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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, September 16, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

Wow! Is he Ralph Lauren model? May be Versaci? Delicious!

Anonymous said...

I feel like I'm cheating on Adam.

Magiclady said...

I would enjoy meeting Bo!

Anonymous said...

Bo cannot hold a candle to Adam, IMHO. Sorry, but after Adam, there is no one else.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, Bo is quite handsome! Very smoldering, sexy picture. Who is he now? I agree that no one has that special warmth and sensuality and friendliness that Adam has. But this guy is cute.


Anonymous said...

Bo is markus molinaris boyfriend. He works at markus bar, hooray Henry's playing lord Henry and dancing on the tables.

Anonymous said...

@7:26PM How come you ruined my dream? I was so happy that Adam got awesome friend........ finally.

Anonymous said...

I'm 6:54 and am done with Bo.
Agree with 7:03 PM - Adam is my passion.

Anonymous said...

I checked out some of his pics. and oh my goodness sexy as hell. Lordy lord.

Anonymous said...

He's cute just like any other cute guys but Adam is of different league because it is not only physical but overall that's just so positive and attractive about Adam.
Physically though, there's just nothing to criticize about Adam, I can't think of negative thing to say.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Adam is pimping Rock Royalty next to an underwear model. What a class act thing to do. He really is his own worst enemy and a wrecking ball when it comes to his own career. Somebody get him a detweet button, please.

Anonymous said...

Adam's love and appreciation for people is universal!

Adam loves you too, LOL@9:27!!!


Anonymous said...

Never heard of Bo Roberts so googled him & his pics indicate he's a mean machine macho. O^O The yum ones are often married or gay.

Anonymous said...

at 6:33 AM

Mean machine? More like a steroid-filled Ken doll.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:27 P.M....JAK here....Yes, Adam has once again put his career in jeopardy by the company he keeps. If he doesn't straighten up (I don't mean that literally) he will never be a BIG star. He needs to emulate the money makers if he wants to be a success.

I suggest he follow the blueprint the following musical biggies have used and trod a similar path.

Madonna and Lady Gaga have had great success by combining sexual exhibitionism, more than a hint of nudity and questionable use of religious icons to reach the top of their field.

Chris Brown followed a more sensational path, arrest for assault and battery, on more than one occasion. Throwing a chair thru a upper floor window in a studio showering the street below with glass, in a fit of temper, and, oh well, Adam can look up the rest on his police record. Chris, a young man with a future in music and possible mayhem.

And now, he need look no farther for a HUGE star in the making, Miley Cyrus, she's on her way to all time glory. The girl can't help but be the most talked about of the year...what a history just recently. Pole dancing at a teen award show and recently the breakout sensation with her performance at the VMA's.

The spotlight was on her as she twerked her ass (bony ass) in Robin's crotch and simulated masturbation with a giant glove??
Her star quality shone brightly.

BTW speaking of wrecking balls, have you seen her video where shes riding one naked?

Yeah Adam you are going to have to shape up! Follow these examples and you too will succeed.