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Adam Lambert 'The Fox'

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Anonymous said...

I kinda like that song now.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Lovely! So colourful and those high notes from Lea Michelle are killers! This will make any child smile, laugh and hit replay multiple times; another million+ views type video. I feel a sudden surge of synergy from this Glee cast with Adam in it. I didn't feel this, prior to Adam's addition to the Glee cast. Not only does Adam stand out, he lifts everyone else with him along the way; a kind of multi-kilowatt electrical energy in play. lwl!


Anonymous said...

This is just way too cute!! My little grandaughters are gonna love this! They are 7 and 4 and love Adam as much as I do!

Anonymous said...

Please watch the official Glee version if you are in the US.

Anonymous said...

A song that I've never paid any attention to before is now stuck in my head! I like it! I will be purchasing the Glee version of the song, of course. It's pure fun listening to Adam and the crew sing this song, and it's an added bonus with the Muppets!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

Without disrespect to Glee...I just wanna see Adam on that screen! The anticipation has been building and darn we miss him so much. Adam commands everything he does. So is the life of a genius entertainer.

HK fan said...

mmmm well I was rather disappointed....they cut out Adams solo part for the show, and barely showed him, just got quick glimpses of half of him on the edge of the screen....
Won't be rewatching this one like I do MTN.

Anonymous said...

Weird and funny ! Axel...

Anonymous said...

Yes disappointed they cut Adam's singing part,but poor Demi she is barely getting screen time. Maybe cause she is busy with X Factor,but her fans can't be too happy. At least Adam is getting screen time and some singing parts and Into the Groove with Kurt.

Anonymous said...

How does Adam do it?

Even as a puppet,he manages to come off as sexy. I know...weird...but there's a certain amount of 'cool' to the green one....of course his master is the epitome of cool!

Adam is so multi-faceted. I don't know of too many with his range of talent.

leilani aloha said...

Adam sure stands out as Starchild!!!Again!:):):)