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8 Days Until Glampire!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Anonymous said...

I hope Adam does a different 'teeth' look. Maybe some missing and some rotted. Pass the fangs this year.

Anonymous said...

That last one is truly scary......bordering on Nosferatu!
Creeps! Where's my garlic and crucifix? Guess I'm fresh out of both.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Fresh out if curcifixes.... But I got some extra garlic I'll loan u:)...rose petal

Anonymous said...

I bet Adam is always ready for Halloween.

Anonymous said...

Ok girls! Please keep the garlic and crucifixes away from my boy! I think most of the fans would not mine giving blood donation to vampire Adam. Line forms to the right and left. He won't want mine to thin and God forbid a grandmother! Sue

Anonymous said...

Yep, that last one gives me the creeps, too, just the way it's supposed to. I saw Nosferatu in a big theater once in Chicago. VERY eerie. I'm sure Adam will be a glampire again, but honestly, I'd go for a change, too. Doubt if he will, though.


Anonymous said...

Of course, comments about what he should do different.

Do whatever you want, Adam.

Anonymous said...

@rose petal @JAK - I've got the crucifixes!......nancdruuu2
P.S...I only worry about the contact lenses. Some say they are unsafe - it's just the mother in

Anonymous said...

Glampire Again??? Nah I was hoping for Eddie Munster or Lone ranger. peeping out from behind the mask and all.

Anonymous said...

If he isn't too adoreable. What a fun man; works hard, plays hard. It would be so much fun to be his friend. Such a kind and beautiful soul. Hope he is always safe and happy. He deserves all good things. Seems as though Adam really loves Halloween. He even makes a handsome vampire!

Anonymous said...

@1:25 PM - @Sue

I say Grandmothers for the win!

Since Holloween is coming up, shouldn't that be Vampmother?
I am going to be the "vampiest" Vampmother out there; when I take my Vampchildren trick or treating!

Cheers to you!

Anonymous said...

What kind of vampire will Adam be????
You know he's going for it again right........can't wait to see our gorgeous Glampire!!!nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I vote for a New Orleans riverboat gambler vampire....keep the stache, slap on sideburns, a wide brimmed planter's hat, a 1860's long coat 3 piece suit with gold watch chain, a cheroot clenched in his teeth and his best Rhett Butler (Clark Gable) amused squint/smirk!

Here's my neck, drink your fill, after all my blood is aged...vintage!!!!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

The last look is horrible!!!

Anonymous said...

@JAK, yo vintage gurl!
Thank you for that very vivid image of the Nawlins Glampire (can you say vivid of a vampire?!) he he

Anonymous said...

Heard on the radio news today - don't buy costume lenses. Illegal to buy contacts without a prescription from an MD. Illegal to sell them as well.