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Latest Adam Lambert Tweets

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 3, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, October 03, 2013


Anonymous said...

Yep, Adam! It is October. And these are just 4 weeks till Halloween!

Anonymous said...

I'm 'thinking out loud' by this comment, so you may just want to scroll by without reading the rest.

I wish I knew Adam personally, and I don't mean as a fan. Like having gone to school with him or working along side him at one of his jobs before Am Idol appearance. I'd like to be able know what he means by some of his tweets. In this case I'm wondering exactly why he shows a surprised look pic in connection with October. We're really just guessing about it being about Halloween.

glitzylady said...

I think he just saw the Ghost of Halloween Past :)))

Sorry, couldn't resist...

Anonymous said...

jojo wants the glame one to come out and play with the facial hair. feisty little minx.

Anonymous said...

he should put glampire to rest this year and get hairy like a werewolf.

Anonymous said...

I think I'd give lots of money to have Adam call me 'doll'.

Anonymous said...

I imagine like most of us he's just stunned by how fast the year is flying by. It seems as if summer just started and .....POW......Here comes Halloween,Thanksgiving and Christmas! I already have most of my Christmas gifts hidden away in closets and under beds!....luv these 3 months!..........JAK

Anonymous said...

Danielle should be little red riding hood and AFL should be the big bad wolf. mix it up a little this Halloween.

Anonymous said...

I should have posted these tweets here instead with the boots.
I never know what Kirstie is talking about either.

Kirstie Alley‏@kirstiealley44m

@adamlambert Hello Adam! Come see my lemurs sometime.. not a pickup line...although ;)

Adam Lambert‏@adamlambert36m
@kirstiealley you have Lemurs? That sounds fascinating. ;)

Anonymous said...

LMAO to Kristie's tweet. I miss her on TV. She is funny. I wonder if she saw a fan made picture of Adam right next to a lemur and that's why she tweeted Adam about her lemurs. Adam should go visit her. LOL! <3

Anonymous said...

Love how Kirstie wrote, "not a pickup line, although...." Sounds like she's a Glambert who would pick up Adam if she could!
Wonder what this year's Glampire will look like?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Starchild. But he might surprise us with that on the show and be a Glampire again.

Anonymous said...

Loved the silver/ blond look on adam, enhanced his beautiful features