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Glee Cast for season 5 Featuring "Elliot/Starchild" Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, October 21, 2013

Posted at : Monday, October 21, 2013


Anonymous said...

Oh happy day; A new beautiful cast member for Season 5. Done!

Anonymous said...

I guess that should answer inquisitive minds who wanted to know if Adam was considered a member of the cast for Season #5, or just a guest star; answer couldn't be any plainer if you consider this roster.

Anonymous said...

I don't see Nene's name from Atlanta House wife reality show; she said that she would be guesting in her reacurring spot; apparently guests are not listed on the cast roster. So It is obvious (to me at least) that Adam is a permenant member of Season 5 cast of Glee; as Ryan said when he made the announcement on E-news a few months ago. This is great. So proud of Adam M. Lambert. Congratulations BB.

Anonymous said...

If he was a member of the permanent cast he would have taken a photo like the rest of them. Instead they just stuck an old picture there to fill out the page. Demi is only a guest star and she is there

Anonymous said...

And god some old granny is leaving comments about adam on glee articles. Stop! You do more harm than good

Anonymous said...

Love you Adam - Can't wait to see you on Glee!!!!!!.....nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

@9:40 AM I never would have thought of praying the way you do.

The Dark Side said...

So looking forward to this season.

Anonymous said...

Nene's been plotting with SueS. Been on 2 or 3 times. Just so you know I not the old Grannie that posted any thing any where. Sue

Anonymous said...

woots so nice to see this!!

Anonymous said...

Whatever he is...member of the cast, guest star...I will take seeing Adam anyway he appears on GLEE. I can't wait until that Nov. episode when we finally get to see him.

Anonymous said...

Is it real or photoshop? His photo and background look so different than the others. I hope that a well meaning fans isn't jerking us around.

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

I don't know but he never been on Glee before if this is before he shot his part. He had black on in his episode would they not use the one from his episode. Unless this put together before then. He would had what he had on there would he not. I check it out. I just glad see him on Glee period he will make a great impression. Sue

Anonymous said...

I'll just wait and take it as it comes.
Never mind, that's my only option.

Anonymous said...

Then again Adam may end up on the cutting room floor before Nov.

Anonymous said...

If he does I'm betting he won't be alone down the dark deserted studio...after hours.......mmmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

@11:50 PM

He won't be cut before the November, he is the one of Stars of the Promo trailers. I guess that's just wishful thinking on your part. Don't hold your breathe.

He will be on the November 7th show; you can bet the farm on that!

Anonymous said...

Oh his song will be there but will he have any lines or any story? I remember Jessica sanchezs part got cut to just her song

Anonymous said...

I still think he's going to be on for more than one episode. Maybe in an episode further into the season. Just a gut feeling. He'll be on Nov. 7 for sure.


Anonymous said...

@12:19 P.M. And...What's your point?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry he will be on it. He trying out for a band. I imagine he has to talk some. He not gonna walk up start singing say nothing walk off honestly. Doubt it be cut. Same old trolling just like did with I heart.. You said he was not gonna be on that either. Wrong he was on both nights. JS is very young no where near the performance skills Adam has. They may have had to cut if it was not good. Same old stuff trying upset people and belittle what he does. Don't worry about it he will be in and do a great job no matter if one or more episodes. He did a great job I heart. Will here too Adam a well seasoned performer not a teen .they have to edit things dies not mean they cut it all.

Anonymous said...

Elliot (Starchild) hmmmm

Anyone remember ET? That cute/ugly little alien who met the little boy Elliot in the movie? Could you call ET a star child? Is there a connection here or is it just me?

Adam certainly doesn't look like an Elliot to me. He looks like a Luke or an Evan or something other than a slightly nerdy Elliot.

Can't wait to see him in action on Glee.

Anonymous said...

After reading the above link, I'm more confused than ever.