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New Picture of Adam Lambert with his New Tattoo

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Anonymous said...

Darn it, still can't see it.

Anonymous said...

same here.

HK fan said...

still can't make out what it is...just looks like lots of swirly lines..

Anonymous said...

he has, in the past, tweeted a pic of new tats..maybe he will this time too..doesn't really look like too much of anything..what we can see, that is

Anonymous said...

Maybe we'll see it in all its glory at the Vegas show. BTW, I hope we get some behind the scenes pix, and some pix of Adam with some of the other stars before and after the show. Wonder if they'll be a red carpet thing?


Anonymous said...

Such a tease Mr. Rock God!!!!!:)

Not for long you know he!he!


Anonymous said...

Adam looks so sexy looking at that girl. OMG Lay Me Down

Anonymous said...

This photo is weird! It looks like a jumble of I don't know what. Hopefully, we'll see a much clearer image of it soon.

Anonymous said...

What's the white blob in the middle of this pic?