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Adam Lambert Making Cute Faces in Sutan's Video

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, October 6, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, October 06, 2013

VIA @fiercemama_


Anonymous said...

Did you see Eli`s pic of him and Adam!!!! Are they together because it look like it... Adam has some muscels and his tats are perfect! Is the oofta tat gone? I don`t see that.. Mayby saulberts would stop dreaming of them now because they will never be together that`s for sure!

Anonymous said...

Nothing in life is for sure!

Anonymous said...

Adam's been tested by a number of guys in Weho. No wonder he hasn't got time for making new music.

Anonymous said...

Eli may be the one for Adam. He is good-looking and talented and they both are Jewish, so mama Lambert will also be happy, I think. And I noticed too that the OOFTA is gone.

Now Saulberts have to stop dreaming. I'm sure this pic is very important. But Sauli is happy too and I'm sure he will find some one.

Anonymous said...

10:13 Why do you think it would happen? They tryed it and it didn`t last. That`s life. I don`t believe second chances. It was lovel while it last but now it`s over. Hope everyone is happy. I don`t hate Sauli tho.

Anonymous said...

I thought Leila loved Sauli. She still likes Sauli`s pictures on fb. Not my business js

Anonymous said...

10:22. Don't read something into what I didn't say. I have no feelings one way or another about Adam possibly resuming a romance with Sauli. I simply observed, rightly I believe, that nothing in life is for sure. I think I will be alive tomorrow, but I do have to drive home today. It's a racetrack out there. Clear?

Anonymous said...

You can see oofta quite clearly on the shopping pictures.

Anonymous said...

10:29 OK. And sorry.. I didn`t want to be rude. You are totally right!

Anonymous said...

The oofta tat was the proof that it was his hand in the pic that got some fans worrying, lol. So, maybe Adam is now more prepared and covered it, or just got it removed, who knows.

Anonymous said...

Oofta was there just a couple of days ago. He couldn't have it removed that fast.

Anonymous said...

Did Eli tweet shocktober @adamlambert. mayby they will shock to world and tell they are couple now. Who knows..

Anonymous said...

I prefer Eli in any day compared to Benjamin though Adam doesn't look happy or being in love but they could be a happy couple.

Anonymous said...

@10:22 AM I must say Sauli looks happier than Adam althoug he is single.

Anonymous said...

I like Eli. I hope they are boyfriends :)

Anonymous said...

May I ask who is Benjamin? I also don`t think Adam looks in love not the way he was with Sauli but what do I know.

Anonymous said...

@10:56 AM He is the guy who post a picture of him and Adam and said that they are boyfriends with Adam when fans asked it. After a while he deleted the picture. Benjamin is als likes to promote drugs.

Anonymous said...

Who cares Adam looks fabulous! Sure he quite happy he does that sexy look quite well. Nothing to do with his happiness. I doubt Sauli one bit happier than Adam he a different type Adam has a smoldering look most people cannot pull off well. Very sexy!

Anonymous said...

@ 10:35...OMG, an apology! That's a rare sight on one of our threads! Bless you! Hope I bump into you again sometime!

Anonymous said...

glam god looks scorned.

Anonymous said...

I suggest not to start talking about people and drugs when you are just speculating. It is character assassination!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so good! That nothing new but better than usual even now!