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Yay! "LAY ME DOWN" is charting in 11 Countries!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, September 13, 2013

Posted at : Friday, September 13, 2013


Anonymous said...

Which charts would they be ..... the iTunes Dance songs charts? Not at this precise moment nor the Pop songs chart. Wake Me Up is no.1 in 19 countries on the Dance songs charts.

Jadam NZ said...

Exciting times alright, so thrilled for Adam, things are going so well.
Do you think we are Glamhoppers now?
Adam may have wanted a change from Glamberts, as he seemed to instigate it. I think its quite cute.

Anonymous said...

Don't like this art form of Adam's photos. Not at all.

Anonymous said...

Oh fans in Australia going nutso right now!

Anonymous said...

I keep reading all these comments about Lay Me Down charting all over the place. Is it doing anything here in the US and is Adam's name being mentioned with this song? Clue me in someone as to what kind of credit Adam is getting for his vocals on this song here at home.

Anonymous said...

6:17, it hasn't been released in the US and Canada yet. It's being released Sept. 17th in the US.