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ROGER TAYLOR Talks 'Adam Lambert and Queen' in New Interview

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, September 15, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, September 15, 2013


Let’s cut straight to the chase, Roger – what is the status of Queen right now?

I’m still in that band, but there’s only two of us left, Brian and myself. And only one of us can walk [laughs]. We still run the brand – that’s what it is these days.


So if Queen is a brand, operated by you and Brian, where does Adam Lambert fit in?

I wouldn’t say he’s always going to be part of Queen. We’re doing the live TV show in Vegas with Adam and a couple other guests, in a 10,000-seater, but that’s all we’ve got planned. There are no rules, really. WE do things very much on the spur.

But you plan to continue performing as Queen, with or without Adam Lambert?

Yeah, but it’s only an occasional thing now. Last year, with Adam, we did three really big shows in Europe and three at Hammersmith Apollo, which was a lot of fun. Brian and I realised a long time ago, this is what we do, this is what we are. I’m afraid, readers, it goes on forever.

Are you happy with Adam as Queen’s singer?

He works very well with us. He’s an incredible singer. He’s got a really magnetic stage presence. He’s very sexy. And, of course, our more theatrical songs suit him perfectly. He’s a diva – a male deva. And that’s what he should think about being.

Before you began working with Adam, you toured and recorded an album as Queen + Paul Rodgers.

Paul is a singer that Freddie admired. He led two of rock’s greatest bands, Free and Bad Company. In that sense he is the antithesis of Adam Lambert.

We actually loved playing the Free and Bad Company stuff with Paul. But, strangely enough, although Paul was wonderful, with that amazing blues-soul voice, Adam is more suited to some of our bigger songs than Paul was.

Some Queen fans think you’re selling the band short by having a guy from American Idol as your singer. Do you understand that?

Whatever you do, people have to take it or leave it. That’s always the case.


Anonymous said...

what really pisses me off is that they keep saying "the guy from American Idol"...Adam had been singing performing for years b/4 Idol...

Anonymous said...

this isn't a new article. Wow that guy sure made it into the Adam Lambert interview. lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that interviewer seemed obsessed with Adam. ha ha

Anonymous said...

darn who are the othere guests at the iHeart concert Rodger. You can tell us.

Anonymous said...

"He's a diva - a male diva. And that's what he should think about being."
Love that sentence and as a singer and performer that's totally what he is!
Those pipes - one in a billion VOICE, thanks Roger!

Anonymous said...

This is an older article I have read it before. don't know why Adam being from AI is any problem,the fact is he is an incredible singer,with a stage presence, sexy and theatrical. Also who can hit notes not many can!

Anonymous said...

Of course he is a Diva in a good way indeed!!:)

Full of charisma and magnetic!!!!

Adam is one of the best!!!:)


Anonymous said...

I've read this article before,too, and it's a good one. Roger loves and respects Adam, just like Brian does. They definately see something special in him. They know that being from Idol doesn't make Adam inferior in any way. I'm always puzzled by people who have such a prejudice against singers from the singing competition shows, as if they are automatically not as good as someone who has not been on one of those shows. It's faulty reasoning and Roger knows it, of course. Sounds like we could likely see more Queenbert here and there. I think that Adam is their #1 choice for vocalist right now. He suits them so well. Roger makes it sounds like the only thing that will keep him and Brian from performing will be their own health and physical ability to do it. Hope they can perform (with Adam) for a long time.


Anonymous said...

Anon1:20pm; you do realise that upper case letters implies shouting?
People will always find something to complain about;way of life.I am going for Queenbert performance and I am expecting it to be a blast

Anonymous said...

Roger and Brian are beholden to no one. They are the standard for BFF. They have known a long time you can't make everyone happy.
"Whatever you do, people have to take it or leave it. That’s always the case."


daydreamin said...

Idol was litterally like 3-4 months out of Adam's life but it is how he became launched into the public eye. It would be nice if idol limited their voting to one per person/device so that the winners would be what the actual popular vote wants. Can you imagine if we elected people to office via unlimited voting? I hope this changes with the new season.

Anonymous said...

yes, old interview material from at least a few mos ago. I also wish they would leave AI in the past, but that is also the UK for you. High praise from Roger.

Anonymous said...

"although Paul was wonderful, with that amazing blues-soul voice,Adam is more suited to some of our bigger songs than Paul was."

Love this statement from Roger.

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin... I think Idol was much longer in Adam's life if you include the auditions and the Idol tour.. Maybe almost a year ? Axel.

Anonymous said...

What we remember this from was sneak peak of the magazine article that didn't come out until this month. More of the article is at the link admin gave, but all the Adam related parts are here.

Anonymous said...

I think alot of people have a problem with Adam being an American singer fronting one of the biggest British groups ever. Adam has one of the best voices to carry the Queen songs. I don't think no one could do it better right now. Roger and Brian got it RIGHT!

Anonymous said...

Adam has outlasted Idol. He is almost five years into the game. He proves he can carry his own on stage and along side the best of em. IDOL won't find another.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I read this article before also. I think the first time Brian and Roger became familiar with Adam was on the AI Finale in 2009. I doubt whether they knew of him during his Pre-idol years. Adam made quite an impression on Queen and he is very deserving of all their praise.

I'm extremely excited to be going to Vegas to experience Queenbert live. This is on my Bucket List and I can't believe it's actually happening! I paid an arm and a leg or that ticket but I'm sure seeing them perform live together will be a real highlight in my life!


Anonymous said...

They should have Star Search next to JT, Spears, Xtina, Beyonce names. I noticed in some articles they write American Idol next to Clarkson, Carrie, and JHud names.

Anonymous said...

If it weren't for Idol, we probably would never have heard of Adam Lambert. It was a platform for Adam to present himself to the American viewing audience. He is a super talented performer and has an amazing stage presence. Even though he did not win, he made more of an impression than Kris Allen or anyone else on that season. There is an admiration and respect that Brian and Roger have for Adam and he is so suited to Queen's music. Maybe they would like to do more shows with Adam, but he seems to be involved with his role on Glee now and as far as we know, he probably is working on his third album.

Anonymous said...

New pic, new tattoo?


Anonymous said...

New pic, new tattoo?


Anonymous said...

omg love that picture..he is looking sooooo and o my

HK fan said...

A close up, can't really see what its supposed to be as covered up, but definately something new there.

Anonymous said...

@3:37 PM, more names to add to the list: Usher, Aaliyah, Fergie, and some of the biggest stars are from The Original Amateur Hour: Gladys Knight, Pat Boone, and Frank Sinatra. Also, Justin Bieber discovered on YouTube. I think that people that continually associate Adam with AI in a negative way is jealous of his success and trying to put him and hold him down.

Anonymous said...

@4:02 PM WOW! the cougar in me is speaking to my computer.
and another thought about the pic, 'OFF! Damn Shirt!'

Anonymous said...

4 33

No one is jealous of adam. Omg get a grip on reality. You think media people are jealous of adam? Really?

Anonymous said...

The Original Amateur Hour? What? Anybody old enough to remember if Pat Boone initially had trouble overcoming his reality show roots?

Anonymous said...

It seems every article and interviewer gives Adam the moniker of former American Idol (winner). American Idol has lost it's charm with lack luster winners. Now it has become a detriment to Adam. Frankly I wish American Idol would go off the air. It's boring and they have never found anyone that has come close to Adam's singing abilities.

Anonymous said...

If you bother to read about anybody else but Adam the former Idol contestant title is applied to others as well.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how Idol has the biggest stigma, to many people. But other big current stars came from Disney, the Mickey Mouse Club, and other kinds of shows like that. They don't seem to suffer from a stigma. Stars get their breaks in many ways. Some get noticed in a club or in the subway. Some, like Biebs, get noticed on YouTube. It's all a crap shoot. Some of the best never get discovered; some of the most mediocre rise to incredible success. It's maddening when Idol alums get criticized, although Kelly doesn't, nor Carrie, nor JHud. Actually, I think Adam is moving past the Idol association pretty well. Sure, it gets mentioned, but not in a negative way. Usually, it's the fact that he came in second, but is bigger than the one who beat him out. He's adding to his list of accomplishments each day. Idol will always be on the list, but there is so much more. Adam will always be grateful to the show that gave him his break.


Anonymous said...

I think the farther you get from the show you were on the less it is attached to you. And sometimes the writer is just trying to give readers a reference.

Anonymous said...

Stop complaining about the Idol tag. Adam isn't an inferior singer because he was on Idol. That's absolute BS. Adam is very grateful he got the big career break he achieved from being on Idol and as so many people have said, we probably would never known about him or heard his voice if he hadn't been part of that show.

Anonymous said...

That is some pretty amazing stuff that Roger said. As they say in the UK: "Well done!"

I think it's just a wonderful testament to Adam that these two ROCK LEGENDS appeared on Idol and saw the talent he has. But it's more than that. I'm sure they connected to him personally -- deep down they could feel what Adam could bring to their songs both in the pure singing, in fashion, in 'sexiness' (as Roger said) and in overall performance.

If you look back at the performance he & Kris did with them on the Finale -- no disrespect to Kris, I ADORE Kris, but look at Brian while Adam is singing. He has this huge smile -- this "OMG, I LOVE this guy!" kind of look about his face whenever Adam sang. One coulda thought with all the post-Finale rumors about Queenbert "oh, yeah, right, THAT's never gonna happen." But the belief and integrity of Roger and Brian have to be applauded -- I know all of us were just floored with ecstasy when we heard the European VMAs performance meant that a Queen + Adam match-up WAS going to become a reality after all, and then the subsequent massive European and London dates -- and now this in Vegas.

I truly hope they continue to use Adam for their future gigs -- it's meant to be. Yes, I'm just a tad nervous that they're going to acquiesce to a portion of Queen fans who are insisting they get Marc Martel to front. I think some of those peeps would have an orgasm.

But it feels to me -- and I hope it's true -- that Brian & Roger are going more on feeling, passion, style, look, even an ethereal/spiritual sense about it, that Adam is more the right choice, and that Freddie, had he been given the choice of Adam vs. Marc, would be going with Adam in a split second because, as great of a voice that Marc has, NO ONE is or will be Freddie, and he wouldn't want just a mirror image impersonator of him out there.

I mean -- Paul Rodgers was even less close to Freddie than Adam -- was that faction of Queen fans complaining then?

And, as Brian or Roger said in an interview awhile back, Freddie would have LOVED Adam.

The more Adam does work with Queen, and with Nile (he he -- Queen of the Nile), and with Avicii, and whatever he's doing for his new album, etc. the more he will be less associated with Idol as Kelly, Carrie, Daughtry and Jennifer have become. Adam really is past that too but somehow the feeling has lingered in some, but he's very close to breaking free of that.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:41 pm......Here I am......JAK.........old enough to remember seeing Pat Boone on the Original Amateur Hour when he won and on Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts...when he won.
There was only praise for winners, no stigma attached. Pat was a star immediately . # 1 because he had a very pleasant voice # 2. Because he was a squeaky clean nice looking white boy.....and the music industry needed him.

The young people (Pat was a year older than I was,
about 20) and the US had begun to discover the joy of
black music....that's what it was called.....R & B Race Records! In the North daring dj's were actually playing them on the radio!! It was shocking! But all across the Midwest and way. A dj could be fired! Kids loved Fats Domino, , Little Richard (the Prince of those days), James Brown and my personal fav...Chuck Berry.

The music industry wanted the money but not the black rode Pat. His cover of Little Richard's Tuitti Frutti was a huge seller he covered one black artist's song after another. They changed some of the lyrics that they found 'suggestive' and when sanitized, we teens in the South could buy these records.

By the time Pat was 23 he had his own variety show on TV and started making bland musical films as well. Blech ! It was a black and white world and two thirds of the population would have fainted dead away at the thought of a known gay performer.

The "good old days" weren't good for everybody.

Anonymous said...

For the most part, most people who don't care about American Idol one bit is because AI has a bad reputation of exploiting talent to make huge profits and this one factor alone turns off a lot of people. The ones who made names for themselves that hardly non AI watchers believe that they were on AI are Kelly, Carrie, and Daughtry. They got well promoted outside of AI bubble.

With Adam IMO 19 and RCA didn't know how to promote UNIQUE Adam outside of AI bubble. They immediately put him on stage of one of the biggest award shows in US and that was one early mistake they made. It was just too early for Adam. Anyway Adam recovered from it remarkably. With hard work and endless dedication of his love for music. Adam is a very talented unique artist. As someone on this blog said awhile ago that Adam needs to be rediscovered. With these three projects of Avicii, IHEART, and Glee, I hope it will happen and maybe having his next album out by Spring of 2014 he will dominate the charts next year.

As for American Idol, they need to represent themselves better in the eye of none Idol watchers. I thought with passing of Dick Clark the show would be a better representative of talent since Seacrest was compared to Dick a lot but they missed the boat completely and AI became more joke of none Idol watchers which reflects bad on the talented contestants that left the show and working so hard to make a career for themselves. Where is Haley? What's going to happen to Angie Miller? These two girls are much more talented than the 3 Disney girls, Miley, Demi, and Gomez.

The new AI team is doing the same old things and I am afraid they will lose their ratings again.

Anonymous said...

7;25 & 11:06,

Love reading your posts!

Anonymous said...

as a man writes, so is are a sensible person...wish there is a like button tab on this blog!
In a nutshell, everything you have written is apt and correct

Anonymous said...

11:06, I have never heard anybody I know say they think AI takes advantage of contestants talent. Kelly is very well known for being the first AI winner. What does Dick Clark's death have to do with AI and Seacrest? Clark had no involvement in AI. As for any Idol contestant, such as Haley, the show is an opportunity, a possible stepping stone to other things. If AI doesn't sign you they don't promote you. They never promised anything beyond the show and tour to the contestants. Some Idol contestants find work in the music business, a few achieve fame, most we rarely hear from again. But they all got exposure and an opportunity by being on the show. To me the ratings depend on both who the judges are and how talented the contestants are.

Anonymous said...

@3:23 AM

I agree with much of what you say. In my opinion; when Adam Lambert left Idol, the heart and soul went out of it for me. I only watch it now when Adam is on.

Anonymous said...

Adam's performances on Idol during season 8 were the highlight for me. I looked forward to seeing him each week...what he would sing and how he would look. He brought a special excitement to the show and it hasn't been the same since then. Adam and Queen are an excellent match, but I don't think Adam wants his career to be attached to them on a permanent basis. He needs his solo career and hopefully his third album will bring him the recognition and success he so deserves but on a much higher level than he has now. Can't wait for the vids from the iHeart show and I will be able to see the rebroadcast on the CW network here in the NYC/NJ viewing area at the end of the month.

Anonymous said...

See how nice we can be to each other, even with occasional disagreements ? It's a miracle! Yay ! ......JAK