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Adam Lambert's Publicist Shoshanna Stone Clarifies Rumors

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, September 19, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, September 19, 2013

The drag rumor first started from MJsBigBlog. Then it spread all over the place.


Anonymous said...

I never thought it was true and now we know for sure. Thanks for clearing this up Shoshanna and admin for posting this.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Shoshanna and admin for posting. My thinking did not even begin to know where to land on these rumors. Now I'm content to be a patient lil' Glamhopper. ;) I'll do the only thing I can do, watch Adam's life unfold as it will.

Anonymous said...

Hate rumors and this one I really didn't believe and glad Shoshanna cleared it up. Adam will be fabulous on Glee!

Anonymous said...

can't wait for Glee and hear what he is really going to sing.

Anonymous said...

So Adam is not doing applause??? i was looking forward to that.

Anonymous said...

I glad it's not either of the songs mentioned Judas was a very controversial song. Whatever he sings he will be great. I really never thought that was true. Then they came out yesterday trying to cover correct all the misinformation with more. Then people started even more crazy stories about poor Adam and Glee. He gonna be on Glee sounds like after the break fourth show no ones said different about that hopefully that's correct but he on it. He going to do great I am sure. Lets just wait and be surprised. Sue

Anonymous said...

omg lol. so we were excited and then let down for nothing??


Anonymous said...

Take that, MJ! LOLOLOL

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 11 Sep
What I'm sayin is- the rumor mill warps the facts. Be patient lil Glamhoppers: wait and see. ;)

Anonymous said...

11:11, proof of the don't get worked up over rumors or fans "predicting" something. You will be let down.

Anonymous said...

I knew it, MJ is such a skank. I new she was lying, when after every post on her blog questioning her account, or saying it was not true. She would post defending her story. What blog administrator does that. She was saying it was official and a lot of other bunk.

She posts every story that she perceives will put Adam in a bad light. I just wish someone would call her crazy, lying butt on this.

Anonymous said...

Adam said to be patient and so that's what we have to do. When it's for real, Adam will let us know the truth.>>Still very excited for Adam!

Anonymous said...

Adam said to be patient and so that's what we have to do. When it's for real, Adam will let us know the truth.>>Still very excited for Adam!

Anonymous said...

Just glad we got that over with.

I don't want Adam to do drag. I mean, the homophobes will say they were right all along about Adam. Gay men should be able to play a normal gay man without any stereotypes.

I am gay and it sucks to be portrayed as the same thing on TV all the time.

Anonymous said...

11:17, Shosh did just call her butt on it.

Anonymous said...

Good try 11.11 to upset people. Sorry this is good news no on wanted h to play a drag Queen. Applause was ok but not Judas. He still gonna be on Glee he just not playing drag Queen and singing different songs than reported. She said wait until it airs Adam episodes to see what he sings. There no let down here good news and you know it! I guess bad news for the t's however who were hoping for the DQ thing to bad.

Anonymous said...

@11:11 AM

I was not excited; but to each their own.

I just wish Adam could do one of his own songs.

If not, then David Bowie or Queen.

Really like Adam's new management they seem to really be looking out for their star; I know it benefits them too. They are good.

Anonymous said...

So who's the real culprit-MJ or her so-called "source". Or maybe she was the one & only source. Why is she so butthurt anyway?

Anonymous said...

I thought all along that this rumour made no glad Shosh finally debunked it.

I'm just looking forward to seeing Adam on Glee and hearing his amazing voice.


Anonymous said...

perhaps MJs will dissolve. that would be a happy day

Anonymous said...

I hardly visit that little blog that started the rumor to get hits and have picnic with Adam fans. I started less visiting this AL 24/7 blog too because of venemous poster/s trashing everything Adam and name calling. I have tons of other ways to find news about Adam. Twitter, Facebook, other friendly positive fan sites, google, YouTube, etc. Life is too short why live in unhappiness in expense of trashing other people's success and endeavor.

Long live Adam Lambert and his true supportive fans.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps no one from 24/7 will read her blog. I don't and I live in happy unawareness of her so called news....until I hear it talked about here! Sometimes ignorance is bliss! : )

Anonymous said...

@11:11 AM Calm down, no need for you to get hysterical. Take deep breaths.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the role Adam actually will play on Glee. There have been so many rumors about it and at this time, we still don't know anything about it. I hope he comes on one or two talk shows to let the viewing audience know what he will be doing on Glee. I don't believe any rumors or gossip and wait to hear it directly from Adam or someone like Shoshanna to tell us the true story.

Anonymous said...

LOLOL, this is still making me laugh.

Anonymous said...

I didn't believe that MJ's Adam/Glee story was true. I'm glad Shosh shot it down. However, it was picked up by a lot of other media and now it's all over the place that Adam had Glee re-write his part because he didn't want to do drag. We Glamberts know this is not true - but the casual fan will not know this. I think this whole incident puts Adam in a bad light, and I'm really pissed about it.

Anonymous said...

3:17 I am sure Shoshanna's tweets will make their rounds too.

Anonymous said...

Oh well, this little blog written by MJ has been my guilty pleasure for years because it provides an interesting discussion forum about a lot of American Idol alumns and present contestants and other alumns from other reality shows... and trolls are removed from the forum eventually...

As a huge Adam Lambert fan, I do notice that there was some friction between the MJ administrator and some overenthusiastic Adam fans .. so some fans moved to another website to do their fangirling and fanboying about Adam after each live performance of Adam...

Still I do stay at MJs blog and give comments over there because it is also read by non-Adam Lambert fans....

Even if Soshanna shot down the rumours now.. she was a bit slow in doing so... Adam did give an indication that rumours are rumours.. but he never said immediately that the rumours were false...

And being a huge fan of Glee for years.. I have seen weird things and weird storylines on Glee and therefore tend to believe that the "drag queen rumour" is semi-true.

Maybe it started off as a joke between the writers and took on its own life.. Axel.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous September 19, 2013 at 3:17 PM, Don't worry, it won't put Adam in a bad light... it just puts more attention to Glee... Glee is very clever in creating buzz...

As an avid Glee fan, I still have the Glee PR debacle in mind a few years ago that ended up in a good PR mess...

A few years ago, one of the Glee bosses once said in an interview, that the 3 main characters will not appear anymore in a next season.. which made the fans totally panic and the next day , one of the actors reacted and was misquoted by the press..

Eventually it turned out that the Glee boss initially had the plan to indeed remove the 3 main actors from the series and put them in a spin off... but the spin off was held secret... until it was not approved by the TV network....

So careful.... this drag queen rumour could have been similar to the "spin off PR debacle"... Axel.

Anonymous said...

I really don't get Axel's comment. Adam addressed the rumor immediately and subtly but subtlety seems to be lost on too many fans. Then Shoshanna directly addresses the issue and says all of it is blatantly false yet Axel seems to think there is still something to it and will keep going to the blog of someone who made up a story about Adam. I just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Why are people even reading that MJ person's blog? I certainly don't and I never miss any valid news about Adam. Like a previous poster said, there are so many great sites where you can get accurate information about this superb artist.

Anonymous said...

I will believe S Stone the rest of you can believe what you want. Never believed the DQ thing in the first place and never read the stupid blog. She said it was ridiculous I believe that because it is just that.

Anonymous said...

that MJ lady said she posted the drag queen thing a few hours after Adam posted his pesky little rumors thing. It really does not matter I guess if your PR person says it was made up it is made up.

Anonymous said...

MJ kept defending her 'spoiler' blog about Adam that it came from a 'reliable' Glee insider and that Adam's debunking rumor tweet was sent out hours before she reported the 'spoiler'.
So, she's saying that Adam was not referencing her 'spoiler' alert but something else because of the timing.