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Random Sexy Pictures of The Day

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Anonymous said...

Uh Huh, OH YEAH!!!

Anonymous said...

Well ... that's a lot of eye candy in one place. Geez, he's pretty hot.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

How will I get to sleep tonight wow!

glitzylady said...

All of the pictures are great...but the final one, from the VMA's is ABSULUTELY STUNNING.................................

glitzylady said...


Adam does that to me.....

Magiclady said...

My god, that last picture...
Looking at these amazing pictures,it reminds me why I love this man and have since I first saw him audition for Idol. He just has the "thing"

Anonymous said...

all great pics!! Where the heck is Adam?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam will be at the Blonds fashion show on Wed. night in NYC? Have to check the schedule because I thought I read something about livestreaming from there. If he does go to it, we will probably get to see some pics of him later. All these random pictures are great and there just aren't enough words to describe this absolutely gorgeous man.

Anonymous said...

The beauty of the Sass Master!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, glitzylady - that last pic IS "ABSOLUTELY STUNNING"!!!! Wow!

Anonymous said...

WOT: Just found out I lost my job to "down-sizing" (again). They can't
come up with anything better than that - it's so last decade!haha At least I'll have more time for Adamizing (fantasizing about Adam!). To all corporate bosses of my past careers - bite me!
Adam fan for life (24/7)..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

hope you land another job soon nancdruuu2. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

That last picture does strange things to my nether regions.

daydreamin said...

@nancedruuu2 I am so sorry! I hope you find a much better job where you will be much happier. My hubby recently lost his job due to a "reorganizing". Another so last decade term. I am the breadwinner now. If only I could get him to cook and clean.

Anonymous said...

Great pics of Adam.

Anonymous said...

He is getting hotter everyday he!he!

Melvin is doing well for me!!:)


Anonymous said...

@Anon 10:27PM - Thanks for your good thoughts! - feeling much better this morning. I have until Friday (my last day) to train a!
@daydreamin...I'm sending good thoughts that your hubby gets a job real soon! I have always so enjoyed your posts. Thanks all for allowing me to post a personal comment. Love,

Anonymous said...

nancedruuu2, Good luck with a new job! It happens all too often, esp. to good, hard-working people. Hope you find something else soon.

Adam pictures=Eye porn! Every single one!


HK fan said...

Love pic 2, just gorgeous.

Good luck nancdruuu on the job hunt.

Anonymous said...

My fav pic with Lanvin suit, stunnig!

Good luck for job hunting nancdruuu2