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Another New Picture of Adam Lambert at Giorgio's in LA (9/14)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Anonymous said...

Awww, you guys look too cute. Love you Adam! Lay Me Down is doing so great!>>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Now you are in LV singing with Queen. What a life. I am hoping to get tickets for New Years eve in OK.

Anonymous said...

Adam looking so sexy ...almost too much ..but loving it

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Interesting info about the Glee rumor. This is just my opinion, but I don't think the drag queen thing was ever seriously considered for Adam. Sure, maybe it was tossed around a little, but I don't believe Adam would have ever done it, for all the reasons people have been stating. I liked the comments people wrote after the article. They expressed good sense, IMO. I could be wrong about all this, but I can't imagine the Glee peeps believing that Adam would go for it. He wants to draw in new fans, not scare them off. He'll get a good character written for him. He has such a big personalitiy and a powerful presence. We'll know before too long!


Anonymous said...

I love this look for him. He looks so sexy and no hair products . He looks touchable

Anonymous said...

Adam makes a very sexy Amish;)

Anonymous said...

Adam Yoder. lol

glitzylady said...

To be honest, who knows if there was any real truth to this pesky "rumor" in the first place :)) But thought I'd pass this "update" on, for what it's worth..........

Anonymous said...

Well if its true he may well have pissed off Ryan Murphy and end up getting very little screen time. If filmng is starting next week they aren't going to happily rewrite a whole story arc to suit him.

Anonymous said...

I think it was a rumor about the drag queen all along,but whatever. Adam looks so adorable in this hat!

Anonymous said...

I find the Glee situation to be very disturbing. Silly me, I thought Glee would be a happy uplifting time for Adam.

Anonymous said...

MJ says she has some super secret person leaking her this info and I don't believe it at all. Seems to be a common thought that she made all this up. No one else has confirmed what she said and there are suppose to be some very reliable Glee spoiler sites out there. Between that and Adam's and Shoshonna's tweets there shouldn't be any worries about Adam's relationship with Ryan Murphy and others at Glee. Adam and Shoshanna basically told us it wasn't true already.

glitzylady said...

I think Adam is going have have a GREAT time on Glee..... Why think otherwise???

The drag rumor was a... rumor...., unconfirmed by anyone... This "update" above could simply be a backpedal by the original rumor creator... anyway, really looking forward to seeing Adam on Glee in November! It should be quite awesome!

Anonymous said...

Trust a bitch.

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 11 Sep
What I'm sayin is- the rumor mill warps the facts. Be patient lil Glamhoppers: wait and see. ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that Adam is not going to play a drag queen on Glee. Why does he even have to play a gay character? There are several gay actors(NPH and Matt Bomer) who play straight characters in their tv roles and even have a love interest. It will be very interesting to see exactly what Adam's role will be on Glee. I hope it is not something silly, harsh or demeaning. For his first major tv role, it should be a character to draw in the viewing audience and keeps them wanting to see more of him.

Anonymous said...

Please someone tell me. Who is MJ?

glitzylady said...

I just deleted the Glee rumor backpedal from MJ's...

glitzylady said...

Back to discussing the gorgeous man in the middle.....

Anonymous said...

Most of the time less is more. IMO if Glee has a drag queen concept it will draw less viewers and ratings. Unfortunately most people aren't accepting it and aren't comfortable with it. It is what it is and Adam at this point in his career should play it safe. I remember at one of his Zodiac performances he wanted fire to come out of his head and look like elbania and his friend, Lee Cherry, cringed and told him you want people to talk about your killer voice not your outrages look. Sometimes certain things Adam does overshadows his killer talent and voice.

Anonymous said...

8:53, MJ has a blog with mostly Idol related news and lots of ugly comments.

Anonymous said...

So Glitzy brings the Glee rumor here and then deletes it? I don't get it.

glitzylady said...

Too much controversy... I'll put it back if people want to see's gone...

Anonymous said...

LOL way to think of that after the fact.

Anonymous said...

I never believed the drag queen rumor anyhow. I am looking forward to seeing what Adam's role is and the duets with Demi.

Anonymous said...

No Glitzy let's keep it off of this website. Most know about the pink blog. I was just there reading about it and fans are civilized about it. Some Idol fans that like Adam are saying that they would love to see Adam as himself with his beautiful voice. Not something that really he said numerous times that he is not a cross dresser or drag queen which sometimes straight guys do it too. But most people associate it only with gay community. The fact of none acceptance of this image comes from IMO that if a man shows a feminine image for some odd reason the role of a man is degraded. But if a woman wears a suit and tie nobody raises an eyebrow. It is what it is, and Adam shouldn't play the role at this point in his career. It will overshadow everything he worked so hard for the past four years.

Anonymous said...

Why do Adam fans even go to MJs blog when she clearly doesn't like Adam. Why give her the hits? And the comments are even worse than here.

Anonymous said...

Why, oh why, would Adam's character have to be gay in his Glee role? I just watched Neil Patrick Harris today in a comedy movie and he played a straight guy. Rock Hudson was one of the screen's hottest lovers, totally straight roles he played. Michael Douglas, totally straight, plays Liberace in his newer movie. Why can't Adam shine and display his immense talent, maybe even a love affair in Glee with a beautiful girl. Give the guy a chance-he will not dissapoint. I still go back to view Adam's sexy shoot with that gorgeous female model, I think it was 2009. He should not be caught in a trap!

glitzylady said...

The reason I posted it in the first place was because it was being tossed around on Twitter and I thought if nothing else it would be a relief to some people that the original Glee thing was shot down... if the rumor ever had any shred of truth to it all. Or not. And because it was reported here a few days ago... I'm not saying any of it was true in the first place. But because things tend to get crazy here in a big hurry...I deleted it. No sense giving it any kind of recognition at all. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

I would rather watch him tonguedive a lady that watch him play a gay or a drag queen!. Better still, i would love Adam's talent be showcased here instead of his sexuality or his'beauty'.
For all the rumours...have you guys had of ratings?...i totally believe this is a stunt.

Anonymous said...

Glitzy, pick a side.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady. She checks everything with her website name so let's not bring it here. Other fan sites deleted everything related to p!nk blog. She even checks that. She looks for any controversies to get popularity on her blog. I don't know about her source that she is claiming but I have friends in entertainment business and they never blabber anything in detail to anyone. I think probably the whole thing was a setup either by her or people in the show. We just have to trust Adam and his team. I don't think he and they want to do a one step forward and two step backward now that he is working with Nile, Avicii, and Queen. As he tweeted we have to be patient and supportive.

Anonymous said...

8 53

Michael Jackson, lol

glitzylady said...

Too late anyway... It's just been posted as a thread topic here.... Guess admin thought it was noteworthy...

I know about MJ's... No need to educate me :)))) But thanks just the same.

@Anon 11:20 PM
I picked a side a long time ago (4+ years ago...) ...I pick Adam's side :)))))) Seriously....

Anonymous said...

Why isn't anybody asking WHO is that guy with almost the IDENTICAL outfit & look wih Adammmm?!
(lol, I guess I am...)

funbunn40 said...

Glitzylady shares a lot of Adam info with us and I am grateful. I can't understand why anyone would have any issue with her when she contributes so much. Wish I knew how to post things here from other sites. I like to know what's out there, positive or negative, rumours as well as truths as I feel "forewarned is forearmed" and the truth eventually comes out. If I can dispel any rumours at least I have a clue as what's going around. I also am not gullible to believe all that I read and know many of you on this site also have a pretty good sense of reality. I think Adam has the ear of his parents, friends and others that offer him honest advice and he's been out in the world to gain maturity and some insight as to his career. I also would like to see him play a straight man to expand his audience at this early acting time in his path.

Anonymous said...

I want to know who the guy is with Adam. He looks like he has the same outfit on as Adam......WTF?

Anonymous said...

Some great photos! He looks like Boy George in the first one.

Anonymous said...

The club is named Georgio's. It's an Italian theme. Guys who pole the goldollas through the Venetian canals wear hats just like those worn in the pic. Stupid people!!!

Anonymous said...

sorry. "Gondollas"

Anonymous said...

@ 1:16 not nice to call people stupid.
Note: The club is Giorgios.
It's gondola.
They are rowed with oars in oarlocks. Canals are too deep to pole. FYI