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Funny Twitter Conversation Between Kirstie Alley and Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, October 4, 2013

Posted at : Friday, October 04, 2013


Anonymous said...

where ever did those tweets come from? lol

Anonymous said...

@7:21 AM
You can go to Adam's twitter account and when you see this kind of tweet from him, click on the @ that Adam responds to. Then you can see this is an extension of JoJoistheway exchange with Adam.
Just click on all the @'s, including Kirsties, to pick up other tweet exchanges. All fun.

I don't get the lemur connection, I expect that's just Kirstie. lol

Anonymous said...

follow up tweet from Kirstie to Adam. I hope we get videos if they have this visit.

Kirstie Alley ‏@kirstiealley 12h

“@adamlambert: @kirstiealley you have Lemurs? That sounds fascinating. ;)”

beyond! I have many..when back in LA come for dinner and fun!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Apparently, on one of Kristi Alley's tweets posted over in Adam Discussion; she said, "when back in LA, come to my place for dinner and fun.".

She sounds like a very nice person; and fun. She was a lot of fun on her Dancing with the Stars appearances.

Seems as though a lot of this older women actresses and singers seem to really like and respect Adam. Guess they know a good guy with class, talent and humor; with a beautiful soul, and as handsome as can be!

Anonymous said...

@7:37 AM, sorry: 7:56 AM here, guess we were posting at the same time, repeated some of your information.

Anonymous said...

looks gaunt

Anonymous said...

Adam looks gorgeous in day light. Love his outfit.

Anonymous said...

Might Adam do something in the future with Kristie Alley? I say yes please.

Anonymous said...

Adam's audience is getting wider and wider. I predict many more wonderful things opening up for our Adam. I can't wait for Adam on Glee and whatever comes next! Personally, I'd love to see Adam on Ellen. She gets Adam and it would be an all out love fest!>>>>>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Maybe admin could post the picture of the Lemur vs Adam. So cute.

Anonymous said...

@9:27 AM

It's posted in "Adam Discussion"; under the post;"Kristi Alley invites Adam to dinner".

Anonymous said...

He's gorgeous. Love to run into him shopping.

Anonymous said...

What is this Adam Discussion?

Anonymous said...

Don't let her try to convert you to Scientology!!!

Anonymous said...

That lemur has a soft, fluffy looking fur coat....fashionably black and white too....don't even think about it Adam!.........
Lemurs are generally friendly animals...unless attacked!

Anonymous said...

I could have sworn that LEMURS was a designer shoe.