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iHeartRadio Music Festival New Information - QUEEN and Adam Lambert Closing The Show!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, September 14, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, September 14, 2013


Anonymous said...

oh please more stress!! naw that is great!! Lucky glitzy and @Lambertlust. Anybody else going from here?

Anonymous said...

the troll will be here any minute to say that is a fake letter. lol

glitzylady said...

Very excited!!! And as the saying goes: saving the best for last!

glitzylady said...

And off topic, but sort of great and funny at the same time: This article from Much (Canada):

September 13th, 2013

"Whataya Want From Me Passed by: Pink"

"Pink teamed up with songwriters Max Martin and Shellback to pen Whataya Want From Me, but when the song didn’t make the cut for her fifth studio album, it went to American Idol winner Adam Lambert, who used it to win a Grammy for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance."

:))) I sort of LOVE that they had Adam WINNING
American Idol and WINNING that Grammy...

In a Perfect World...

They also have the WWFM Music Video embedded as well..... Deja Vue time....

glitzylady said...

One more thing (on topic..)

Dr. Brian May just posted this video on twitter, the entire 2 hours of one of the Hammersmith Queen/Adam Lambert concerts from last summer. Nice....

daydreamin said...

@Glitzylady or anyone else from here going to iheart, if there's any room in your suitcase, can one of squeeze in? #dontiwish

daydreamin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

This was clear to me from the first announcement of this event = that QUEEN performs last with the PRECIOUS, AWESOME-VOICE (and then SOME!!!) ADAM LAMBERT!!!

@daydreamin - we could definitely use some 'Beam me up, Scotty' device, eh?! :))))

@glitzylady - counting on you to TELL IT ALL when you return, cause 'I Wnt It Aaaall'... sooo badly, lol.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I found this last night, actually about 3:00 a.m.
It was shown on 24/7 in Feb. of 2012...but I'd forgotten it and it's a cute fan vid. titled
"Adam Lambert & Brian May Desecrate Freddie's Memory?" (I think.... I was a little blurry at that time).

Added incentive...nice pic. of Adam in THE white pants!

Anonymous said...

Majority of fans opinion here in Canada Adam should have won for best vocal indeed he!he!

@glitzylady dear, we thank you in advance for the thrill that you gonna give us when u comeback after you watch our Rock God indeed..... Have fun and be safe with the rest of the fans who are going with u!!!!:)


Anonymous said...

So right...the best for the last. Can't wait to see the vids from the show. This is so exciting for Adam and all of his fans. When I need a pick-me-up, I usually watch the vids from the Queenbert concert from Hammersmith from last summer. I was never that into Queen in their day, but Adam's performances with Brian and Roger gave me a reason to go back and listen to their music with Freddie and gave me a new appreciation of their songs. My favorite is WWTLF. When Adam sings that song, it gives me chills. He is just such a mesmerizing performer and you can't take your eyes off him. I hope his appearance with Queen brings in a whole new listening audience for Adam and his own music.

Anonymous said...

These one off concerts with Queen and Adam are incredible........there is a kind of magic that happens when Adam interprets Queen songs. The chemistry between Adam and particularly Dr. Brian is all most palpable and it is interesting that the two big show stoppers are WWTLF and TSMGO are both Dr. Bri's compositions.


Anonymous said...

The best is always last. Keeps the people interested.

Anonymous said...

To glitz and others going to IHR, I'm so excited for you and waiting, of course, for some great videos and some personal commentary!! Good news that Queenbert will close the show! How could it be any other way??? Can't wait to hear what they sing. Dr. Bri says there may be a surprise. Hope so! Friday can't come soon enough.


Anonymous said...

Does this mean it will be in the middle of the night on the east coast?

Anonymous said...

I hope Queen's surprise is they will be doing some of Adam's songs.

Anonymous said...

Lol no way. They already said it was other guest singers. Probably katy perry and others on the bill will join them for some queen hits for the finale.

Anonymous said...

Lovin' today's featured picture of Adam and Dr. Bri. There is definitely a strong admiration and affinity between these two on stage. Can't wait to see the vids that we get from their show. It'll be interesting to see which songs they perform and what the surprise will be. WWTLF is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

My guess......... all the Friday night performers will join Adam and Queen for the finale and also Elton and Sir Paul to join in on a song or two. Could Bowie possibly show up too?

Glitzy so glad for you and awaiting eagerly your impressions of this special evening.


Anonymous said...

7:40 that's not gonna happen

Anonymous said...

8:31 yaaas that would be so cool for all the performers on Friday to do like WATC or WWRY together.

Anonymous said...

@7:40 AM

Never say never; a girl can dream can't she. Any thing can happen with Mr. Lambert in the vicinity.

Anonymous said...

Thing is, no one on this blog knows anything about what's going to happen as a surprise. One person's guess is as good as other's.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for Adam, I bet he is so happy with all that is happening to him. This is so good, I just want the best for him. He such a wonderful person and so deserving. Love him so much. So humble and kind.

Anonymous said...

Thank you @9:15 AM.
I just sometimes dream in print.

Anonymous said...

At 9:20 AM

I So agree with you 100%. I often wonder how anyone could hate on this wonderful man; come on this blog just to say awful things about him; and spread all kind lies. Fortunately, their are much fewer of these sick hateful people, the people who love Adam all over the world. He brings so much happiness to my life. Fortunately, haters can not bring him down. Have a great day Glamhoppers!

Anonymous said...

I wanted to say (all kind of lies),
at 9:33 AM-thanks

Anonymous said...

@9:24 AM

Dreaming in print is good; lets hope it is always a positive dream, where the beautiful Adam Lambert is concerned; but how could it not be?

Anonymous said...

If we can dream in print then mine would be that they do an unreleased song that Adam will sing on their next album.

Anonymous said...

JAK, thankey for the funny Vimeo!:) There was a surprise for me in the middle of it, a "guest" appearance:). Appreciated The white pants too! I´m just so happy waiting for the Queenbert Concert!:)

Anonymous said...

My dream is for hologram of Freddie to duet with Adam on stage. Also John Deacon to join the band. Then final number with all performers of the night on stage with Queen performing WATC.

The DarkmSide said...

Hoping for some great videos. The finale should be wild. SurecAdam thrilled to be part of making moment.

Anonymous said...

JAK here......Queenbert has to close the performer would be crazy enough to think they could follow them!!!

Anonymous said...

If it turns out the best performance of the night, there will be huge press coverage just like MTV EMA. Remember?

Anonymous said...

My dream in print would be for the magnificent Mr. Lambert to walk over to me and look me in the eyes and smile that beautiful smile; and after I pass out; carry me to the nearest.....

Anonymous said...


I totally agree with. Laughed when I read that.

Anonymous said...

Should we guess the place where you want Adam to take you?

My guess: The hospital.

Anonymous said...

12:01 PM HERE

Sorry, I should have said to ll:51.

Anonymous said...

@11:51 PM

My guess,
The nearest hotel.

Anonymous said...

We are really really good at dreaming aren't we?
A dream is a wish your heart makes!!! : )) .......JAK

Anonymous said...

My imagination is running wild with the "surprise" thing. This is a time to have fun with our guesses, and go crazy and anticipate that it will be so wonderful and fun and BIG-TIME that no one will ever forget it.

The hell with being only realistic. Life's too short.


Anonymous said...

Brian and Roger are flying to Las Vegas today (Sunday). Could Adam be far behind? Lots of time for rehearsal all week.

Anonymous said...

The show runs from 7PM to midnight, Las Vegas time. That would be from 10PM to 3AM Eastern Time.

Anonymous said...

11:18, Brian already said he will not be on stage with a hologram of his dead friend.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the vids of the Queen and Adam show! The best saved for last, of course! I hope all the Glamily going to the concert have a wonderful time and share all their memories with us! I can't wait to see every little thing, especially our dreamboat, Adam Lambert. I'm hoping he gets all the accolades he will surely deserve from this concert. I always thought Adam should have had more press from the Queen concerts overseas, but that's in the past. Since this is Ryan's Iheart show, I'm expecting US fans to finally see Adam for the talent that he is.
This is so exciting>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I did it! I finally bought my ticket for the iHeart concert Friday night! I had my hotel reservation ages ago, then bought my plane ticket, and today, the concert ticket!!!! Sorry to admit I had to go to one of those ticket resellers but the stress of not having a ticket yet was too much to bear. So my friend and I broke down and paid through our teeth for tickets,,,,and not too bad seat location ( kinda in the nosebleed section but centered) either. So RL will have to wait a little longer 'cause I can't think about anything else right now:)))))


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I am thrilled for you and your friend. Don't even think of blinking when Adam appears until he is off the stage.

Anonymous said...

@ CT......JAK here......Fantastic! Those of you from our 24/7 family who will be there seeing the lights flash and the smoke billow......and hearing thunder and angel voices and then the opening music.......maybe I'm getting a little carried away......anyway.........
Just remember every goosebump you have will represent one of us and we all want you Glamhoppers to have a great time.

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for your good wishes!!!
Yep, it's really happening... the tix are being Fedex'd tomorrow! Sqeeeee! Ok, time to pack...Sorry everyone but I'm not talented when it comes to videoing, and I won't be able to do anything but have my eyes glued on Adam anyway! Yes, JAK, I will remember every goosebump I have will represent each one of you here on our 24/7 family. I'll squeeeee for each of you and hope to get back online soon after to share my impressions about the magic of Queenbert :))))


Anonymous said...


ENJOY, my dear, from alofus here.

HK fan said...

I hope you have the most amazing time, hurry back to tell us all about it.
Flail a little bit extra for us all.

Anonymous said...

Same wishes from me as from @HK fan, except FLAIL EXTRA MUCH!
<3<3<3<3 to Adam & The Queen


Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady....I know you are going to have a wonderful time, I just wanted to ask if you possibly are in the vicinity of Brian, please tell him JAK (just say "Slim") says she remembers the 'good times' in Bristol and Dover and York. ^_^
......sigh..sweet memories.

daydreamin said...

Ol @ JAK Fess up!

daydreamin said...

@CT have a A GREAT time! Post back asap!