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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, October 02, 2013


Anonymous said...

Break a leg, Allan!

Anonymous said...

YaY for Allan I follow him on twitter.

Anonymous said...

YaY for Allan I follow him on twitter.

Anonymous said...

who is allan??/adam lambert friend?

Anonymous said...

I don't know who he is either, but hey, break a leg, Allan!


Anonymous said...

I tried to bring the link here but my copy and paste is not working. Google Allan Louis falls off infinity pool and you will see a funny clip of him. This is in Adam's old pool.

daydreamin said...

Here is the infinity pool link:
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

Thank you.
Hope he didn't break a leg.... LOL!

Anonymous said...

Thanks @daydreamin - Adam's voice sigh - to die for!......nancdruuu2