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Random Hot Adam Lambert Pictures

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 3, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, October 03, 2013


Anonymous said...

Red pants! WOW! This is huge!!!!!LOL

Anonymous said...

Toss up between the suit and tie and the red pants. WOAH!

Anonymous said...

Picture #7 from the tops: seems as though Adam is saying, "may I have this dance? After looking at me like that and reaching out his hand; my answer would be, "yes you may have me"; sorry, I mean this dance.

Anonymous said...

That settles it...from now on I am going to insist any photo taken of me be dramatic! And my white hair would glow!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Absolutely loving all these pictures of Adam. They make my heart skip a beat or two. What a way to end the evening.

Anonymous said...

Delicious and stunning. ♥ I really love the suit pic where he's fiddling with his tie. At least I think it's his tie, not that I really care about the tie.

Anonymous said...

Does Adam even know how to take a bad picture?

Anonymous said...

If I had a boyfriend that looked as good as Adam I would just sit and look at him all day!

Anonymous said...

His ass really did look extra hot for the iHeart concert.

Anonymous said...

RED PANTS bring back hot memories!

Anonymous said...

random and hot !!!

Anonymous said...

That joy and happy face of Roger Taylor looking at Adam and playing his out of this world drum bits just melts my heart. How can Queen fans avoid this look on Roger Taylor?

Anonymous said...



glitzylady said...

Okay, Admin has outdone herself today.... Seriously.

All pics are wonderful. A couple of standouts for me:

The Suit And Tie Adam=Supermodel Adam.

The Red Pants Adam: My first look at Pre-Idol Adam while searching the net after seeing Adam for the first time on Season 8 Idol. "WHO IS THIS GUY??????? AND WHERE DID HE COME FROM!??!!" And yes, Adam, "You [Still] Make Me Crazy"... :)))

Anonymous said...

Oh my!! The without facial hair pics are my faves - STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Pics 3 & 5 are my favorites.

glitzylady said...

Just for old times sake: the Red Pants Adam vid: "Crazy at ART4Life2"..the vid that convinced me during Idol that I would be a ***FAN4Life*** of Adam Lambert. One of those #HolyS**t moments..... Have never fully recovered...and never want to.. ;)))

Adam Lambert - Crazy at Art4Life 2 *REMASTERED* by @lambosessed

Anonymous said...

Don't know why Adam hasn't got some fashion-type contract . . I could just see him strutting down the walk way only if just a "surprise" Blondes show...

Anonymous said...

Adam and Queen just fit so great together . .

Still want Adam concert again with just his band

Anonymous said...

roll eyes

Anonymous said...

Looking at Adam's hair in the red pants picture --- that's what my hair looks like when I roll out of bed in the morning.

Anonymous said...

ouch those red pants. The only one that is NOT good is the first one. Love the rest