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David Arquette Mentions Adam Lambert on Howard Stern Show

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Skip to 20:40 into the video


Anonymous said...

IMHO Howard Stern is a slime ball. And David Arquette is a dope.

Anonymous said...

I love David , he is kind of a goof which is why he and Adam like each other. Boys just like to have fun. You're being bitchy.

Anonymous said...

I never could stand Howard until AGT and I thought he was pretty sensible on there and kept it real. I always liked D.A.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand Howard Stern and disliked how he kept trying to make something out of David's lap dance. But I thought David did a good job in defending Adam and saying "He's an amazing, talented beautiful man". So good job, David.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:28 - You did notice that it was my opinion. MY OPINION ! I am not suggesting that it be anyone else's .

Anonymous said...

I can't see the video. It isn't available now. Anyway, I've always kind of liked Stern, He's very quick and smart, although he can get very obvoxious, I'll admit. David A. is just a silly goofball, harmless as heck. Probably fun to be in a club with. Would like to hear the conversation about Adam. Maybe the vid will pop up again.


Anonymous said...

That's just the thing DRG. Stern is intelligent, he is witty and yet chooses to be a slime ball and David is amusingly goofy, but is also a dope. Please find a way to listen to this whole interview.

daydreamin said...

I am able to see the video.

Anonymous said...

I can't see the video :( Agree about Howard Stern. The fact that he's intelligent makes it worse. I like David.

Anonymous said...

Don't wanna say anything else (about Stern or this 'interview') except wann send David my greetings for saying this about Adam:
"He's some fuckin amazing talented beautiful man!"

That sums it up pretty good imo. <3<3<3

Anonymous said...

Thanks David! We know!>>>nancdruuu2

Adamluv said...

No one sleazier nor more of a sexist ass than Stern. Only 1 thing positive about him is his wife Beth - a hugh animal rights supporter. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I think that many straight men have a crush on Adam. Not a sexual crush but because he IS and amazing, talented, beautiful man who is smart, funny and kind, that people are just drawn in when they meet him.

I have seen interviewers or celebs just STARING at him with a huge smile when they are speaking to him.

Adam is a very rare soul. And David is just one of so many famous people who get that. Good on ya David for saying so.

Anonymous said...

Agree with you. And for some straight men admitting & accepting this effect Adam has on them is difficult or 'feels strange'... Good on ya, David from me, too!

Anonymous said...

David . . stop drinking . . .grow up

Anonymous said...

I've always liked David. Felt sorry when he and Coutney divorced.
Never have any respect for Stern. Ugh!