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Another TV Recording: Adam Lambert & Queen CW iHeartRadio Festival 'We Will Rock You & We Are The Champions'

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, September 30, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 30, 2013


Anonymous said...

The way it was edited for TV looks like Nate closed the show with STL, not Adam.
The persecution continues. . .

Anonymous said...

They put a medley of songs for Adam. Most had one song he was fabulous. Believe me lots will see Adam performance on line. Most realize its not a full performance and not in order. The most that will look it up on line will realize Adam closed the set. They posted on the tv watch all of Queens set on line. I thought he was unbelievable doubt they were trying to persecute him. I would rather it was all Adam but what they showed sure showed his remarkable voice. Nate nice and a good singer no match for Adam. Hopefully if on tomorrow I believe both will perform Adam vocals will shine through.

Anonymous said...

yes wasn't Adam's performance good enough to close the show? They had to switch it around is sad. I wonder how day 2 will go? My enthusiasm is fading.

Anonymous said...

And once again the crybabies cry. He sang two of the best known rock songs in the world with an iconic band. Is nothing ever enough? Unfair, he was cheated, he was persecuted, persecuted ? Really now, it wasn't The Adam Lambert Concert. He sang several songs with many of the top artists today, what more do you want?
It was a TV show of hours of entertainment that had to be condensed. The choice of Nate to close was obvious, he had a sing along song with lots of audience participation so the room was rocking and the program ended like a giant party. IHeartRadio invited Adam to their party! Fabulous!

Anonymous said...

And once again the crybabies cry. He sang two of the best known rock songs in the world with an iconic band. Is nothing ever enough? Unfair, he was cheated, he was persecuted, persecuted ? Really now, it wasn't The Adam Lambert Concert. He sang several songs with many of the top artists today, what more do you want?
It was a TV show of hours of entertainment that had to be condensed. The choice of Nate to close was obvious, he had a sing along song with lots of audience participation so the room was rocking and the program ended like a giant party. IHeartRadio invited Adam to their party! Fabulous!

Anonymous said...

@ 2:14. You and your enthusiasm had better be prepared Adam may not be on tonight. He wasn't on two nights at the Festival.

Anonymous said...

oh don't worry I am prepared for that.

Anonymous said...

Just think it's funny & peculiar that the mother country of all kinds of reality shows has to TWIST REALITY by rearranging (= read: giving false impression) of a festival recorded live. Of course it has to be shortened and edited, but c'moon Nate and the NOT fun. does not deserve to be portraited as "the finishing act"... For international fans of Adam and the Queen the only thing portraited is how cluesless and ignorant US is of real singing (ADAAAAMMM!) and one of the greatest bands of rock history, the Queen!

Anonymous said...

Come on, the whole order of the show was out of order and they skipped a couple of the performers completely. Yes I'm sure the editors and bigwigs who even bothered to invite Adam and Queen the sat in a room and said let's hype him all evening, show Katy's compliments of him, show him singing two songs and then LET'S PERSECUTE him by showing one more act. Bwahahaha.
Come to think if it maybe that first comment was a troll trying to elicit an upset reaction from us after a great night of tv. Too bad either stupid person, I loved it and am not upset with how it was edited. Adam got 2 songs and closeups and looked and sounded great!

Anonymous said...

You need to roll credits over a wild audience, not a stunned possibly teary eyed one after singing WWTLF. The editors f the film know what they are doing

Anonymous said...

There are Glamberts who always acted entitled. They say they never have enough of Adam and complain bitterly about it. Adam and Queen weren't the only performers at the festival, and I think we did jolly well to see as much as we saw of them on TV.

To quote Adam, 'Entitlement aint sexy'.

Anonymous said...

Love, love it, can't get any better.