fabulous. Good for her for breaking a Vevo record.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the blog daydreamin gave us a link to really isn't sure of the next single. wish they would be that honest in the actual article.

@CrustNation are you sure it's the next single? Avicii has said You Make Me will be next single.

@ScorpioBert That could be right too. We've seen conflicting reports. Either way it's Avicii so you know we'll all be hearing it soon! :)

Anonymous said...

LOL Adam.


HK fan said...

I saw that article earlier...I would love for it to be true, but I think just lazy reporting, not checking facts etc. Avicii's second single has already been announced, unless like some artists he does a different release for Europe and the US.

Anonymous said...

With the Miley Cyrus video for Wrecking Ball, it just shows that nudity and inappropriate behavior sells in today's society. Just watch some of the other videos that are out there now. Lousy song and horrible video. Then there's Adam with an amazing voice and some creative videos from his last two album releases, but they go nowhere. Miley certainly is attracting a lot of attention and interest. This is what sells music today unfortunately. But Adam will have longevity in the music business and expand into other creative areas whereas Miley will probably have to re-invent herself again. I have been an Adam fan since Idol, more mature but not a granny, post sensible comments, and enjoy keeping up with the latest pics and vids about Adam. Can't wait to see him on Glee(although I am not so interested in this show) and to see his performance with Queen from Vegas on the CW network rebroadcast. Most of all I am waiting for the third album to see what direction he takes with his music now.

Anonymous said...

Lol well adam certainly tried, and did, get attention with inappropriate behavior. Acting like he is so much above anyone else is absurd.

Anonymous said...

10:14, You have come to a great place to be an Adam fan. 24/7 has a huge mix of people who love Adam. Some of us post short and quick comments. Some of us write essays! We sometimes get into squabbles like most families do. But we all adore Adam and want to share our passions. Don't get frustrated when we get a little off-the-wall. We always kiss and make up. In the end, we love Adam and want him to succeed.

I'm also a little skeptical about that article saying that LMD will the next single. I'd love it to be true, but I think there is already a second single in the pipeline. As for Miley, she's been around quite a while now, and people have known her since she was a little girl. Her fans and the media in general will forgive her of anything she does. She is being greatly rewarded for her VMA performance with huge YTube hits and lots of press. She'll be hosting SNL soon. Someone said she got the cover of Vogue back after being temporarily booted off. So, whatever she does will work to her benefit. Adam doesn't have the same privileges. That's why he needs all the support we can give him. LMD could be a big break for him, esp. with Nile also on the track. Nile wants it to succeed, too. Keeping fingers and toes crossed.


Anonymous said...

10:14 don't know if you just became a fan of Adam Lambert's or not, but I will take your word for it. Sort of a strange way to come on an Adam fan site and insult his fans from the get go. You should know, that everyone who post on these sites are not fans of Adam's. Keep in mind for future references, some are bullies and trolls; they want to make Adam and his fans and supporters look bad. One clue, when you hear this word, "I am a fan of Adam's, but," then they precede to tear Adam and his fans down;

Hope this helps, and hope you really are a fan, of the most beautiful and talented singer in the world. Just never judge millions of Adam adoring fans, by a few fools. Welcome to the fandom of the greatest entertainer in the world. Just deal with it and enjoy. Have a great day.
P.S. Are you and 12:14 the same person? Sound so much alike. Real, beautiful fans of Adam's, keep on keeping on. Love our beautiful rainbow family. Even the bumble bees. "Freak Out."

Anonymous said...

10:14 and 12:14, hi birds of a feather; stick together!

HK fan said...

I actually don't mind Mileys new video, apart from the ott licking of the sledgehammer, the nudity seems a bit pointless, but its not shocking and she looks quite pretty in it.
Love the song too, I think it will be a big hit.

Anonymous said...

As long a Avicii is getting all this attention for Lay Me Down, I doubt if he will make it a single. He will probably will make one of his less known songs a single. This is business. Avicii is looking out for himself, not Adam.

Anonymous said...

How do you overshadow Lady Gaga and all the other undressed women singers? Miley has pretty much had to do this to surpass them. Nobody cares about 'nice' or 'moral'. Just ask Simon Cowell.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam will get as as much attention on Miley's blogs when he makes new music as she is getting here. I also hope that Adam's 2 million + twitter-followers go out and purchase his new music. Talk is cheap. Put your money where your mouth is. This is not to every fan. But, we really need to step up on his new music when it comes out; he is depending on us.

Anonymous said...

KIKE ALL ADAM S SONG- AS LONG AS HIS VOICE IN THE music ill buy all of them-its the voice and the song adam lambert has it both.

Anonymous said...

Lol stop lecturing people. There is no new music and there may never be. Don't worry your old head about it.

Anonymous said...

Ignore 7.56 or the famous three letter troll that resides here she full of S--t as usual. 7.38 lecture away I agree with you!

Anonymous said...


I have had my comments removed too but it's fixed now, for me. I contacted Admin and she told me that Blogger robots removed them. She said Blogger usually restores the "accidentally removed" comments after a day or two.

Tell your friend to keep posting comments and eventually the comments will start appearing. IF the comments gets removed, just repost it. It works.

Glitzylady gave us Admin's email so you can email her here:

Anonymous said...

8 04

Really? You think it's a good idea to be nasty for no reason? That it makes sense to lecture people about supporting music that doesn't exist? That its good to criticize people for talking about another artist who is in the news? Is that your idea of being a good fan?

Anonymous said...

Listen dear this person 7.56 has written one nasty remark about Adam after the other this is just one of many to 8.32. I was referring to what she said about the music not MC I could care less about what said of her. Lol or 7.56 had made many nasty remarks about Adam and if you are a fan and have follow here you know that. Adam said he was working on new music of his own and he never been a liar. We know nothing what he going on behind the scenes. I think your being quite nasty in your remarks 8.32. I rather take up for someone that seems to be a supportive Adam fan than someone who has trashed him many times as 7.56 has ask anyone that's a real fan here.the other lady did not mean to lecture just ask support for Adam. You really need to go back on some posts to see how nasty 7.56 lol has been and you realize why I said what I did.everything Adam does she puts it down on a daily bases.

Anonymous said...

Many people use the comment lol it is not someone's signature. Hopefully you are not so out of touch that you don't realize that.

And adam misleads people and spins things many times. I don't hold that against him. He has said he has no idea when we will hear new music from him, unless he gets a new label there isn't going to be any. If he was doing any serious work we would hear about collaborators, believe what you want, but it doesn't make me any less of a fan to realize adam doesn't have any new music coming in the near future.

Anonymous said...

What a load of bull stop bulling the real fans. 9.09 everyone knows who this particular lol is that is a fan. adam is not known to mislead the fans at all.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If there is something I think Adam shud work on,is his honesty! He is way too open and honest!..I really do not know how his agent handles him.
Until a new musik is comes out(naysayers its coming), we can still celebrate FYE and tresspassing..not a bad idea huh?