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VIDEO: Quick clip of Eli Lieb on OMG Insider singing Wrecking Ball and a picture of Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, October 08, 2013


Anonymous said...

With that pic of Eli and Lambert on TV, a lot of people will think that Eli is Adam's new BF. It's not what I think, but the pic looks that way.

Anonymous said...

Not only will viewers assume Eli is Adam's boyfriend but they will also wonder what ever happened to Adam's music career as he is a far more superior vocalist than Eli. Is he not creating music and why is he not on radio or doing covers of recent hits as there is no news of a recording contract. So ironic isn't it. Sads!

Anonymous said...

Speak for yourself. I'm assuming no such thing. Are you always attempting to depress people? sad indeed
Obviously the glass is always half empty to you, yes sad.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that neither Eli or Adam are saying anything differently about their situation.When they were first seen together a couple of months ago Eli was getting the usual venomous comments on his twitter and at that time he said Adam was a good freind so it went quiet. Looks like its starting up again.Dont know why people feel threatened by Adam having a relationship with a nice mature down to earth man.

Anonymous said...

I think it's great that this keeps Adam's name in the media. Whether or not people check out Eli they might check out Adam and see either the Trespassing album they didn't know about or the stuff with Queen at iHeart.

Anonymous said...

If Adam has a boyfriend he will tell us when he is ready. In the meantime a little publicity is a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Eli is into cover singing and there's nothing wrong with that as such, a cover here and there, Adam does it too. However, this guy has uploaded literally dozens of covers on his YT channel taking advantage of other artists' success. I think he goes far beyond the bounds of propriety, it's downright despicable.

I saw someone call him a leech on Twitter and I'm inclined to agree. I'm so glad that Adam turned down the cover album that was suggested to him.

Anonymous said...

Tell me why are you "marketing" this Eli - he's got more youtube views for this stupid song in a few days than Adam has EVAH had in the same amount of time on ANYTHING he's sung! And you, Adam fans, just keep endorsing Eli... Adam has a much better VOICE, looks totally GORGEOUS and is UNIQUE, million times more ENTERTAINING & INTERESTING!

This sucks big time!

Anonymous said...

For comparison...
Adam covering Rihanna's "Stay" (the YT vid with most hits) has less than 700 000 views in 7 MONTHS...

Anonymous said...

I think many of you are taking this OMG spot too negatively. They wouldn't have connected Adam so aggressively if Adam isn't news. I don't know if they're dating or not, and I don't care if it comes across as such.

Eli's original music is great. His covers are great. He has a very beautiful, different and moving voice, and I'm glad he's getting noticed. I know Adam had a lot to do with it by posting links on twitter and such. So nice of Adam, and great for both of them. Adam obviously believes in Eli.
A candle looses nothing of it's flame by lighting another candle.

This is wonderful TV time for both of them. Be thankful for all of it. Show business is a tough business and exposure is crucial.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I agree, this whole situation SUCKS! Big Time.

Anonymous said...

I hate that Adam gets stabbed in the back every time he turns around.

And quit telling me to be grateful for the crumbs thrown Adam's way.

Anonymous said...

Lol how is he getting stabbed in the back?

Anonymous said...

Ryan Murphy has admitted he is a massive fan of American Idol star Adam Lambert.

The Glee creator has been working with the ‘For Your Entertainment’ singer for the past few weeks, as they put the finishing touches to a new episode of the hit Fox musical.

Adam will take on a new cameo role for a one off appearance on the series and it’s been claimed that he will play Kurt Hummel’s nemesis.

Anonymous said...

Eli and Bridger have a lot in common. They use other people as soon as the opportunity arises. And poor Adam, he is too gullible to see the obvious, always giving, never at the receiving end.

Anonymous said...

omg lol. Don't worry Adam probably fucked both of them. He got what he wanted.

Anonymous said...

1:09, apparently you have missed how many singers get attention on YouTube - they do covers. This is actually very common and not looked down on. It has been mentioned several times on The Voice as the background of how popular some of the contestants have been. There is nothing wrong with doing covers on YouTube.

Anonymous said...

@2:00 PM is of back stabber

Anonymous said...

oh boo hoo hoo y'all cry me a river.

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't blind. He is both a nice guy and a smart guy. Nobody is taking advantage of him. This little tweet and coverage on OMG isn't losing Adam any fans, it can only help him gain fans. Who cares if Eli gains a few in the meantime.

Anonymous said...

2:03 PM
You don't know the meaning of the word back stabber. I am just saying Adam got what he wanted out of the relationships. He wasn't taken advantage of.

Anonymous said...

2.00 is the resident ugly troll with warts trying to make itself feel better each day. No one gives a shit what he says!

Anonymous said...

at 2:04 PM

Eli might be more acceptable as a gay singer to the larger audiences than Adam. Eli looks,... well, he looks normal and ordinary, he is not flamboyant or sexy and he is not offensive or unpredictable. So, he will most probably get a record deal and radio play whereas Adam will not.

Anonymous said...

I don't think either of them are getting record deals. Eli isn't interesting enough to stand out.

Anonymous said...

at 2:00 PM

Looking at those guys, that wasn't very much. Adam could do a lot better.

Anonymous said...

Haha well I think bridger was cute.

Anonymous said...

2:19, your comment has nothing to do with mine, the second 2:04

Anonymous said...

This is all pointless and senseless arguing over nothing. Slow news day?

Anonymous said...

@2:21 PM but then again, the way Eli is handling this Wrecking Ball, he may be just the kind of person promoters like to work with.

Anonymous said...

2.19 that was a total load if homophobic crap! Eli has a long long way to becoming a star near Adam so shove it. Eli had more push on this why its got views. Wrecking ball is way bigger than stay ever was MC fans are ones curious and some Glambert's.

Anonymous said...

Laura: Beautifully put. Thank you for a common sense comment

Anonymous said...

AL is a big boy. maybe he wants it stuck in his back.

Anonymous said...

what's up with the elfish appearance on these lads?

Anonymous said...

Eli, Eli, Eli... Sorry, must have taken a wrong turn at some point...thought this was Adam Lambert fan site...

Anonymous said...

2.45 needs removing admin get a grip.

Anonymous said...

Neither of the lads is particularly pretty, though I have to say that Eli has some sort of likeability factor in his person whereas Bridger with his deepset, dark-rimmed eyes and strange facial expressions hasn't got any whatsoever.

Grumpy guys, both of them.

Anonymous said...

Just read Laura's I agree Sue

Anonymous said...

Thank you, 2:36pm.

I can't believe some of the crazy, almost hateful comments here. Good Lord, what is wrong with you guys? All this insane B.S. from a OMG Insider spot? Please grow up.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Sue, appreciate it. :) Let's hope saner heads prevail.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

at 2:02 PM

I know that many singers do covers but in my books it is still using other people if there isn't much else to offer. Also, you are a pusher if you cover nothing but the biggest and latest numbers.

glitzylady said...

Thank you @laura. You've expressed exactly what I would say if I had more time. On a quick break at work and I come onto this thread about Eli, who I think is great, being supported by his friend Adam Lambert, who I adore and respect for so many reasons, one of which is his unselfish generosity on supporting his worthy and talented artist friends, and I am appalled at the nasty comments about both Adam and his friend Eli.

The rampant disrespect I see here is, in my opinion, unnecessary and unbelievable. And embarrassing on a site that is dedicated to Adam Lambert. I've been trying to avoid commenting lately because so many of the threads here have devolved into snark, name calling, etc. of both Adam, his friends, and other people who come here to flail and support Adam. I feel like its become just another public blog where people come to bash whatever the thread topic is about and each other.

Supporting Adam doesn't always meaning agreeing with each other or about everything Adam does, but a little respect would be nice.

I know I'm leaving myself wide open for verbal abuse but I just had to say these things.

Peace Love and Light

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't be that hard for Admin. To detect IP addresses and delete them. The comment section on this site gives me headache. Tons of other activities at other fan sites but isn't reported here. My fav. Place is Adam Lambert Fan Club on Facebook. All nice positive comments and up to the minute Adam news.

Anonymous said...

I got to get out of here it to much for me! But if I see anyone bashing you GL ill give it to them sure they don't care. They bash me and call me out all the time I could care less. I love this man and the nasties can stuff it, who cares what they think there Internet you know what's, Vernon! Sue

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady!!!:)

Don't you worry about these rats they are dumb and no life!!!!:)

They just want to be here bec. we all stick together and they don't know what to do eh!!)

Just let them be and we enjoy the rest he!he!


Anonymous said...

I think many of us are torn between the concept of Adam helping someone else, like Eli, and still struggling with his own career when few, if any, current popular successful singers openly support Adam. I know he has the Glee thing going, and that's great. We all hope it will open some new doors. But to hear that Eli got all those hits for his song kind of hits me hard. Adam has such talent but struggles to find a larger audience. His Queen and Nile/Avicii connections are wonderful, but that is not the only answer.

BTW, I am confused by that article about Glee that says he is doing a "cameo." We've been under the impression from Glee cast members and the producer that Adam will be on multiplle episodes with a developing character. Not just one episode. I don't expect Adam to be on every episode, but I assumed maybe three or four??? Now it's a "cameo?" I'm confused.

As glitzyldy just posted, I adore Adam for his great qualities: generosity, kindness, support. He's always suporting other singers and praising them. We keep waiting for his turn to come. He deserves it. The snark here gets to me, too. Makes my stomach actually hurt at times. I can't help it. I truly care about the future of Adam's career. He's made several important landmarks in the music business. His name will always be there. I wish we were more united sometimes, that's all.


Anonymous said...

So just because you don't think anybody has helped Adam enough then Adam shouldn't help anybody either? That attitude is part of the problem with this place.

Anonymous said...

anon 3:05 your mind must be stuck in the gutta?

Anonymous said...

2:45 could've meant a cooking utensil.

Anonymous said...

@4:09 PM No, you're the entire problem.

Anonymous said...

@3:05 PM - Post #2

As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think that Eli is a very nice looking man; He seems very calm, and very nice
and good natured. From what I have seen on this site, about his rode trip from colorado to California driving alone; it was very humoreous and interesting. I can see why he and Adam are friends. They both seem to be very good, honest men.

If you respect Adam; I would say that disrespecting his friends, that you don't even know, is just plain crazy.

HK fan said...

For those saying its wrong for Eli to be doing all these cover songs on youtube, have any of you ever heard of Michael Buble????

He has made his career (and a very successful one at that) singing cover songs.......

Anonymous said...

anon 3:05 post #1 your mind must be stuck in the gutta:) exactly where it should be.

Anonymous said...

4:23, a person who thinks it is good to help other people is the entire problem with this place? That was one of the nicer comments here. I'm thinking you might be one of the problems.

Anonymous said...

what is up with all the elfishness?

Anonymous said...

was trolls now elfs.

Anonymous said...

glitzy, I've been saying for a long time this site has devolved into the comment section at Perez or Yahoo etc. This is not right on a site with Adam's name on it and it's past time for some moderation. Either modderation or close the comments.

Anonymous said...

For the crazy troll that calling everybody names and trashing everything Adam and disrespecting older fans, if you are sane and young and smart, why don't you have a job of your own? What does it take for you not to follow Adam since you're not a fan of his accomplishments? There are tons of other artists you can follow who are successful why don't you want to support them?

Anonymous said...

Whatever recognition eli gets its his talent, his choices, his hard work that is behind it. Adam has nothing to do with it.

Anonymous said...

Any chance this will calm down the complainers?

Eli Lieb ‏@elilieb 43m
One of the best voices Ive ever heard RT:“@ElianeMe: @elilieb You know Adam Lambert. I love him. What do you have to say about his voice??”

Anonymous said...

@5:18 PM "one of the best" jeez, even Nate from fun said Adam was the best singer he knows.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused....why all this spitefulness? DRG, Glitzylady, I'm with you.


Anonymous said...

@5:14 PM

Well I would not go that far; Adam has helped to get him some exposure; but you are right about his talents and other hard work. Evidently, Adam believes in Eli's talents and has introduced him to his fans on twitter; as Adam does for many of his friends and acquaintances. Eli even said that Adam has been very helpful to him and he appreciated it.

Adam and Eli seem to have become very good friends; and that is probably a good thing; as long as they are happy. Adam and all of his real friends seem to be very close.

Anonymous said...

@5:18pm. Thanks for that tweet! It definitely calm me down from the troll nasty comments. He has been busy since yesterday trash talking Adam and fans using foul words.

Anonymous said...

@DRG/3:56 PM

I am hearing that it is not true about the cameo article in the sense that Adam's role would be a cameo role; but used in the sense that he would do a cameo of a David Bowie type character; is how some are explaining it.

The producer is saying that Adam will be an important part of Glee, season 5, and that Adam has come up with a lot of good ideas about his character. Said that cast and crew just love Adam. I am not surprised at that. Go Adam! Cannot wait until November 7th. Hope that Adam gets a ratings bonanza. Off to work. Have a great evening.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady 3:28pm, thank you ... and I agree with everything you said.

But, now I'm REALLY MAD. Why didn't CT 5:27pm list ME as someone she agreed with too? Why is she only with you and DRG?!!! Damn it! Is she trying to start a WAR between us? This *@#%*&@ fan site. I'm done!!

Hee hee hee....

xo laura

Anonymous said... you, and love GL, CT, DRG, JAK, Lammy, and other positive great anon. Glamberts. We just love Adam no matter what and all these negative comments about Adam and his career and his personal life just makes ones sick.

Anonymous said...

7:19 PM
I totally agree. Thanks Laura, DRG, Glitzylady and others mentioned here!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I (8:04 PM) meant my comment to 7:41 PM. (But the one before it was Laura's, so no problem.)

Anonymous said...

Soulless posters.