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Adam Lambert's LAY ME DOWN is #1 on AMAZON MOVERS & SHAKERS Chart

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 17, 2013

BUY "LAY ME DOWN" (Song) and "TRUE" (Album) on Amazon!


Anonymous said...

How many songs on this album Avicii wrote and sung by himself?I'm confusing,because he got a lot of credits for this album.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe he sings, he writes the music usually with a collaborator. The album wouldn't exist without him.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how cool I am for an old grandma....I have already bought 4 out of 6 of the Movers and Shakers.
Senior Citizens rock!......JAK

Anonymous said...

yes you are cool JAK Adam is lucky to have you as a fan and we are lucky you come to this site!!

Anonymous said...

Well that's sweet, the end of a perfect day, a marathon shopping trip with my daughter, a good report from a MRI, dinner with my boyfriend of 58 years and now, a compliment

Anonymous said...

This is awesome, and JAK you seem very cool!

Anonymous said...

Which ones did you buy? Other than LMD! lol

Anonymous said...

It's no. 5 on Amazon Dance & no. 49 overall & no. 1 movers and shakers for Amazon mp3 music. Get it here:

Anonymous said...

6:12, Avicii doesn't sing but he is the composer of all his music. It is his music and his album, even though there are several featured singers. This is pretty common in EDM and hip hop.

Anonymous said...

It's no. 45 now Amazon overall mp3 music

Anonymous said...

@8:31PM it's #37 overall on Amazon. And it was #34 few hours ago. However, as I understand with previous experience with Trespassing nobody cares about Amazon! Only ITunes numbers count for BB.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:16.....I have the Daft Punk, cause I fell in love with Get Lucky so have bought 5 of their songs. Makes me dance!
I bought Keith Urban because I am a deeply closeted country music fan ( don't tell ). I have several of his songs too. Tonight I Wanna Cry makes me cry and Sweet Thing makes me dance!

I bought James Blunt because I buy almost all of his music, I have a passionate and not so secret crush on him!!!
....oh to be 30 again!......JAK....and of course LMD.

moverpros said...

Hey very informative post regarding movers san jose.Thanks for sharing this post with us.