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Handsome Adam Lambert Appearing on Nationwide TV

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, September 30, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 30, 2013


Anonymous said...

Just started here in California (8pm) and they've already shown a number of cutaway's of Adam behind the scenes.

The production look fantastic on the TV screen!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Yes, I always address him as handsome Adam in my comments and poetry. lwl! Whoa on national tv! So lucky.
Adam and Dr Brian are such a heartwarming twosome...they really know how to steal hearts and minds. And definitely not forgetting Roger&Son and the keyboardist/pianist and other Queen members. But Adam steals the show with his good looks and the power of his voice; he has very good breath control, till the execution of the last note. At least 45 minutes to this segment would be good. Adam can rap, you know, he's got that fast tongue rap tone. WWTLF was the song of the night and Adam knight of the night. lwl!


Anonymous said...

Here's my handsome Adam poem, note date. lwl!

Handsome Adam
Throws no tantrum
Always smiling
That's why he's handsome
Plucky Sauli
Every day lucky
Seldom a worry
Mmm, both so happy ...lwl!

January 15, 2013 at 10:06 PM

Anonymous said...

Pictures of people's the is just weird.

Anonymous said...

Had to record from Jared Leto singing Stay (I like his rock interpretation of the song) thru Katy Perry and then on to QUEEN! Adam looked and sounded incredible on the large screen. I wonder if they'll play his WWTLF performance tomorrow ... and bring the house down! I know the rest of his set in online, but keeping fingers crossed.
Such a great night for Adam!

All of the artists were such fun. Especially rooting for Katy after reading her interview about her heartbreaking divorce from Russell Brand.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Lammy. Just what is a fast tongue rap tone, oh wise one who knows it all. Is it related to leggerio ? Repeating your own poems, how superior - how conceited - how insufferable can you get?

Anonymous said...

Adam looks as lean as in the current Featured Pic.

Anonymous said...

@5:19AM-Your comment to Lam-my is disgusting, you jealous green eyed monster. Lam-my is a very intelligent educated woman and, I for one, also a very intelligent educated woman, greatly appreciate her poetry and displays of knowledge. I bet you have NEVER traveled or have had PASSION for anyone or anything. Lam-my possesses "joie de vivre" and that certain "je ne sais quoi" that you evidently certainly lack to even pen such insulting words to a devoted Glambert! An apology is warranted to Lam-my! WAITING.......

Anonymous said...

Hey "joie de vivre" Margarita Lady! I remember this lovely French phrase; hey did you walk your terrier across the desert lwl! Yes indeed, you are highly educated and intelligent! I can learn much from you. Mmm each time you give a French phrase I have to do homework. Now got to look up "je ne sais quoi". I like this "quoi" sound. lwl! Thank you so much!!


Anonymous said...

I happen to love reading Lam-my´s posts :))! It is a joy for me.

Hey Lam-my! It´s also a special pleasure to know you happen to have Sauli in your thoughts every once in a while these last few days:). I hope he gives you a happy feeling with his smile:). Adam has given us a lot to be enthusiastic about. I am still going through my own emotions waken up because of his WWTLF at iHeart Concert. To me your poems are emotions captured, Keep on going Kindred.:))

Anonymous said...

Hey Kindred!
I will always cherish the time you shared my Psychobert went on until Part 7 lol! because you were there like a cheerleader. lwl! Yea I like Sauli's skating; it's so forthright and he was brave to dare to perform only after 4 weeks. If he actually practises for a longer time, he may be a very good skater. I think the young lady skater suits him, both smiling and enjoying it. Thank you!!


Anonymous said...

Lam-my, yes, I walk my beautiful little Jack Russell terrier every night about six miles. This type of dog is very high energy and must be exercised to keep them calm. This little dog keeps me young and in terrific shape and I must say that we have had many adventures together as a team. "Chula" is the last live remmant of my beloved husband, who passed away in 2008, and she is a great joy to me.....On another note, never stop sharing your artistic gift of words with us, and yes, you truly possess the "je ne sais quoi" that probably only one in a thousand people have-it is innate, you were born with this marvelous trait, fellow Glambert!

Anonymous said...

Lammy let a dummy define it. It means an indefinable something. You're something all right. : (

Anonymous said...

There will be no apology from me, she's pompous and always thinks she is educating her underlings. Pitiful.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lady "je ne sais quoi"...Wow! you actually walk 6 miles on a daily basis with your Jack Russell. Walking is excellent exercise, for the heart. Okay, my sister once had a Jack Russell and whenever I visited, it would go for my leg and do the 'jig'; sexy dog and like you say very hyper. lwl!
Very sorry to know of your husband's passing. Hope I'm not intrusive but the word "remnant" suggests your late husband might have been a war veteran.
Thank you so much for putting your foot down. It helped me a lot!!


Anonymous said...

Lam-my, to possess that certain "je ne sais quoi" is indeed a compliment, a phrase always used in a positive light. I called my daughter in Washington, DC, to make sure because she is an expert in the French language. The phrase means you have a certain something that other people do not possess, but that certain something is not exactly definable. It means you are special, you radiate a certain aura which is very pleasing. I just wanted you to know this. Let the hateful person be as mean as they like, because no normal person would get so upset at virtual posts. A normal person would just scroll on by if they did not like all your posts or poetry. You are simply a passionate Glambert as I am and you feel the need to express yourself. We have that right on all these threads. Right on!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you!! I like this phrase and you actually confirmed it with your daughter...very touched by your words. :)


Anonymous said...

The WORST Glambert . . .

Anonymous said...

Describing yourself, aren't you?!